The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 409: Austro-Hungarian Special Envoy 1

The Austro-Hungarian Empire also attached great importance to this marriage, not because it would make the relationship between Germany and Austria-Hungary closer, because whether it was Emperor Fritz or other high-level officials, they knew that the German Emperor did not want to see This marriage. They regarded this marriage as the key to the reconstruction of the old friendship between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the former southern German states.

The Austrian emperor knows very well that now the Austro-Hungarian Empire can only respond to threats from its surroundings by relying on Germany. The weaker Austro-Hungarian Empire is a bit like Germany's younger brother, not an equal ally. And if it is possible to establish an extraordinary relationship with an influential state within Germany, then it is naturally very desirable for Austria-Hungary. What's more, the economic and military cooperation between Bavaria and Austria-Hungary has been around for a long time, and Austria has benefited a lot from it. This time, the Austrian emperor sent the Count Taf, known as the "iron ring", to further strengthen the two sides. Partnership.

His father Ludwig III and Earl Schelling are responsible for the specific matters of marriage, and the prince only needs to follow their plans and go step by step. Of course, the cooperation between Bavaria and Austria needs to be handled by the prince himself.

"The imperial government has agreed to the Turkish government's proposal to join the Allied Powers system. As long as General Shefkai and the Young Turkish Party can succeed, then the imperial government will have no objections." Count Taf said.

Emperor Fritz is still very entangled in accepting a prey country to become his ally. The Austro-Hungarian Empire, especially Austria, is interested in the Balkans. This interest is not only aimed at small countries like Serbia, but also at Turkey, the sick man in Europe and Asia. If it were not for the fact that the two sides were not next to each other, the Austro-Hungarian Empire would be more likely to choose Turkey instead of Serbia. After all, the latter had a boss named Russia, and Turkey was alone.

In order for the Austro-Hungarian Empire to accept this proposal, the prince had to transfer some of the benefits, such as agreeing to give the Austro-Hungarian Empire a 20% share on the issue of arms exports to the Turkish Army. At the same time, it will persuade Turkey to give certain preferential policies to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the fields of trade and agriculture.

"I am very satisfied with this result. The joining of Turkey will make the Allies stronger." The prince smiled and nodded.

"But there are three countries in the Allies. It is not enough for Germany and us to accept it. Italy must also express its stance. Although it will not sign the relevant treaty now, it must at least release some goodwill to Turkey." Count Taf said.

"I understand what you mean. Do you want Germany to come forward to further suppress Italy? Is your country still worried about Italy?" A simple statement is not what the earl needs, although after the prince "visited" Italy. Italy said nothing more on the issue of Germany and Portugal. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Italy is very dissatisfied with this. Austro-Hungary, which has always had a bad relationship with Italy, hopes to further suppress this dishonest ally.

"To be honest, we do lack control over Italy. They follow standardism. And their diplomatic policy is more flexible. But I will ask the Kaiser to send a note to Italy for them to express their views on the Turkish issue. It's just a statement. It shouldn't be difficult," the prince said.

"I heard that you and the Kingdom of Württemberg have signed a new cooperation agreement. In the future, part of the car engines of the two parties will be imported from the Kingdom of Württemberg, is this true?" Count Tuft said.

"That's it." The prince nodded and said.

"Then the reason? Is the Bohemia region's technical strength insufficient or insufficient production capacity? Or is it an economic problem?" Count Tuft frowned slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction.

The future industrial layout of the Prince is like this. Bavaria is responsible for the assembly and production of automobiles, tanks and other motor vehicles, as well as the future aviation industry. The Bohemia region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, that is, the later Czech Republic, was responsible for the production of engines and some parts. The labor cost of the latter had an advantage over Bavaria.

However, due to some historical reasons, the prince was very afraid of the Czechs who tended to be independent. In line with the idea of ​​not being able to put eggs in a basket, the prince had to share the risk decisively, and the best sharer was Wuteng who belonged to South Germany. Fort Kingdom, as a brother who used to work with Bavaria and the Central Committee, the relationship between the two sides is still very good. It turned out that Bavaria was poor and naturally could not give anything, but now it is different. A wealthy Bavaria can use money to bring the relationship between the two parties to the next level.

And think about future generations such as famous companies such as Daimler-Chrysler and Porsche. Everyone knows that the industrial capacity of the Kingdom of Württemberg is absolutely new, and it can definitely complete the tasks assigned by the prince.

"Mr. Earl, we can assure the person in charge that our orders from Austria will not decrease, and we will also establish a new pharmaceutical factory with the Austrian government." In order to appease the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the prince threw an olive branch. And this so-called new drug is the famous arsenic of later generations, and he has another new name called 606. (As for what you are doing, you can check it online.)

The prince has invited the inventor of this drug, Paul Ehrlich, to work in the newly formed Nuremberg Pharmaceutical Group. Now this special drug has been found, and now there is no industrial manufacturing method. It is naturally difficult for such a huge cake prince to swallow it alone. Therefore, it is better to transfer the interests to the Austro-Hungarian Empire than to "provide" Prussia. After all, the former has become the "prey" of the prince.

Of course, the profit of a drug like 606 can be shared, but another drug that is more difficult to extract and has a better effect. The more important drug can only be exclusive to Bavaria, penicillin! The panacea when it first came out was not something that could be obtained by simple chemical synthesis. The selection and cultivation of strains required time, and the initial output was very small. The price is more expensive than gold! This kind of thing, the prince does not plan to throw it out now, at least he has to wait until others can't take care of it, such as before the outbreak of war...

"We can understand this." A simple exchange of interests. The interests of Austria-Hungary have not been damaged, and it is possible to add a new peripheral member to the current Austro-Hungarian-Bavarian alliance. Such a cost-effective sale and purchase of the Earl of Taf will naturally not be opposed.

Thanks to book friends z911, the First Guards Tank Brigade, good books are hard to find, two zero one three, Wu Yue, Slow Yu K, little people, follower, seaside~~~! And the support of the book friends I am my mind, Black Nebula, Kasaki, I am sleeping, and reading books in my spare time~~~!