The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 415: Surprise

Just as the prince was hesitant and wandering, it seemed that some people felt that Ruprecht’s mind was not messed up. Just before the final order of the Kaiser was given, another important guest came to the palace in Munich. And this person is not someone else, it is the Turkish military representative General Shefkai and his little brothers who had been talking to the prince six months ago. "It's really bad for the Italians to do confidential work. Do Turks know?" The prince complained about the Italian while preparing to receive the distinguished guest. "You seem to be very exhausted during this time. But it is not because of the upcoming wedding. Because your face is not a bit of joy." After the initial greetings, General Shefkai did not seem to intend to continue to detour, but directly Said straightforwardly. "If I'm not mistaken, your country is in trouble, and one of the focal points of the trouble is our Turkey, isn't it?" "Yes. This is difficult to do. Germany can't be because of an outside alliance. Countries, and the countries in the alliance, whether it is politically or economically." The prince's answer is also very direct. "It seems that I can breathe a sigh of relief." Xie Fukai said with a smile. "What do you mean?" The prince frowned slightly. He was a little angry, but he didn't like playing dumb fans with others on these key issues. This was the most boring and inefficient thing! "You once said that you want to establish an alliance with Turkey. I was half-believing this statement at the time, but now I really believe it! Because in the situation where the domestic and foreign forms are very unfavorable, you are still thinking about a way out. , I have not given up on Turkey. I see sincerity. If you give up, you will not be blamed and you do not have to take any risks, but it is clear that you have given up this simple choice." General Shefkai said. "Don't put high hats on me, we all represent our own countries now, and countries are talking about interests, and vanity and praise have no effect." The prince said angrily. "However, there is nothing you can see in Turkey right now. You are doing great things, whether it is monopolizing the supply of armored steel for battleships in the world, or occupying half of the German shipbuilding industry, or mining diamonds in South Africa. Mines can illustrate this point." "I heard that your country’s newly built ships are popularizing kerosene mixed-burning boilers, and a large number of motor vehicles have been added. A lot of heavy oil, gasoline and diesel are needed, and these materials need to be imported from the United States. , Is that so?" Shefkai said. "That's it." The prince did not deny. "Then do you think this is okay? We completely transfer to you the future oil extraction rights of the entire Mesopotamia. As long as we can succeed in the coup, as long as our African colonies remain ours. Then you will be responsible for the oil resources of the entire Mesopotamia. Shared with the Turkish government, we are divided into 70%! You account for 70%!" After that, General Shefkai took a pencil on the table and walked to the front of the map, including all regions including the entire future generations of Iraq and Kuwait. ! "I rub! In the future, 20% of the world's oil resources will belong to me?" The prince was surprised that his jaw almost fell to the ground. As a traverser, Ruprecht knew what General Shefkai had given Bavaria with his hand. ! Black gold, a land flowing with black gold! But soon, the prince gradually calmed down. Although the Mesopotamia was rich in oil resources and it was not difficult to extract, the oil production in the Mesopotamia was not high before the end of the Second World War. The later generation of Iraq was in the second war The output is only more than 4 million tons. One of the most critical factors was that oil resources were not widely used at that time. Oil is more expensive than coal, and the number of cars and airplanes that can only use oil and its derivatives is still very small. Regardless of the fact that Germany did not have oil fields in World War I, have you ever heard of a lack of fuel in Germany? At the start of the war, the German army, with only 4,000 vehicles, could not even run out of fuel. The petrochemical industry is still budding. Therefore, there is no demand for oil, and natural production is not high. Even before World War II, oil became a strategic resource. But the situation is different now. Other than that, Bavaria needs oil, and Austria can also vigorously develop the petrochemical industry, such as synthetic rubber... Don't think that synthetic rubber became popular only in World War II. In fact, it was also in World War I, and it was also made by the Germans. Although the performance of methyl synthetic rubber synthesized from dimethylbutadiene is not good, it is cheap. The oil extraction in the Mesopotamia is actually not difficult. The key is to have someone invest and have a market. Both are lacking in As for the British people know what will happen? After going through a large number of documents, the prince discovered that in 1900 it was only found that there was oil in some places. The British had not yet decided to invest. Perhaps it was because the prospects were unclear and the Turkish government did not know how much benefit it would make. Give yourself the oil extraction rights in the Mesopotamia, right? The prince has been thinking about how to fudge the oil exploitation rights of the Mesopotamia, and the Turks have sent them to the door by themselves! This is too polite.... Kindness is hard to come by! Ruprecht calmed down his excitement. After all, General Shefquet is not in power now, and it is still unknown whether he can fulfill the agreement after he is in power. Even if the general agrees, what about the Young Turkish Party? Therefore, while confirming that he could pick up a huge treasure, the prince also added insurance to the agreement. "The German government will not make a clear statement. If the Kingdom of Bavaria does it in the name of volunteers, there will be many difficulties. Start-up funding is a big problem. We are fighting against a European power. The Italians are also endorsed by British and French funds. Will launch an attack." The prince understood very well, I can help you, but you always have to suppress something, right? Don't use future interests as collateral, this thing is not real money and silver! "This request is reasonable." General Shefkai's answer was unexpected to the prince. "I will give you an account within 2 days. 80% of all Young Turkish Party funds in Europe come from here. According to my estimation, at least 500,000 pounds, you can use half of it. There will be an amount every month. Varying capital inflows." "In addition, we will proceed as planned, and the current regime will inevitably be overthrown." General Shefkai's answer surprised the prince.