The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 461: Ukraine Raiders One

"This business is not very big, you can make a decision." Katsura could still feel that Masaichi Temple was hiding something. The artillery is delivered with one hand, and there is no risk. Although the rifle is risky, but the amount is not high, just like this, it is necessary to fight with me as a prime minister?

"He wants to do long-term transactions, we pay with gold and rubber, but the price must be lower than the market price, and he can provide us with weapons through the turnover of the third country." said Masaichi Temple.

"Any weapon is fine?" Kataro asked.

"Except for heavy artillery, at least general weapons are okay," said Masaichi Temple.

"Let's do it." Kataro finally understood that the mining of gold and silver is controlled by the Japanese government, and the other party obviously prefers these currencies harder than the yen. If you want to conclude this transaction, the War Department will naturally need it. Raise gold and silver from yourself!

"His Royal Highness, have you decided to let Japan take a share of our arms handling?" When Masaichi Terauchi went to ask Kataro for gold, Earl Schelling also found the prince. Historically, Japan ordered 400 artillery and complete sets of accessories from Krupp. This is a fairly large order. How many artillery did Japan have before the start of the Russo-Japanese War? But only 1,200 doors!

"Yeah, only when the two sides fight together, the more intense the fight, and the longer it lasts for us to make a profit. If Russia is too strong and Japan is too weak, then what else can we earn?" the prince said of course. .

"But our relationship with the United States?" Earl Schelling said worriedly.

"Remember that capitalists have no borders. For money, they can sell anything, even the rope that can hang themselves! One of the sources of Japanese chemical raw materials and special steel imports is the United States! And the U.S. government is unaware of this. Close one eye. I don't trust any capitalists, including those in Germany." The prince said. Americans never give up business. At this point, the Americans are even more thorough than the British.

Although the US government and society are extremely hostile to Japan, there are still loopholes in some products that are not so strictly defined. Some businessmen in the United States have also done tricks in this regard. And the prince is just learning something. Besides, German battleships in this era can be equipped with British steam turbines. The optical lenses used by French battleships are Germans. Volkeng Shipyard participated in the tender for Russian dreadnoughts. So, don’t overestimate this era. The ethics of the capitalists of various countries and the control of the national team economy...

"In addition to this matter, there are some Austrians who hope to join this feast in their own name. As you know, apart from the Russian military, Russian people also have a lot of purchasing power. After all, the Russian Cossacks Cavalry can purchase equipment on their own. They are mercenaries of the Tsar and enjoy various privileges." Count Schelling thought for a while and said.

Although Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire reached a certain understanding on the Balkan issue, for example, the two sides stopped changing their troops stationed in the relevant area. But overall there is still a hostile relationship. The Russians will not buy Austrians if they purchase equipment in large quantities. Obviously some people who want to make money can only ask Germans for help, and Bavaria is naturally the big one!

"The arms sales to Russia must be in our own hands. I have other arrangements. If they want to make money, they can participate in other projects." The prince refused directly.

"As you wish, Your Royal Highness." Earl Schelling took the order and left.

"It's really a troublesome thing." Looking at the piece of land on the north shore of the Black Sea on the map, the prince shook his head involuntarily. The Ukrainian issue is a troublesome thing, a very troublesome thing, even if the historical Brest treaty can be successfully signed, it is still troublesome!

Ukraine is an important granary in Russia, and this granary covers an area of ​​600,000 square kilometers, which is larger than Germany today! Occupying a place is not the purpose, it is important to use as little effort as possible to obtain their resources. Historically, in order to obtain enough supplies from Ukraine, Germany even left more than a dozen divisions in Ukraine for search and transportation. Let’s not talk about how much force was wasted, the things you can get are relatively limited.

So on this plane, the prince decided to change his mind! Ukraine must be independent from Russia, but Germany does not establish a Ukrainian interim government, or rather, only supports one of the factions, and this faction is naturally a faction that can provide Germany with as much food as possible! Even as an arms dealer, he provided weapons to multiple factions. After the collapse of the Russian government, only the Germans could provide a large number of weapons! The speed of collecting food by the Germans is far less than that of the locals. In order to obtain German armed forces, nobles in Ukraine, the White Army or some other people will definitely take the last grain in exchange! As for the consequences this time, the prince has not considered it because this is not something he needs to manage.

"For the vassals, you must not give them all the benefits at once! But absolutely let them bear all the disasters at once!" The prince believed in this sentence, no matter how the Germans helped the Ukrainians in World War I , They are all outsiders, in the hearts of Ukrainians, they are all invaders, and Germany must obtain supplies from Ukraine, and Ukrainians did not have much inventory during the years of war. This is an irreconcilable contradiction No matter what the prince does, it is impossible to have a good result.

As for resuming production? This is hard to say. Although Ukraine has a lot of arable land, it is a big granary, but don’t forget that it supported the entire Russia during the war, a large amount of grain was transported, and Ukraine itself had a population of about 30 million. These people also need food! After the war began, there was definitely a shortage of large-scale livestock. After the war, how did the messy Ukraine quickly resume production? Germans can't put supplies inside, right?

What if Germany supports Ukraine's independence? What if there is a puppet government? The Ukrainian people don’t appreciate it. They think that the Germans are another oppressor, not even as good as the original Russians. They will oppose it. In order to maintain the regime it supports, Germany must invest in troops and money. This is not worth the gain. thing. That being the case, let Ukraine experience real chaos and anarchy! No one cares about you, the domestic powerhouse is king, death and killing will be the theme of this chaotic period! At that time, when the Ukrainians realize that no matter who is to inform Ukraine, it is better than a chaos, it is when the prince needs to play!

Thanks to the book friends First Guards Tank Brigade, Slowly Touring K, Chen111, and the sea has the edge~~~! And the support of book friends such as zsuzm, 929905, lonely heart wandering, Gneisenau, *lantian, etc.~~~! Slow subscription recovery--! The smashed top two days ago has not recovered yet--! Seeking subscription~~~!