The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2797: No loss for this one wave

Therefore, I have to say that the navy's active attack this time gave us an overwhelming advantage in the battle on the frontal battlefield. In three months, I can guarantee to repair the airport, port and warehouse to the southernmost tip of the Bismarck Islands and New Guinea. The island faces each other across the sea. Anyone who has seen the world map should know how far the distance between the two is. Our bomber force can even cover the deep area of ​​Lae, New Guinea, within a radius of 600 kilometers. As long as the weather permits, the Japanese fleet All operations will be under our land-based bombers. The most restrictive aspect of all our previous battles is the lack of a huge air base, but now, with the absence of the Japanese fleet, we have everything! "

"As long as the U.S. Navy cooperates, I can guarantee that I will control the entire Umboi Island within 3 months! And this 777 square kilometer island has enough area to use as a springboard for us to attack New Guinea! And only between the two Separated by a narrow strait of the Warriors. I think everyone should be aware of this huge strategic advantage. We can completely describe it with one foot that has entered the gate of New Guinea!" Pershing said.

"Grass, there is this kind of operation?" All senior government officials, including old Roosevelt, were shocked. They didn't expect that a battle that was fought like this could turn into a big victory through such an explanation. Now I finally understand what it means to lose in battle and victory in war, or it can be said to be unvictorious?

If someone excused the navy, then old Roosevelt would not believe it, but now these words come from the collar of an army general who is very unwilling to see the navy, that's different! There is no need or reason for the army to cover up for the navy, and the old black man Pershing has a good character and is trustworthy, so what he said is very credible, and if he even thinks this battle is a profit, then it is true. made money.

"On behalf of the Navy, I thank your Excellency and the army you represent for the support and encouragement given to the Navy." Benson on the side immediately expressed his gratitude. And Pershing nodded slightly as a courtesy.

"Well, now that we have such an advantage, how should we fight the next stage of the war?" Old Roosevelt asked. Although he did not specify who would answer, it was clear that this question was addressed to Pershing. After all, now the main navy needs to go back and rest, and only the army can really control the front line.

"I hope that the current front-line fleet can work closely with the Army. When the Japanese Navy cannot return to the battlefield, we will work hard to expand our superiority." After speaking, Pershing looked at Benson.

"Hold the grass, no wonder you old fox want to speak for the navy!" The art of war may only have 60 points, but Benson, who has more than 85 points of experience in the system, suddenly felt that he understood the intention of the old black man. This guy at least has The purpose of 30% is to have the highest command on the front line!

You think, he excused the navy, then the navy must pay this favor. If the situation is favorable, then taking advantage of the favorable situation to expand the victory is an inevitable choice, and now the navy's first-line battleships have suffered heavy losses, and the navy will be in a semi-destructive state in the next few months, so well, the only one who can dominate this battle is army! However, from the navy's point of view, such a result is not unacceptable. After all, the navy suffered heavy losses and now it can only rely on the army.

"At this stage, it is mainly to control the Bismarck Islands and prepare to land on the island of New Guinea and capture Lae. We need the navy to provide fire support and **** for the army's offensive, and cut off most of the Japanese supplies. We need to When the Japanese Navy is unable to fight, push the front as far as possible and establish a chain of bases." Pershing said.

"This is a good idea. If you can come up with a reasonable and thorough plan, then I think it's okay to have the Army dominate the finishing work of the Battle of Bismarck Islands." Old Roosevelt said.

After Pershing’s assurances, the atmosphere for the subsequent talks was still good, because the senior U.S. government was very happy to see the change in the war situation, but the U.S. Army seemed to have gained tremendous benefits, both on the battlefield and politically. As for the navy, it avoided punishment due to huge battle damage. Fundamentally speaking, this meeting is a united meeting, a triumphant meeting!

Although there are political goals for the Navy, if you look at the overall situation, this wave of US Navy actions is at least not bad, although some consequences will take a long time to become apparent. The loss of the Americans can be made up, whether it is the South Dakota-class battleship under construction or the fast battleship purchased from Germany can make up for the loss of the American battle fleet. As for the aircraft carrier? The construction period of these warships is shorter, and because the future battle will be around the island of New Guinea, the U.S. land-based air force with huge advantages can replace the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier in many areas, so the problem is not big. Coupled with the fact that aircraft carriers are relatively easy to build, the loss of the US fleet is affordable.

But what about Japan? Not to mention that the addition of capital ships can only rely on battleships ordered from Italy and the United Kingdom, at least the destroyer forces are almost abolished as Shimamura said. From the perspective of the war situation, Japan has lost its most important barrier-Bismarck Bismarck Islands are gone, then New Guinea is the next step, and the Americans can step into the former Dutch East. India. The door has been opened, and the Japanese should even start thinking about how to cut meat to end the war!

After such a large-scale battle, the Americans need to re-arrange their strategies, and the same is true for Japan. Contrary to the Americans' invincible victory, the Japanese senior leaders have realized that they are somewhat undefeated and defeated! Yes, it means undefeated and defeated, and tactical victory cannot cover up the overall strategic decline! Although in terms of propaganda, the Japanese government can use this big victory to invigorate the national era, but they have to deal with the mess left on the battlefield and the economy. The shock of this "victory" was so great that the Japanese government's absolute high-level Saionji Kōwang, Yamamoto Gonei from the navy, and Terauchi Masaichi from the army came to the Philippines. They will carefully listen to the opinions of the high-level joint fleet. , And plan for the future war!

"Everyone, talk about your own views. Let's not talk about the right and wrong in the past. We must focus on the future. After all, the war will continue!" Xiyuan Temple Gongwang set the tone for a normal meeting!

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