The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 375: Defensive war

"Damn it, it's shelling! Where did the British get a lot of artillery?" When the rain of steel bullets heralding death fell from the sky, the Boers were taken aback by the sudden shelling. They always thought they were just being shot. The cavalry troops were surrounded. Although they were large in number, they lacked heavy firepower. A large number of artillery and machine guns are the source of support for the Boers, but now, the British shelling has broken their imagination! This time the British came prepared!

; "Fire suppression, our position is higher than the British, and they don't have heavy artillery!" But soon, under the command of an experienced German artillery commander, the Boers calmed down because they found that they were facing this time Not the 120mm heavy guns of the Royal Navy, nor the 15-pound army guns. Most of them are small artillery. It is estimated that the navy's 3 pound and 6 pound guns, and perhaps some old 9-pound guns! It seems that this time the British did not carry heavy artillery? !

The improvement of these rushed artillery is very unsuccessful, at least the elevation angle is limited, so their range is relatively short, if you don't want to be countered by the opponent, you can only honestly hide behind!

; 4 75mm rapid-fire guns aimed at the British artillery position on the side. With the roar of the artillery, the 4 artillery shot up to more than 60 shells in a short time. Through the calculation of the pre-calibrated reference object, the shelling was very It succeeded. In less than 3 minutes, the artillery shells evenly landed on the target area. With the rising smoke plume and the violent explosion, the entire British artillery company was plunged into a sea of ​​fire and smoke. However, just as the Boers celebrated their victory, a group of British troops had already carried several 57mm guns, relying on the protection of smoke and terrain, and quietly moved to the front!

Several small cars were towing these artillery. They moved carefully, avoiding the other's detection and shell fragments. After two cars were damaged, the British used human and mechanical forces to push three 57mm rapid-fire guns to the designated position. Position! These artillery still couldn't reach the Boer's artillery, but they caused great damage to the fortifications on the front line!

On the other side of the battlefield, the British cavalry under French command also transported several machine guns and small artillery along the trench to a relatively forward position. When they were ready together, the first round of the British attack began. Thousands of soldiers clenched the Mosin Nagan rifles in their hands and launched an assault. However, after being baptized in many wars, the British learned to be clever and pulled out. A line of skirmishers with a low level.

; 500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters! When the British forward approached only 300 meters from the position, the machine gun behind the bunker finally roared! The fierce firepower of a dozen machine guns cut the British offensive formation of the British army. When the British thought they could rush through the last 300 meters with one effort, the intensive bullet rain told the opponent how naive this idea was.

The flying bullets easily swept down the infantry in front, and the jumping fire snake nailed the soldiers behind firmly. Then, after stopping the British charge, the mortar also began to cross the bunker to harvest the opponent The statement, those grenade shells exploded in the air, and countless steel **** swept down in a fan shape, smashing the people below into dice. In front of the rapid-fire guns and machine guns, the flesh and blood body was so fragile and unbearable!

"Our first offense was of no use. They had too many machine guns and artillery, and they blocked all offensive passages. I don't know why, you refused to use the front artillery to support the operation." Next to it, Forren General Qi's messenger questioned the navy colonel angrily.

; "This is the firepower point exposed by all the enemy forces in our post. They used 120mm heavy artillery in the last battle. I don't think I need to say more about where these artillery came from? They are well located and have a high height. Advantage, I am worried that they still have this kind of artillery, so we need to understand the opponent's firepower as much as possible, and then concentrate the firepower to defeat the opponent!" George replied.

;George’s Marines have the strongest capacity, but unfortunately, after a long battle, Cape Town and other places have not enough artillery, but even so, they are using a large number of small-caliber artillery to make up the number. At the same time, George still brought three 120mm heavy guns. These guns weighed about 4.7 tons and had relatively mature gun mounts, which were more suitable for car and tractor towing.

; The first wave of offense was a test. After this feint, the British had probably understood the weapon configuration on the two-wing high ground and a considerable part of the frontline firepower points. When the next wave of attacks starts again, it will be the most fierce one. !

"We have pushed the machine guns and light artillery to the front, and the heavy artillery has also locked the opponent’s artillery position. We have concentrated 2,000 infantry! Under the cover of more than 20 artillery and a large number of machine guns, I think we have not failed at all. Reason!" George wrote in the battle log.

The British readjusted their deployment. Facing the Boers who have become the turtles in the urn, the British dare not care, because they know that they are only trapped by a force of the Boers. God knows when their main cavalry force will appear. In this case, the passing of every minute and every second is a test for both sides. Therefore, even when they attack for the second time, the British still leave a considerable part of their troops as mobile forces for defense. Possible raid.

"Let's get started!" With the order to attack, this time, the British are not keeping their hands! All the artillery fired at the target! From the 3-pounder and 6-pounder at the front, to the 15-pounder and 9-pounder at the rear of the starting position, to the three 120mm heavy guns at the back! The British are on fire! The barrage fired by various guns of different calibers rolled back and forth on the Boer's position!

The Royal Navy’s artillery skills are still After a short three rounds of test firing, the fourth round of artillery fire, a 120mm shell successfully hit a 75mm rapid-fire gun!

More than 20 kilograms of shells fell from the air with the whistling of death, and saw a flash of fire, and a dazzling white light enveloped a radius of tens of meters! A powerful shock wave mingled with shrapnel and artillery fragments swept to the surroundings, easily blowing the surroundings into white ground.

; 120mm heavy artillery shells fell one after another on small high ground, and the British plowed every inch of land patiently with covering blows! Harvesting the life of Burr's gunner with high-explosive grenades. With every shell landing, it is a catastrophe for the Boers. Even many people hiding behind the bunker shattered their internal organs because of a shock wave from a near-missing explosion. They struggled to cover their bodies. The broken internal organs and broken ribs uttered to the people next to him, but they only aggravated their injuries. After struggling, he finally stopped breathing.

;Thank you book friend yinghyh for the 500 rewards, plus the 500 rewards in the early hours of yesterday, yesterday; it has been over a thousand, the author adds one more. Thanks to the book friend Yipin Huangshan is harmful to health, the little people follow the class, swim slowly, and the sea has the edge;~~~! And the sweet national taste of the book friends, Huigezi 0015, hemato, a very handsome and troubled one;~~~! Seeking subscription;~~~!
