The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2903: Please enter the urn three

The entire German high-level knows that there is some embarrassment in the dual identity of Prince Ruprecht. In fact, this identity is embarrassing not only in Germany, but also in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After all, from the outside world, the crown prince’s eldest son Will inherit the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the second son will inherit the throne of the Kingdom of Bavaria.

This is actually a very difficult question. For example, how to define the surname of the eldest son Albrecht? Is it Habsburg or Wittelsbach? Although this issue was temporarily shelved when the succession system was established a long time ago, there is a reason for the shelving, because at that time Albrecht was only the heir of Bohemia, not the entire empire, but the situation is different now. Up. At this time, his old father-in-law, Emperor Franz once again played a role and suppressed the problem temporarily. After all, the first heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is Princess Mary, not Albrecht. But when the princess turns into a queen, this question cannot be avoided!

This is especially true with regard to the positioning of the two countries. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is still stronger than Bavaria. After balancing Hungary, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has finally changed from a dual empire to a centralized empire. But the problem is Because of the special relationship between the crown prince and the princess, Bavaria and Austro-Hungary became another form of dual empire! From the perspective of political structure, there is greater independence between the two. After all, Bavaria still belongs to the German Empire... But in terms of decision-making, the two sides have maintained a high degree of consistency, which is even better than the original dual empire period.

Of course, from the perspective of Vienna, or from the core of the Austro-Hungarian Empire—Austria, they know the importance of maintaining close relations with Bavaria. After all, everyone is German, and the relationship between the two sides is both high-level and non-governmental. It's very close, as it has been for hundreds of years! Moreover, with the rapid expansion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, a large number of Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians have poured into the empire. From a purely national perspective, the cohesion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire has decreased even more severely. Therefore, in order to ensure that Austria is here The dominance of the empire must rely on the help of Bavaria!

However, maintaining a high degree of consistency under the strategic situation cannot solve all problems, because it also involves the issue of interests. Although the supreme rulers of Prince Ruprecht and Princess Mary know what to do, they are at the core of this right. Next, there are two administrative systems! Both Bavaria and Austria need benefits. In this case, how to balance the relationship between the two is very important. For example, when the crown prince deals with matters in the Middle East, the representatives of the Kingdom of Bavaria are in contact with Kemal and Turks. The people in contact with Persia are from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is a kind of compromise and cooperation. Everyone has something to do, and after doing it all have their own interests, um, that's it!

"In fact, if the German Emperor wants to do something with Turkey this time, he will definitely ask for help from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. With this opportunity, we can pull the Austro-Hungarian Empire into this feast and share the cake together. Would it be better?" Earl Schelling asked.

"It won't be better. You have to know what the goal of the Kaiser is doing this time! Obtaining benefits is certainly an important goal, but at the same time, the Kaiser also needs to use this opportunity to demonstrate his influence and presence within the empire. They need to do this by themselves, and it is best to solve a problem cleanly. They are full of confidence and think they can do it. They don't even need our direct help, so naturally they will not agree to the entry of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. "The crown prince shook his head and said.

"Then bring the Austro-Hungarian Empire in when we regain control? This time we redistribute the interests of the entire Middle East. If Vienna does not get the benefits, it may be a little uncomfortable." Earl Schelling asked.

"Don't worry, I have already figured out how to deal with it. Even if the Turks cannot get benefits, at least they can get compensation from the Persians. Turkey can have multiple oligarchs within the empire to distribute the benefits, but Bavaria and Austria will jointly control Persia. "The crown prince thought for a while and said.

"Then the reason?" Earl Schelling asked.

"First, Turkey's interests are large enough, and second, costs and prices. After the huge losses in the early stage, they have no spare capacity to start the competition in Persia." Ruprecht said.

"That is to say, the Persian affairs can only be done by us? Will it be costly? After all, we have to deal with the Mesopotamia and the entire Turkish political situation." Count Schelling said.

"It's already very good. If the Kaiser and the others do not jump out, then we will handle everything. The best result I have thought about before is to let them contribute some strength through the transfer of interests, but I did not expect that they I actually want to jump out and solve all problems by myself. This is simply better than the best result I imagined. Sometimes things are so unpredictable." The crown prince said with some emotion. Sometimes teammates are also useful. Not only will he drag you back, but sometimes he can also help you block the knife by the way...

"Yes, one can't be too greedy," Earl Schelling said.

"Okay, now all the questions have been resolved, so prepare now, the crown prince will come soon, we need to make preparations, and our layout in the Mesopotamia must also be The Persian side can't break the contact either. The weapons and supplies that should be sent must be in place. Also, send a telegram to the Vienna side telling them that I will allow Kemal to enter Bavaria after three weeks." The crown prince thought for a while and said.

"This, His Majesty the Kaiser has decided to support the Sultan. Maybe it is not appropriate for us to let Kemal come to Munich?" Count Schelling said.

"The Kaiser and Sultan will not pay attention to these little things." The crown prince replied simply.

"But when the Kaiser is in control of this matter, what kind of attitude does Marshal Kemal have towards us? The relationship we have been maintaining may be rifted." Count Schelling said.

"Kemal doesn't care about these things. As a qualified politician, he knows the choices. Now only we can help him, and our actions are more important than words!" the crown prince said.

"Okay, I will do it now." After speaking, Earl Schelling left the study.

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