The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2790: Hesitate

"Unexpectedly, two of the three battleships we sunk this time were sunk by destroyers. It seems that the shortcomings of the frigates have reached the point where they must be made up." An officer said.

"It's still weak." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said with a sigh of relief. Although Japan has struggled to have a main force that can be used by the U.S. Navy, in fact, the gap between the two sides is still huge, and the Japanese Navy can obtain There were tactical victories, but even if it was a victory, the cost was surprisingly high, at least now Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu really didn't want to fight anymore.

"Let the ships report the situation." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said. "Bring the distance a little, we have to be careful of the other party's destroyer." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu's order undoubtedly has a tendency to withdraw. However, at this moment, no one opposes, and even Betty is a little confused. Judging from the results of the battle, the Japanese fleet is definitely a big profit, but the price paid is too great! The main fleet is scarred, the destroyer unit has been destroyed, the cruiser? Sorry, none of them participated in the war!

The order was executed very quickly. The Japanese fleet retreated under the cover of the remaining destroyers, and the situation of the US main fleet was worse than that of the Japanese fleet. So seeing the Japanese fleet withdraw, the Americans also tacitly chose to keep their distance and after a fight. After that, the two sides stopped fighting temporarily like two tired giants. They chose to take a break. Both sides had a retreat in their hearts, but no one dared to really turn back. The Japanese were worried about the American destroyers, and the Americans. Can't run the Japanese fleet! Unless the Japanese fleet voluntarily retreats, it is not easy for the Americans to slip away!

"The high-wave power and steering gear were damaged, and the maximum speed was reduced to less than 20 knots. The response was slow. There was very little ammunition for the Fuso, Ise and Nagato, especially the flagship. We have already burnt out the last armor-piercing ammunition. Mutsu and the other two Fuso-class battleships are also not optimistic. The same is true for the two dreadnoughts.” A few minutes later, an officer reported to Shigeru Yoshimatsu. This is the art of reporting. You need to figure out the commander's mood. In the command tower, more than 80% of the people have realized that Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu wants to evacuate, and now it is just looking for a reason.

Therefore, the officers' reports on the Nagato, Kobo, Fuso, and Ise, which were in really bad ship conditions, were fairly objective, while the reports on the other three battleships could be done in a spring and autumn style. In fact, because the other three warships have been fighting a single US warship, all ammunition is still left. Although the scars were the same, the American fleet on the opposite side was even more miserable. For example, the leading battleships in Tennessee survived completely because of the Americans' excellent damage control and the captain's decisive and skillful ammunition depot filling operations! Take the worst of them, the Idaho, for example, the back half of this battleship can already be fished!

"How many other destroyers are there?" asked Shigetaro Yoshimatsu.

"No more than 10 ships. In addition to the warships that broke away due to battle injuries, there are 6 ships. In other words, we lost about half of the destroyers in this battle." Shimura Hayao said in this passage. My heart is dripping blood!

"Regardless of the outcome of this battle, we can now be sure of one thing, that is, the backbone of the Japanese Joint Fleet Destroyer Force has really been interrupted. This is not only because we have lost a lot, but also we have lost the empire. The officers and soldiers trained by the navy in the past ten years, from the beginning of the war to the present, from New Ireland to the Sulawesi Sea, the number of personnel losses in the destroyer unit has always been high. Experienced officers and soldiers are called the behemoths of war like wheat. They are the souls of the destroyer forces of the Imperial Navy. Even if we can replenish the destroyers, our loss of personnel will make the newly formed destroyer squadron look like soulless puppets.” After the battle, Hayao Shimamura wrote in his diary. Write like this.

"Okay, are we going to fight now?" Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said in his heart. He didn't make a decision immediately, or tried to calm himself down and make the best choice.

But on the other side? What is the US fleet doing? They are also gathering the remaining warships and reporting the situation of each ship. Up to now, 4 of the 11 battleships of the U.S. Navy have been sunk. The 5 armored cruisers before the war have sunk 2 of them. One of the new armored cruisers is seriously damaged and it is estimated that it is difficult to return. The remaining battleships are also in bad condition, but compared to the Japanese Navy, the Americans' biggest advantage is that there are at least 25 destroyers remaining on the battlefield!

"The ammunition depots of the Mecklenburg and Arizona are exhausted, and the condition of the Maryland is better. The condition of the Idaho is very bad, the ship is almost impossible to operate, and the internal hull damage is serious, Tennessee and Pennsylvania The situation is not good. But you can still act on your own." Ma Jifen reported to Sims.

"I don't know what's going on with the Japanese." Sims looked at the patrol in the distance and wanted to fight, but the Japanese fleet, which had more than enough heart and energy, said with some concern.

"I don't know, anyway, now we can only wait for the Japanese to make a choice, and then respond. But at this time I feel that we should remove the wounded from the battleship Idaho, this battleship is estimated to be difficult to return." Said.

"Your Excellency Commander, the battleship Mutsu sent a signal." Just when Shigetaro Yoshimatsu hesitated, an officer said did Takeshita say? "Yoshimatsu Shitaro asked.

"Captain Takeshita said that his Mutsu can continue to fight, Yamashiro and Hyuga are also in good condition, with three battleships as the core, the combined fleet can still fight to the death. He said that even if this time it will let the remaining big Some American warships slipped away, but at least they can keep one." The officer said.

"Leave one?" Shigeru Yoshimatsu looked at the US fleet in the distance. He also found that a battleship seemed to have separated from the battleship of the US fleet. There should be something wrong with the power system or control system of this battleship.

"Is it a limited attack? Just like our counter-strike in the battle of New Ireland?" Shigetaro Yoshimatsu said, touching his chin. Naturally, Shigeru Yoshimatsu was unwilling to continue stumbling. God knows how long the US fleet can last, but if it can launch a limited offensive to get another victory, it would be a good choice.

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