The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 307: Never back down

But at this moment, the British announced their support for France! Britain asks Angola and Mozambique to maintain the status quo! And then said it would send a fleet to Angola! The prince can ignore the attitudes and actions of the French, but he must not ignore the British! Even if the British sent a sampan, it is definitely worth paying attention to, because behind this sampan is the powerful Royal Navy!

"What to do?" When Ruprecht met the Kaiser, the prince was quite sure that the Kaiser was a little scared. Although he was so dissatisfied with Britain, in his heart, the emperor was still full of fear for Britain. , Even on the eve of the outbreak of World War I, he still wanted to avoid a head-on conflict with Britain, and in history, William took the initiative to admit counsel after the Kruger telegraph, which allowed the prince to see through his current foreign powers.

"What else can we do? Our army has already marched towards Mozambique and Angola, should we withdraw now?" the prince asked rhetorically.

"The power of the British is all used by the Boers. They are powerless to Mozambique, which is close at hand, and what impact can they have on Angola? When we encounter the British ships, we can only face off against each other. Will the British fleet still face the French fleet? Fight against us together? Are the British crazy?" The prince said loudly as he looked at the hesitant Kaiser.

"The German Empire can't just retreat just because of a word from the British? Even the United States, the country you look down on, dare to fight Britain and Japan knowing its disadvantages. Why can't we? If something goes wrong, I will be the person in charge. , You can throw me out, what are you afraid of?"

"No, Ruprecht, my friend, I am not afraid, I just don't think we can get enough returns for our efforts." William II rarely defended.

"Then let time prove everything. According to the current situation, even if we send out the telegram, it may be difficult for Hipper to receive it in time. If the time of departure of the French fleet is correct, the two fleets have already met. As for what will happen, only God can know." The prince sighed while looking at the huge sand table on the table.

In fact, Ruprecht is also afraid, but he knows that he has no retreat. As he said just now, even if this incident fails, the Kaiser can pick himself out, but he can’t, as long as he fails. Now, even if the prince can keep the crown in the future, he will be considered a loser in German politics. The prince can still make trouble in Bavaria, but it is impossible to influence the German political situation.

The prince knew very well that it would be difficult to guarantee the victory of the Allied Powers in World War I simply relying on an improved Bavaria. And if the first battle fails, won't his crown fly again? Therefore, the prince is absolutely not allowed to fail! Even if it is **** ahead, he has to try it! What's more, the situation is not so bad now!

Although the British said that both sides should maintain the status quo and that they would send warships, where are their warships? And will the British really kindly give up their most important gold producing area and work with the French to deal with Germany, where the relationship is fairly good? Are they crazy? Although the behavior of the British is a bit abnormal, the prince thinks that the British are just bluffing! In this psychological battle, the prince will never allow himself to fail! So he decided to go ahead and see how far the French can do it! Therefore, in the end the prince decided to grant the frontline fleet the right to fight according to the plan realized.

And just as there were some quarrels among the top German leaders, the French fleet was heading towards Angola under the command of Vice Admiral Jean Pierre.

"Has the domestic order come?" Lieutenant Pierre took out a cigar from the humidor and carefully cut it open with pliers.

"Our task is to control as many Portuguese colonies as possible before the Germans. If the Germans land first, then we will open up another landing field nearby. In short, we must limit the Germans to the smallest possible area. As for the army, How to confront each other, that's their business." said the chief of staff.

"So what is the limit for the use of force?" The lieutenant general frowned. Asked the question he cared most.

"Do not fire first, but if the Germans launch an attack on our fleet, then resolutely counterattack!" The Chief of Staff replied very simply.

"Haha." Lieutenant Admiral Pierre couldn't help but smiled bitterly. "It seems to be ready to fight." The lieutenant once again calculated the power in his hand, a battleship Charlemagne, which is almost the best battleship of the French Navy at present, and should be able to rival the new armor of the Germans. Cruiser.

The nearly 8,000-ton Dendrei has two 240mm main guns and 12 130mm secondary guns, as well as 12 75mm guns. The tonnage is similar to that of the Hamburg, but the firepower and defense are worse, and there is no waterline armor. It also has 4 inches of inclined armor and 80mm of horizontal armor.

Fortunately, the French also has a 4000-ton protective cruiser Descartes, with 4 160mm guns and 10 100mm 145 guns. The thickness of the inclined part of the dome is 80mm and the thickness of the horizontal part is 45mm.

Although the French have a certain advantage in tonnage, Vice Admiral Jean Pierre is not optimistic about the possible battle, because the two protective cruisers seem to him to be a bit outdated! The current lieutenant even regrets it a bit. He should ask the Admiralty to ask everyone to come together after the other two warships have completed their preparations, instead of now, the two sides are almost in a state of almost equal power.

And now the French advance fleet is not just a light warship. The transport ship behind Shanghai is carrying French soldiers from two battalions and their equipment, as well as small boats for landing. They need to cover the landing of troops while dealing with the German fleet, which is a difficult task for the French fleet.

In addition, the conflict this time is ostensibly a conflict between Portugal and Germany. Deeply speaking, it is only a conflict between France and the Kingdom of Bavaria. On this matter, a business of more than 1 million pounds can still be Let the two powers fight? Believe it or not, Lieutenant General Pierre does not believe it anyway.

Of course, as a competent lieutenant admiral, Pierre still prepared a strategy to deal with it. In fact, long before departure, the lieutenant admiral temporarily strengthened the experienced sailors and noncommissioned officers on the other two warships to Charlie. On the Mandala, weapons, ammunition, and fuel are all well prepared.

Thanks to the book friend for slowly swimming, fly Doomhammer, bighill1982, the classmates are in love, there is still a side~~~, and the book friend for a very handsome, happy sign, a little, playing frog dog, Rui Support from book friends like Rui a~~~, please subscribe~~~!