The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 377: Blood War II

General French’s judgment was correct. At this time, the battle had entered a critical moment. Both the British and the Boers were losing blood. Although the Boers were well equipped, the number of personnel was limited, and their reinforcements were met by Colonel George. The suppression of artillery can contain the opponent's attack is already the limit, the so-called counterattack is more like a backlash.

Although the British paid a greater price, a considerable part of the British army has entered the trenches of the other side and began to develop in depth. It obviously takes time for the Boers to completely remove these nails. The British are dominant in the number, and naturally it is impossible to give up halfway when they have already hit the wedge!

Following the command of General French, British cavalry companies prepared to attack one by one. They put down the sabers and spears belonging to the cavalry, and picked up short carbines with good bayonet. Throw away all the decorations and objects that are not suitable for the charge, and rush to the front line without hesitation to support their comrades!

When the second wave of British troops launched an assault, the situation on the entire battlefield changed! The chatter from the ground made General French feel a trace of fear! He immediately leaned down to feel the vibration of the ground, someone is coming! A lot of cavalry! They are in the southeast!

"Their target is George's artillery! The Boer's cavalry is here!" The cavalry showdown he had expected so much has now become a reminder for the British army! At the most critical moment, the British have invested a large number of reserves to prepare to punch through the opponent's defense in one go! The Boer’s cavalry finally appeared, they appeared just right, and they were in a vacuum at the limit of the British forces!

Earlier, the British could use ample reserves to block their opponents. It didn’t matter if they were later. At that time, the opponent had already been penetrated, and the British could concentrate on dealing with this wave of cavalry! But now, the British are facing both sides!

"Vylon, you are preparing to support General George with 800 cavalry! Seize the opportunity, if you fail, then I won't be able to spare enough troops to save you!" French said solemnly.

"The British cavalry moved!" Calypte finally launched an offensive. He devoted all his troops to the attack on the George Artillery. The fundamental reason why he chose George instead of French was that the latter was fundamentally involved. It's not something he can eat, even if the opponent has already put 1,500 people in charge of the attack, the remaining troops still dominate! In the absence of heavy weapons, the cavalry attacked the infantry guarded with rapid-fire weapons almost to death! Although George has a large number of artillery, but there is not enough infantry cover, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to turn things around in one fell swoop!

Nearly 1,500 cavalry were thrown into this wave of decisive charges. This was the first fundamentalist cavalry battle between the Boers since the war began. Thousands of horses shook the ground and charged towards the British like an angry ancient behemoth. The artillery team! The smoke from the horseshoe covered half of the battlefield, and the Burr cavalry formed relatively loose shock waves.

If the opponent is also a cavalry, this wave of Boers is likely to be crushed by the opposing rigorous and dense cavalry formation. Modern cavalry uses discipline and formation to gain combat effectiveness, but now, in order to reduce the damage of the British machine guns, The Boers can only choose this formation to fight, and in order to defend the British from the side, another 500 cavalry are responsible for blocking possible reinforcements of the British!

"Draw your sword! Speed ​​up!" Calypte personally led the team. The huge Boer cavalry group passed through the gunpowder and bullets and quickly approached the British position. The British army who reacted tried to adjust the gun position, but unfortunately, There is too little time left for them. Some artillery has no firing boundary at all, and some artillery has just been re-arranged. After a few shells have been fired, it is the Boer's saber!

The few remaining infantry did their best to resist the cavalry charge, but without a formation, how much combat power can a scattered rifle have to face the galloping cavalry? Throwing away the gunners, logistic personnel, and personnel involved in the frontline attack, Colonel George can draw out fewer than 500 infantry! And also scattered everywhere! The number of Boers attacking is 3 times that of the defending side!

From time to time, someone was hit by oncoming bullets, shot and swayed two times and fell off the horse, and then was trampled into pieces by the dense horseshoes. No one was mourning for the classmates. They held the saber in their hands and stared at the enemy in front of them. The distance of the last few hundred meters almost passed in the blink of an eye, and Colonel George's last line of defense was almost as fragile as paper under the charge of the Burr cavalry!

The saber wielded wantonly massacred the panicked infantry. The few British troops were quickly divided and surrounded. The blood and flying heads explained that this was a massacre rather than a battle. The Boers used sabers and bullets to spread death. , Indulge in the pleasure of revenge.

A large group of cavalry quickly dispersed into small teams to clear the remaining enemies. As long as there is another half an hour, Calypte believes that he can completely solve the position of the big ship George, and then adjust the formation and preparations. Faced with the French cavalry, but unfortunately, the well-trained British cavalry did not give Caliput this time! The 800 British cavalry led by Lieutenant Colonel Velen easily tore the defense on Calypte's side!

If you simply talk about horse-riding charge, the combat effectiveness of the British cavalry is much higher than that of the Boers. Although the Boers have semi-automatic rifles, in order to support Pershing, Calypte will use most of the semi-automatic rifles. They were all handed over to him, and now, once there is no firearm to take advantage of, if you simply use a saber to fight, the Boers, who are worse in training and discipline, will naturally be unable to withstand the opponent's attack! What's more sad is that the number of opponents is 300 more than the Boers!

A wolf is fighting its prey, and at this time, another wolf suddenly rushes out of the grass next to it to attack. What will happen? Calypte’s main force faced this situation, but fortunately he had already considered that the cavalry at the periphery dismounted one after another, looking for broken artillery and vehicles as shelters, and blocking the enemy with rifles and pistols. Under the protection of various obstacles and the absolute superiority of forces, although Vinylon's attack was fierce, Calypte barely blocked his opponent.

And at this moment, the mutation happened again! In the northwest direction of the battlefield, a large cloud of dust rose into the air! Another cavalry has entered the arena! The commanders on both sides held their breath. The fighting on the battlefield has nothing to do with them. This cavalry will become the decisive factor. French and Calypte raised their telescopes and looked into the distance. After the banner of the Boer 1st Cavalry Regiment gradually became clear, the overall situation was determined!

The third is more. Yesterday’s subscription was horrible... Dropped by nearly 1,000. If you don’t like watching this story, just skip it. The Boer War will end on the last day of tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be transferred to China. Please subscribe for it--!