The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 41: Ensuing orders

"What?! The supply of new hardened armor will be postponed?" When Sir Watts had just finished his meeting with the Argentines and was about to go back and work in retreat for two weeks before he came up with a sketch, the representative of the Armstrong Shipyard brought him. Here comes a news that breaks his heart!

"How is it possible? Didn't our government negotiate with the other party? The first batch of 2000 tons of hardened armor will be delivered in 5 months!" Watts said angrily.

"This is just a cooperation intention. The two sides still have differences on the price issue. Just last Saturday, the Russians suddenly proposed to eat all the first batch of hardened armor at a price increase of 15 pounds per ton, and the Germans advanced The construction of two new armored cruisers was started, and the cargo originally distributed to us was divided by the two!"

The other party's answer made Watts completely desperate. He knew that because of some people's operations, the Argentine's order was completely out of favor with him!

"This is a conspiracy!" The angry Sir Watts quickly connected a series of recent events. First, a firepower display organized by Krupp, which devalued the dome cruiser for nothing, and then The Russians ordered a large number of armored steel to squeeze out the part of the British, and then the orders they got themselves flew.

The customer’s requirements and his own survival did not meet the specifications, and even if Watts’ character broke out to design, it would still be aborted due to armor supply problems. Faced with such a situation, he has no choice. After all, the other party’s decision is reasonable and reasonable. The Russians offered a higher price. The Germans will naturally give priority to the supply. What about the British domineering? The agreement has not been initialed, and it is impossible to demand liquidated damages!

It’s not that Sir Watts never thought about the last one. After all, American Harvey armored steel is also hardened armor. Although it is a little worse, he gave up soon. Harvey armored steel plus shipping price It is already higher than the German hardened armor produced locally in Europe. If the price remains unchanged, the profit of the warship will be too low for the shipyard to tolerate, and the Argentines also expressed their preference for German hardened armor!

When Sir Watts regretted that he could not fulfill the customer's request due to various reasons, the Argentine did not express any loss. On the second day of the talks between the two sides, the Argentine boarded the ship to Germany. Their goal is naturally only one Brom-Fuchs shipyard! This is the only country in the world that can guarantee the supply of armored steel and is building a new armored cruiser!

"Well, pay attention to the price. The endurance, firepower and tonnage of the battleship should be slightly reduced. The Argentines don't need these. They are just an offshore navy." When the Argentines came to Germany, Rupp Prince Recht sent a telegram specifically to the baron.

In his memory, Argentina in the early 1990s only ordered a second-class protective cruiser of more than 3,000 tons in the United Kingdom. Although there are various things in front of it, how much money can the Argentines pay? It's hard to say. Therefore, the traveler suggested that the Baron reduce performance and price!

But what struck the prince was that perhaps the stimulus brought about by the experimental results was too great. The Argentines not only stopped the plan for the cruiser purchased from the UK, but also stopped the plans for two other small coastal defense ships. The Argentines awakened earlier than in history. This time, they decided to buy a battleship that could face the Chilean Captain Pratt!

"For a 6800-ton battleship, let’s calculate it at a price of £100 for 1 ton, and then add the miscellaneous expenses. Let’s round up. How about you give £700,000?" When Baron Vittorio held a slightly smaller foreign trade version of Munich armor When the cruiser was sent to the opponent, unexpectedly, the opponent accepted the offer without much counter-offer!

"700,000 pounds, plus the required ammunition, individual weapons and insurance return costs." The Argentine nodded almost directly to accept the offer! The negotiation went so well that the Baron seemed to wonder if there was a problem with his head!

"This TM is so smooth, and it's so smooth!" Seeing the Argentine stamp the contract decisively, the Baron felt like he was messed up! "There must be a problem here! Definitely!" But by this time, it seemed that there was no way to change anything. The contract is signed, what else?

But in line with the rigor of being a designer, the Baron still wants to make things clear, so he plans to use his eyeliner to investigate the matter. But just after the job was assigned and the investigation was not started, the answer came by myself. As soon as the Argentine's front foot left, the Spaniard's back foot came!

"General Severa, do you also want to order a Munich-class armored cruiser?" Has been fighting in the field of battleship design for more than ten years. He believes that he has profound skills and has seen such a proactive guest for the first time! When the Spanish representative expressed his intentions, the Baron slowly sorted out his thoughts and finally understood the causality!

Although the Spanish empire has fallen, it still bears the name of a great power? And as a basic feature of the great powers-colonies. Spain does have three remaining colonies overseas. Distributed in Africa, America and Asia. Since there is a colony, there is a need to protect the colony. Although it cannot be compared with the real first-rate and second-rate powers, the Spanish Navy can still be regarded as a small power for a while, at least during the Sino-Japanese War of Japan and Manchu are stronger!

If nothing else, Spain in history should build the first ship of the Maria Theresa-class belt cruiser at this time. How to say it, this is a paper tiger that looks very good on paper, but in fact it has no hardened armor and insufficient protection area.

In the Spanish-American War, she and her sister ship were crushed and sunk by 4 American battleships of 10,000 tons and a 9,000-ton armored cruiser of Brooklyn. The Garibaldi cruiser Clone was also destroyed along with them. This buddy was almost able to run away and was stranded...

And this time, because of two comparative experiments, the Spanish people unexpectedly discovered that the cruiser he was about to start construction was a broiler in the future! The firepower of rapid-fire guns and picric acid high-explosive shells can blast unprotected areas into slag, and ordinary steel-faced iron armor is really behind, 10 inches to 12 inches heavy armor, and even not as good as 7-inch hardened armor! This makes the Spanish feel unacceptable!

Since I cannot produce a suitable battleship in a short time, the best way is to buy a top one immediately! Looking around Europe, it seems that the Bavarian Design Bureau and its partners can provide such warships. After all, other shipyards are not authorized...

"Well, the Cologne was born prematurely like this?" When the prince received the telegram, he couldn't help but feel the power of the butterfly effect. He just invited military attaches from various countries to do a comparative experiment! It caused so many things. Thinking of the performance of the Spanish Navy in the Spanish-American War, the traversers shuddered.

"Don't get my brand smashed by the Spaniard at the end!" The prince thought in his heart.

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