The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 281: Billowing iron current

"This is really spectacular!" When Schlieffen and his party arrived at the starting point of the drill, the first thing that caught your eye was the hundreds of vehicles and the dense crowd. The so-called people are overwhelmed by a thousand people, a division of about 14,000 people, naturally it is impossible to start from one place, now Shilifen came to the starting point of the division and the unit. A large number of heavy artillery and materials have been loaded, and an infantry regiment moving with the division has begun to set off.

Most of the heavy weapons and large pieces of luggage can be towed by vehicles, but for infantry, most of them should go slowly by themselves. Personnel can't do it on both sides of the road, and vehicles transporting luggage and artillery are driving in the middle of the road. The marching speed of the entire unit is maintained at about 5 kilometers per hour. There is no way, the full-filled infantry marches at this speed for a long time.

"Your army seems to be equipped with fewer heavy weapons than in its establishment." When Schlieffen and others passed by a company, he specifically stopped to check the equipment carried by the army. First of all, he equipped the Bavarian Army. The new backpack is very interested. Simple and neat. Moreover, it is very comfortable after loading and easy to walk. He affirmed this.

; But soon, he discovered that he didn't even have 4 machine guns that should be attached. Two 60 mortars also disappeared. And the 82mm mortar that a battalion should be equipped with did not appear in the marching queue of the infantry, which made him very dissatisfied.

"Your Excellency's method of reducing the necessary equipment for troops can be..." Before Schlieffen could finish speaking, the prince pointed to a truck in the distance. Motioned him to go and see.

; This is a T1-shaped cargo truck equipped with a 50-horsepower engine. The carriage behind the car can theoretically carry 1 ton of cargo. The facade is neatly placed with 2 mortars and the required ammunition. The trailer at the back contained 4 machine guns and approximately 16,000 rounds of ammunition. The personnel directly under the firepower team moved with these two vehicles.

; And there is a car behind it to store other luggage and supplies of the company. Including all kinds of large tents, necessary medical supplies, gasoline for vehicles and various maintenance tools. The third car is a cooking wagon. The body of the cooking wagon is filled with all kinds of food, vegetables and cans needed by the company, and the back part is the stuff that the prince called the field cooking wagon. According to the description of the prince, such a car can make food for 200 people in one and a half hours.

; The three trains and the three-section trailer at the back almost solved all the supply problems of one company under the conditions at that time, and the traveling speed of this car was about 15 kilometers per hour. In theory, in the third quarter, the vehicles can rush to the rest of the troops in advance and start cooking. After the troops arrive at the location, they can have a bite of hot rice and a bite of hot water. "This is simply going to travel..." After comparing his own Prussian army, Hindenburg had to sigh that the treatment was so high!

;Of course not all companies can be equipped with 3 trucks, most of them are usually 2 trucks. This is determined based on the materials carried by certain companies and the tasks they undertake. The avant-garde troops are ready to fight at any time, and they must move fast. They naturally need to carry more ammunition and supplies. A company of a division alone needs about 200 vehicles. The remaining trucks are used to tow artillery and materials directly under the division.

; Even if Shi Lifen and others support Ma Zheng again, and no matter how crooked the **** is, they have to admit that using a car to pull a gun is really cool. A truck can pull an artillery squad, the tools needed, and a 150mm howitzer away. A 12-door division and 150mm heavy artillery unit can be completed with less than 40 vehicles. And can allow artillery troops to travel at a speed of more than 15 kilometers per hour.

Sitting in a car specially prepared for Shilifen and others, looking at the torrent of hundreds of vehicles in the distance, Shilifen was also shocked by the spectacular marching scene in front of him. If there is aerial photography in this era, then it can be found that several troops scattered in the station have finally merged into the main road.

The gray-black queue, which stretches for more than ten kilometers, is advancing fast like a giant dragon. A mixed reconnaissance unit composed of cavalry and armored vehicles opens the way, and a huge fan spreads out in front of the team. Then came the main regiment of the division, which was different from the heavy equipment of the general German army. Thanks to the stronger transportation capability, the 105mm gun group assigned to the regiment was placed very forward. According to Colonel Schmidt, If the opponent is found ahead, the artillery can smash the shells into the opponent's position before the infantry has completed its deployment.

The roar of hundreds of engines shocked Schlieffen and others, who had never seen such a large-scale mechanized maneuver. They moved along the winding road, and the whole army marched in an orderly plan. Because most of the horse-drawn carts were eliminated, the amount of supplies needed by the troops dropped. After all, a horse has at least 10kg of various feeds a day, and a lot of fresh water. To tow a 75 cannon and an ammunition cart requires at least 6 horses. But a car on this plane can't use 60 liters of gasoline for 40 kilometers a day...

"One day, wheels will completely replace horses as the main transportation capacity on land, and horse-drawn carriages will eventually retreat to the second line. Now, who can seize this opportunity will have an advantage in future wars." Looking at Ruhong Long dragon. His Royal Highness is also very proud. I looked at Schlieffen and others next to him with a look of local tyrants watching silk But to be honest, the prince's words were a bit exaggerated. After all, in World War II, German military horses still occupied an important position in transportation, and they were truly mechanized There are only local tyrants like the United States and Britain, or those whose army size is not particularly large.

During the exercise, several encounter simulations were indeed arranged. A large number of infantry quickly left the road, looking for bunkers nearby and constructing simple fortifications, while company and battalion support firepower was maneuvered in place by truck before the infantry started.

"As long as there are no problems with the investigation, our machine guns and mortar positions can be deployed before the opponent’s infantry launches a group charge. Although we will concentrate our company firepower, we rely on grenadiers and automatic rifles. The national battalion company-level troops will at least not suffer when they encounter it, and when the support weapon hypothesis is completed, it will be crushed." The prince explained.

; On the first day of the march, the distance of the entire army reached about 45 kilometers, which was almost twice the speed of the Prussian Army during the same period! In the next two days, it still reached about 40 kilometers. As a result, the whole marching process ended 5 hours earlier than expected! The officials of the German General Staff recorded the marching process and various data in detail. Watching them seal up the documents and pack them, the prince knew that his goal was achieved.

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