The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 457: Prince's abacus

"This is natural. The requirements for flight speed and agility can be reduced. After all, this kind of aircraft is used for ground attack and not for air combat. What I need is stability and ammunition capacity during range and low-altitude flight. Other indicators can be adjusted appropriately." The prince said.

"If we are working on two projects at the same time, in addition to money, we also need more personnel, especially aircraft test pilots. In addition, as the person in charge of the entire project, I must remind you that everything you are studying now is for civilian use. There is not much value in this aspect, because airships can do a better job in observing the atmosphere, and the use of airplanes to transport people and goods is obviously not worth the loss. The biggest use I can think of at present may be to send some urgent documents." After a while, Li Lintal said honestly.

"I took this into consideration when I was working on this project. To be honest, this is the only one in all my projects that loses money, and I will not consider making money for a long time in the future. All the money I invested Neither manpower nor financial return is required. The only requirement is that you can provide qualified products!" said the prince very generously.

"But you can now carry out this project together with the Prussian government. I don't doubt the Bavarian Kingdom's determination and financial resources in this project that will help mankind break away from the earth, but I always think that if someone is willing to share it, It will be better." Baron Daimler considered this issue from an economic point of view.

"Well, I have discussed this matter with General Xiaomoqi, and he will report it to the Kaiser very soon, but His Majesty is not interested in this, and now the Military Supplies Department under the German General Staff is operating this They can't help much." The prince said with a weird expression.

The first thing that needs to be certain is that the German senior management is not very interested in this, or is cautious. This is not only a problem for the Kaiser, but also a problem for the German senior management as a whole, at least in the small Mochiden. Before Prussia came to the throne of the chief of staff, this form cannot be changed! The Kaiser's keenness for aircraft is far less than his keenness for machine guns.

This kind of aircraft that swayed up and down has no military value at present, and even the relatively mature balloons have not received enough attention. Even their later situation was worse than that of the aircraft. When they were drawing up the combat plan , The German General Staff is considering whether to include the balloon troops in the mobilization system, because this thing seems insignificant...

In history, the Luftwaffe only purchased the first batch of aircraft in 1907, a total of 7 aircraft, and then began military training. And all this was done under the impetus of Xiao Maoqi. Therefore, the current senior German leaders lack interest in balloons and airplanes. This is true, but if you say that the prince has no selfishness, it is also impossible. He could have convinced the emperor himself, relying on his influence and status. This is certain. After all, the prince’s vision has been gained. Recognized by the German high-level, even if there were conflicts with Count Schriefing and Tirpitz, these people would still listen to the prince when it comes to strategic issues, not to mention that the Kaiser trusts the prince in this respect. .

The fundamental reason why the prince chose to be silent is to ensure that the Bavarian aviation force can have a larger scale! Yes, it is a larger scale. As long as the Prussian General Staff does not establish a national aviation management department, then how Bavaria engages in the air force is entirely its own business. I have money, and I am willing to get 500 aircraft. It is not the regular establishment in the German army, and as long as it is not a regular establishment, then how much do I care about your Prussian affairs?

In fact, Germany officially established an independent aviation department on September 26, 1912, and the establishment of a real combat force began in October. At the beginning of the establishment of the army, the German aviation department had already limited the size of the aviation force and the proportion of each kingdom! Among them, the Kingdom of Bavaria, as the second largest mountain in Germany, naturally has an aviation force and is in charge of the Bavarian Military Flight Agency. And because of the air power quota that Bavaria can allocate under this system, it is far from meeting the needs of the prince!

When the German army was mobilized on August 1, 1914, there were a total of 254 trained pilots and 271 aviation observers. These pilots formed 30 Prussian Army Air Teams, 4 Bavarian Army Air Teams, 6 Prussian Fortress Air Teams and 1 Bavarian Fortress Air Team.

In terms of logistical support, Prussia has 8 ground handling units and Bavaria has only one. Prussia has four aircraft maintenance detachments, while Bavaria has only one. In terms of scale, Bavaria's aviation capacity is only about one-sixth of Prussia's. Not only is the proportion terribly low, but the actual number is even more pitiful! You know, at that time, the army flying team only had 6 aircraft, while the fortress flying squadron had only 4 aircraft! The entire Bavaria’s aviation power together is no more than the size of a larger squadron in World War II. This is not even enough to perform reconnaissance missions! The most critical thing is a serious shortage of reserve personnel!

So if you wait for Prussia to take the lead, then the day lily will be cold. After all, Bavaria is not a prince alone, let alone Prussia. Therefore, the prince decided to start working on airplanes ahead of time, and to enlarge the scale of Bavaria before Prussia decided to establish a unified German aviation system. And once the scale is up, Prussia can't force you to downsize, right? I have 150 planes. You forced me to reduce it to 25? What do you want? Are you paying the bill for the cut down planes?

If Prussia wants to ensure its suppressive power in the air force, it’s okay. You can expand the scale. Bavaria has 150 aircraft, so you can build 900 aircraft yourself. If you don’t have money, then it’s good, you can reduce the scale, anyway, the new aircraft in Bavaria cannot be abolished. This is actually a disguised increase in the number of aircraft available to Germany during the war.

However, the prince estimated that if nothing else, Prussia’s aviation capabilities would not be overwhelmed, because from the economic situation, Bavaria’s military spending is far more abundant than Prussia, and Bavaria takes up one-sixth to five of Germany. One-third of the total economic output feeds a force that is a little more than one-seventh of the entire German army. And if you want to talk about the government's financial situation, Bavaria has an advantage, because so far, all state-owned industries have high profit margins. Without a profit of more than 50%, the prince is not interested at all. Coupled with the diamond mines in Namibia, Bavaria has plenty of money!

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