The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2819: Bo Yun Weird One

"Hahaha." Sultan Mohammed VI laughed. It has been a long time since he was as happy as he is today. Although he knows that there are many compliments in the other party's words, in his opinion, this reason is very good. After Kemal, the best candidate recognized by Germany and Austria, was eliminated, Germany and Austria made the most favorable decision for Sudan, but from the current situation, Sudan has a new hole card, and in exchange for this It's not impossible to use the hole cards to make some favors!

"I will arrange for someone to inform Enver Pasha immediately. I have given this favor, but don't forget your promise." Sultan said.

"You will be thankful for your choice today. Your Majesty." Earl Brown bowed and saluted.

Twenty minutes later, when the Sultan’s messenger announced His Majesty’s amnesty to Enver Pasha and Zemal Pasha, Zemal Pasha’s face was full of anger and incomprehension. For the past two hours, Here, he thought about the various ways the Germans could break the game, even including direct armed confrontation. But he really didn't expect that it was the order from the Sultan Palace that made him fall short in the end! He didn't know for what purpose the Sudan issued an amnesty to Kemal's family and subordinates. He even suspected that Sudan was ready to throw him out as a scapegoat.

"It seems that our differences no longer exist. His Majesty the Sultan chose to forgive this marshal who had fought **** battles for the Ottoman Empire. And we will finally not be rattled because of this issue." Levi's said with a smile.

"Haha, well, if there is nothing else, then we will leave." Zemal Pasha left the Bavarian Embassy in Turkey with a grim expression. He didn't even say a word to Enver Pasha, and Enver Pasha was also surprised. He couldn't think of what caused the Sultan to let Kemal off!

"Order all the troops under our control to stay on alert, **** it, we only wanted to kill a guy named Kemal today, but we didn't expect to be wary of the dark arrows from Sudan!" On the way back to his residence, Ze Malpasha ordered his men like this, he did not even return to the palace to return to the Sultan! Because he really didn't know, he went there, and he was greeted by the Sultan or his guards! The situation is too messy now, and he needs to go back and discuss with Le Tapasa and his staff to discuss countermeasures in order to deal with the worst situation!

"That's how things are. At the last moment, the Sultan changed his attention, and I suspect that he had aimed his gun at us, but Enver Pasha didn't seem to understand this matter. It must be someone or something. In the past two hours, it affected the judgment of the Sultan. So far, our eyeliner in the palace has not sent us new information. Everything we have is speculation!" After meeting with Letapasha Zemal Pasha told everything briefly.

“We must first determine the Sudan’s attitude towards Kemal. If, tomorrow, Sudan does not use formal channels to define Kemal as a traitor, then we must prepare for the worst. Shang is still consistent with us, and there are some things we can talk about slowly. As for what caused the Sudan to change its original intention, we can also slowly figure out." Le Tapasa said.

"Mr. William, I want to know when the assistance that the United States of America agreed to give us will be available. We are allies. We need to use the power of the United States to rejuvenate the Turkish Empire, build a new regime, and eliminate the German influence on us. , We have eliminated the people in the empire who have the closest relationship with Germany from the chess game according to your country’s requirements, but the promise you gave us has still not been fulfilled. This behavior is very unfriendly.” Zemal Pasha said to the next person. Said a tall white man.

"Before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, your account at Citibank will receive 5 million U.S. dollars of financial support, and within three days, the first batch of arms we provided to you will arrive directly at the port of Basra via a transport ship. , Follow-up support will arrive one after another, and my purpose in coming to Constantinople is to coordinate the relationship between the two parties." William said.

When the sun shined again in Constantinople, the worst thing Zemal Pasha worried about did not happen. The Sultan declared Kemal a traitor, but in return for his achievements, the Sultan stated Willing to pardon his family and some subordinates. But they will be expelled from Turkey within a time limit, and they will never return. Then, the Sultan stated that Enver Pasha and Zemal Pasha were responsible for the follow-up matters together. Therefore, amidst public opinion and public uproar, Turkey began to move towards turmoil step by step!

Kemal, who arrived in the Austro-Hungarian Empire after a night's flight, was sitting on the train bound for Vienna. In the well-decorated carriage, Kemal did not rest. He looked at the newspapers and information provided by the Germans and wanted to analyze the causes, consequences and clues of the incident. The assassination came so suddenly that it exceeded his imagination. There will definitely be big powers behind this, but it is clear that it will not be Germany and Austria, because from the current point of view, at least Bavaria and Austria are on his side. In this matter, Germany and Austria are in a defensive posture.

"Good morning, Marshal Kemal, I have good news and bad news here, which one do you want to hear?" During breakfast, Karyus appeared in front of Kemal again.

"Good Kemal put down the knife in his hand and said.

"Your family members and subordinates can leave Turkey safely. Within a week, you can meet them in Vienna. Of course, we cannot guarantee your property in Turkey." Karyus said.

"Thank you very much for the help and shelter of the Kingdom of Bavaria and your Excellency for my family and subordinates. I swear that one day, I will repay your country's kindness today." Kemal stood up and said with a serious face.

"What about the bad news?" Kemal asked.

"You commanded the rebels to attack the palace and Zemal Pasha's residence yesterday. You became a rioter and a traitor. The Sultan ordered you to deprive you of all your rights and honor and issued a wanted warrant." Karyus said.

"How could this be? I was obviously assassinated, and I didn't command the army to attack anyone!" Kemal said in shock.

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