The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 347: Show strength

Experts know if there is any, why did the prince bring a regiment of guards to Turkey? This is to show the Turks how powerful the German army is! If the military parade looks at the mental outlook and fighting spirit of the troops, the weapon display looks at the hardware. Then the military exercises that followed will look at the combat effectiveness of the army!

The strength of the German army is not only because it has grasped the pulse of military change and strengthened the artillery and machine guns in the army. More importantly, the Germans can use the weapons in their hands very effectively. When it comes to the application of artillery, the Germans say second and no one says first.

In addition to the artillery, the Germans also had a relatively successful tactic, which was to use elite infantry to cooperate with artillery and engineers to form an elite assault squad to tear apart the opponent’s defense line, which was the famous storm assault team in the late World War I. The infantry tactics used to the extreme. Although the French had similar ideas, it was only Germany that really promoted it and achieved certain success.

The prince’s guard regiment was naturally unable to show the Turks a magnificent scene of centralized use of hundreds of meters or even thousands of artillery, division of labor and coordination, but it was still possible to use the strength of a regiment to simulate elite infantry to break through the opponent’s defense line. The selected elites of the Bavarian Army will show the Turks the best infantry tactics of this era.

With the red signal bombs rising into the sky, the exercise officially began. It was not the howitzers of various calibers behind the offensive who began to suppress the target. After a 20-minute fire attack, four 75mm artillery and two 105mm howitzers were used. The pouring shells exploded a gap several hundred meters wide in the front of the opponent's position. The barbed wire fences were destroyed by sudden artillery, and the minefield was partially cleared.

Subsequently, the artillery's attack did not stop, and part of it was actually suppressed towards the road to the defender. Although it was not as violent as it was when the attack started, the victory was lasting. The entire defensive position was isolated under repeated strikes by German artillery.

"The role of artillery is not only to destroy, but the greater role is to control the battlefield situation. With the progress of the times, people have come up with more and more ways to deal with artillery. They have made the fortifications very strong and difficult. It is found that it is not easy to find and destroy these targets by simply using artillery, so at this time, the focus of artillery should be transformed from destruction to suppression. Maybe there is not much direct damage, but it can create indispensable conditions for infantry breakthrough! "

Just when Mackensen explained to his Turkish counterparts, the elite infantry who had been preparing for a long time launched an assault. In addition to carrying normal infantry weapons, they also carried deminers, various tools and blasting supplies. They are a well-established unit with various arms combined, and they have no shortcomings when performing their tasks.

The machine gunner quickly assumed the heavy machine gun in a bunker or crater, and used precise long shots to suppress the remaining fire on the opposite side. While the mortars attacked the opponent’s bunker on the reverse slope, they released smoke bombs to cover the advance of the attacking troops. .

The fire snakes are intertwined, and a huge net will firmly suppress the remaining resistance. Under the cover of the smoke screen, each of the vigorous figures shuttles through the battlefield relying on the terrain and shelters. The tacit understanding between them is very good. They coordinated their respective offensive steps and proceeded side by side, like an invisible wall full of pressure against the opponent.

After a long period of training, these selected commanders have been able to keep the offensive force and firepower intact. The entire commando team is like a pliers to grip the opponent, while the machine gun group and the mortar group responsible for cover alternate. The cover advances, forming a clamped formation with supporting firepower in the middle and offensive forces on both sides.

It's not that the defender had never thought of counterattack. They rushed out of the trenches to try to drive the opponent out of their position, but the sudden sound of gunfire resembling beans exploded and the opponent's efforts were instantly rendered helpless. I saw the German infantry charging at the forefront took out a strange firearm about one meter long and aimed it at the poisonous hand. Then, within a few seconds, the bullets fired by more than a dozen infantry directly overwhelmed the frontal counter-impact opponent! After the re-attack was contained, the fire support team in the center easily smashed the opponent's counterattack with machine guns and mortars.

"This is our newly developed melee weapon. We call him a submachine gun. Using 9*25mm pistol bullets, although the range is short, this little guy can hold 10 rifles at a distance of 150 meters, so that some people use it. Become a trench broom!"

A German officer sent a rugged mp98 submachine gun in front of General Shefkate. The workmanship of this gun was very rough. From the general's perspective, it was completely a wooden **** (or laminated!) front. A tube like a pepper noodle tube plus a magazine is formed.

"This thing seems very simple." The Turk's eyes were very strange, "I can hardly imagine this simple weapon would have such It is indeed very simple, there are only 98 parts in total. , But it can shoot out these bullets at a rate of 450 rounds per minute, and is not afraid of wet environments or dust. The truly outstanding design is to use simple things to accomplish extraordinary tasks and this weapon meets this requirement!"

The prince said triumphantly. Except for not using stamping parts and adding a few more parts at the same time, this mp98 submachine gun is a replica of the famous Bobosha submachine gun in history! The old-fashioned Germans may not look down on this crude stuff, but Prince Naihe is a pirated version..... The pragmatic prince will not be restricted by those rules. Under his strong request, all German infantry squads are equipped with at least two... The storm assault team's submachine gun configuration has reached more than 30%!

Long-range artillery is divided, machine guns and light artillery provide fire support. Infantry squads consisting of submachine guns, automatic rifles and grenadiers are responsible for assaults, and infantry are responsible for clearing obstacles and blasting. In the face of this set of art-like tactics, the rock-solid defense system composed of bunkers, trenches, barbed wire and minefields collapsed in an instant.

"Even if there is no major improvement in equipment in a short period of time, with the help of the German Empire, the combat effectiveness of your army will be greatly improved, at least against those ethnic separatists in the Balkans and the local forces in the Mesopotamia. Question." The prince said after the exercise.

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