The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 351: Vienna

"Your Majesty, Crown Prince Ferdinand is here." The attendant whispered.

"Let him come in." The Austrian Emperor Fritz put down the pen in his hand, stretched his body, and after finishing his outfit for the economy, he sat on the main seat with his breasts, waiting for the arrival of the crown prince.

"Your Majesty, your good son-in-law will arrive at Bora Military Port in 7 days. All the welcoming work has been completed. I will personally greet the prince on behalf of the Austro-Hungarian government and the royal family." said.

"Very good. This time the marriage will bring the relationship between the Empire and the Kingdom of Bavaria to a new height. If we could consolidate our relationship with Bavaria during the Prussian-Austrian War, then this battle may not have no chance of victory. And now , Can be regarded as making up for the regret of the year." The old emperor said.

The Prussian-Austro-Prussian War was the most entangled war in the minds of the old emperor. In this battle, the North German Union headed by Prussia defeated the German Confederacy headed by Austria. Political crisis. In this war, as the third strongest kingdom among the German states, Bavaria was almost on the sidelines.

After this war, the southern German states merged into the German Empire. Since then, the relationship between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and its former allies has entered a low period. There has been no contact for a long time. Naturally, there is the inconvenience of being divided into the two empires. But at the same time, it is not necessarily without Fritz's dissatisfaction with countries such as Bavaria.

But the so-called "look ahead". No one will have trouble with the interests. Ten years ago, after Bavaria, which had been unknown, suddenly emerged, the Habsburgs once again focused on their former allies. The Kingdom of Fritz was surprised to find that his mother's family had changed from a pheasant to a phoenix overnight! In just ten years, Bavaria's total output value accounted for more than one-sixth of Germany's total! This data even exceeds Austria! From a purely industrial and economic point of view, Bavaria already has an equal status with Austria!

What Fritz did not expect was that Bavaria, which was not compatible with Prussia, had actually improved its relations with the German central government. It did not give in or yield, but through cooperation and exchange of interests, Prussia gradually accepted the fact that Bavaria rose. , And that Prince Ruprecht gradually gained the opportunity to enter the center of the empire through a series of classic methods!

As a result, there is a saying among the high-level Berlin that the German Empire has two power cores, one in Berlin and the other in Munich. Although it contains dissatisfaction and teasing, it is undeniable that Prince Ruprecht The influence on the German political situation is very great! What is surprising is that the Kaiser was not disgusted with this influence...

Now, with the increase in the exchanges between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bavaria, the idea of ​​"two kingdoms with noble bloodlines and historical origins" has gradually been put on the agenda, and the cooperation between the two sides has made each other gain Lots of benefits. Politically, they can help each other in Austria. This is normal for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which often uses marriage to consolidate relations!

Therefore, everything is so logical, Fritz naturally hopes that his daughter will have an extra queen crown, and Princess Mary has a good impression of this prince who is 2 years younger than herself. The Bavarian side also agreed with political and economic considerations, although the prince seemed to have some concerns about this marriage.

"However, I feel that this prince’s goodwill towards the Austro-Hungarian Empire is relatively limited. They only regard us as an ally that can cooperate. All our actions are mostly derived from the exchange of interests, and for our political and other aspects. The appeal is very indifferent."

"Especially this time, the German Empire blatantly showed favor to Turkey, which means that if we want to benefit from the Balkans, we can only start with those small countries, and Germany will prevent us from doing it with Turkey." Ferdinand was dissatisfied. Said.

In Ferdinand’s view, the small Balkan countries are more difficult to deal with than Turkey. It’s not that these small countries are more powerful than Turkey. The key is that there are other big countries behind these countries, such as Serbia and Bulgaria. It is Russia, and Greece has the shadow of the British. Neither Russia nor the United Kingdom can easily provoke the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Now, after Germany announced its support for Turkey, the entire Balkans has almost been carved up, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire is unprofitable!

"This matter was decided by the German central government. He is just a representative. Ferdinand. I am also very dissatisfied with this matter. But we distinguish the importance. We cannot damage the relationship between the two countries because of such an incident, let alone. Because this incident made Ruprecht dissatisfied with this marriage," Fritz was also dissatisfied with this incident, but he at least distinguished the importance.

Germany’s support for Turkey is already an established fact and cannot be changed. This is a loss for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and if Bavaria is dissatisfied because of this, it is another loss, dissatisfied with what is destined to be lost. , Isn't it more than worth the loss?

"We must first express our goodwill to Ruprecht. Of course, if appropriate, you can also ask about Germany's attitude in the Balkans, especially towards Serbia. I have a hunch that the whole Balkans It is not Turkey, but Serbia that troubles us the most. Their actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina have caused great trouble to the empire."

"It might be is behind Russia, and now Germany and Russia have a good relationship." Grand Duke Ferdinand said.

"Hehe, that is just a superficial phenomenon. In Western Europe, France and Germany cannot accommodate the two big countries, so they have become old enemies, while in Eastern Europe, they cannot accommodate the two big countries. The conflict between Germany and Russia will erupt sooner or later. Everything else is just a superficial phenomenon. To a certain extent, Germany's support for Russia is also a measure to consume Russia's power in the Far East." King Fritz is still very accurate.

"Then what if Russia defeated Japan in the Far East?" Ferdinand asked.

"That's even better. After defeating Japan, Russia will definitely be busy with eastward expansion. They will have no time to estimate Europe. At least our situation on the Eastern Front is stable!" King Fritz said with a smile.

"By the way, the prince is proficient in the navy, and this time, the German navy is here. I think you should be very negotiable for this meeting." Before Ferdinand left, King Fritz added with a smile. He knows that this nephew has a great interest in the blue land, and this common hobby can bridge the gap between the two!

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