The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 318: John Bull, you're a little imaginary now

Compared with the Russians, the British were very serious this time. While the British issued a request for the end of confrontation between France and Germany, they also said that Africa should "maintain the status quo." The implication of this sentence expresses Britain's dissatisfaction with Germany's expansion of the colony! Not long after this statement was issued, Chamberlain and his envoy came to Berlin. Prince Ruprecht is responsible for receiving these "uninvited guests."

"On behalf of the British Empire, I regret the recent armed conflicts in Africa. The scope of power of various countries in Africa was determined after consultation in 1885. It has been recognized by European countries, and your country borrowed from trade. The act of blatantly launching war in disputes is extremely lacking in foresight. The British Empire hopes that your country can return to the previous borders of the countries and negotiate with the responsible parties to properly resolve the aftermath. If the matter further expands, then the British Empire has Reserve the right to take other actions!"

; What is an empire? This is called an empire! Although there are many powerful countries in the world, in this era, it is only the United Kingdom that can truly do not back down. The colonies all over the world are the flesh and blood of the British Empire. The routes of the four oceans and bases around the world are the blood of the British Empire. The powerful Royal Navy is the unparalleled long sword in the hands of the British Empire! The British navy of this era is really no problem with one dozen two! Well, if it were not for the Boer War, the British would be a myth in this era...

"Can I regard it as an ultimatum?" The prince sneered looking at Chamberlain on the opposite side, and said to his heart, now that the British really take themselves seriously, the biggest backstage of your World War I has already let me pry away Up! The First World War is half won. I am not afraid of you anymore in 1914. Are you still afraid of a Britain caught in the mire of the Boer War? With the nature of British businessmen, before you sign a "sincere agreement" with France, will you really help the French? Are you kidding me?

"This..." Chamberlain was taken aback for a moment. This remark is actually a statement. There is really no ultimatum. After all, I came here to negotiate and threats are needed, but the UK is really at this time. I didn't plan to fight the Germans completely!

;Now Chamberlain has some complaints about domestic hardliners. Since the incident, both France and Germany have kept a low profile and did not take any further actions. The two sides only took preventive measures and did not talk about it in public at all. Russia People only expressed their concerns in private, and then continued to do business with Germans happily. In this way, it seems that the British have been pushed to the front... In fact, what is the direct relationship between this matter and the United Kingdom--!

"This is not a general statement, but just shows the attitude of the British Empire." Chamberlain said sternly.

; "Well, I know your country's attitude." The prince said.

"And I need to know the attitude of your country. I must remind you that Germany's behavior has seriously violated the consensus reached by the previous countries. The African issue has been concluded as early as 15 years ago. This behavior is to change the regional situation without authorization. It has been dissatisfied by many countries, you need to think about it yourself." Chamberlain said.

"Oh, you are talking about the partition of Africa by European countries in 1885? I remember that after this incident, the Royal Navy seemed to have sent a fleet to the sea off Lisbon in 1891 to force the other side to withdraw from Africa. This is not considered Is it a unilateral change of the status quo? Your country can threaten a country for no reason, so when the same country harms the interests of the empire, why can't Germany use force to solve the problem? Britain can do it? Germany can't?" the prince asked in return. Tao.

"There is no need to use force to solve economic problems. This is very uncivilized behavior." Chamberlain frowned and said.

"But the war between your country and the Netherlands was fought because of economic problems. If negotiations can solve all problems, then why does your country spend 20 million pounds a year in naval funds to maintain the most powerful navy in the world? Naval power? This is a unilateral hegemony."

; "Of course, it is meaningless to say this question now. The strength in this world is the last word. Since you have traveled far and wide in Germany and informed me of your country's opinions, then I can also tell you our country's opinions." The prince erected One finger continued.

; "Portugal must pay for its mistakes, and we cannot withdraw from Angola and Mozambique. Second, France must compensate for its wrong actions. The root cause of the conflict is the misjudgment of the French, and their attacks give The empire caused a lot of trouble."

"That is to say, your country intends to ignore the advice of the British Empire and is ready to go it alone?" Chamberlain said angrily.

"It's hard for everyone to understand this kind of empty words. Well, let's use more vivid words to illustrate the stakes of this matter and the British Empire."

"We have deployed about 10,000 troops in German East Africa, and our ammunition and various equipment there are enough to arm an army! If, I mean, if your country really decides to fight us for France, then Imagine your country’s situation in South Africa."

"The Boers with less than 30,000 Boers have already taken the Eastern Cape. The entire eastern part of South Africa has been brought under the control of the Boers except for a few isolated strongholds, and they have also mobilized black people. There have even been large-scale rebellions in Rodnia. The British Empire has successively invested 50,000 troops, but what is the result? You are the Minister of the You should know best."

"Think about it, the Boers, the blacks, plus our troops and equipment in German Africa, how many troops and pounds does the British Empire plan to fill in this bottomless pit? Or is it prepared to recognize the Boer’s independence?" Said with a smile.

; "The British Empire will never give in, absolutely not! We will fight to the last moment!" Chamberlain said very firmly.

"Hehe, I certainly believe in the heritage and strength of the British Empire. If the military power of the British Empire is piled up to death, it is really not a problem, but the premise is that you have money! Enough money! If I remember correctly, how many times your country Has the additional military expenditure reached 50 million pounds?"

"This is really a big sum. How much money did the Japanese get after fighting the Qing country for a year? And your country’s army spends money like running water! This money is almost the same, right? And the Boer army? Not only was it not defeated, but it became stronger! I would like to make a bet with you to see how much money your country can throw in the quagmire of South Africa before the end of the Boer War! Is it 100 million? Or 200 million pounds? "The prince leaned forward slightly and said jokingly.

;Thanks to the book friend the first guards tank brigade, Slow You K, xiaotang246, the sea has the edge, and the fisherman's; ~~~, and the book friends' favorite spectacles, hotbed, Slow You K, nvllosrjzmac7a4, knife cold ; Support~~~! The second one is on offer, and there is one in the afternoon! Seeking subscription;~~~!
