The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2787: 1st line students

"The probability of successful lightning strikes by destroyers is not high. The Japanese protected their core warships very well. Even in the worst of times, they left the Tosa with 3 destroyers, but we only had 5." Raidel said At this time, his words were already very hard, and there seemed to be no trace of emotions. Now Ryder is like a sophisticated machine, with reason dominating his brain. In the darkest moment, he did not give up. !

"Is the telegram still usable now?" Raidel asked.

"Communications within the fleet can still be maintained." An officer said.

"Very well, if I'm not mistaken, it's the Arizona that is dealing with Ichuji?" Raidel asked.

"That's it." Nimitz nodded and said after observing.

"Send a telegram to the captain of the Arizona, Colonel Kimmel, and say, I will give him all the destroyers, so that he must sink the Ikeu within 25 minutes! This is our last chance!" Lei Del decisively said: "After killing Isuzu, let Arizona immediately rendezvous with my ship to deal with Tosa! Leave nothing else, and carry out my orders!"

"What if Colonel Kimmel refuses to execute?" someone whispered.

"Then everyone will die together!" Raidel's answer was very decisive and harsh! And a minute later, Colonel King received a telegram from Raidel! When the colonel picked up the telescope in his hand and looked into the distance, he did see five destroyers approaching the USS Arizona, and the signal from the lead destroyer also indicated that Raidel had given command to Colonel King. !

"It seems that this time, I will either become the savior or the sinner who ruined the U.S. Navy!" Colonel Jin took a deep breath to calm his excitement. He never thought he would be given such an important task! Although the person who gave this order was not his immediate boss, he was even a German! But what does it matter? He must solve this problem, otherwise everyone will die together!

"Two ships! Only two destroyers?" Colonel Jin confirmed his opponent once again, an Ibuki-class battleship and two destroyers. There were 4 ships just now, but now there are only 2 ships, and he has 3 destroyers. , Plus the 5 destroyers provided by Raidel, that is 8 ships! The Ibuki in the distance has been severely damaged, and even seen the warship have a serious bow! Previously, if my three destroyers had launched lightning strikes, they might not have succeeded, but now, a sneer appeared at the corner of Colonel Jin's mouth!

"Concentrate all the main guns to attack the destroyers escorting the Ibuki! Then all the destroyers belonging to the fleet launched lightning strikes on the Ibuki! That's it!" Colonel Jin gave his highest order of gold in this battle! Even after the war, some people said that the American fleet was able to escape and ascend to heaven largely because of this decision. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it has to be said that this order had a profound impact on the battle situation!

The salvo of nine 14-inch guns was deadly to the destroyer who was caught off guard. The first destroyer targeted almost instantly fell into the water column where the barrage fell. The attack came so suddenly, this destroyer was basically I didn't expect that I would be taken care of by a battleship. The destroyer began to accelerate to evade, marking a curve on the sea surface, but the shells followed like a shadow, and they were getting closer!

"Are the Americans crazy?" On the Ibuki, Kantarou Suzuki looked at the Arizona, which turned its muzzle in the distance, and said. The Japanese were not slow here. While the Arizona was shifting firepower, Ibuki used himself only. The remaining three 14-inch guns fought back, and with the help of luck, they scored two hits. However, this had little effect on the rough-skinned Arizona!

In the end, the destroyer stared at by the giant beast sank. A 14-inch shell hit the middle of the destroyer’s hull, smashing the destroyer’s superstructure like a heavy hammer. The chimney, The torpedo’s launch tube and half of the bridge were blown into the air. The shell exploded inside the hull, not only destroying more than 60% of the boilers, but also breaking the thin hull plate into a sieve, accompanied by a large amount of sea water. Enter, this destroyer is dead!

"Now it's time for us to get on!" Halsey said excitedly looking at Ibuki, who was guarded by only one destroyer. The six destroyers formed the first wave of offensive. They didn't care about the Japanese destroyers and fire from other directions. The shells rushed straight to the Ibuki, and the entire destroyer detachment rushed towards the opponent at a speed of up to 33 knots. Every minute, they could rush out 2 kilometers! Facing these assassins with sharp blades, Yi Chuan fought back and dodged!

However, in the end, the muzzle that was turned again on the Arizona completely destroyed the hope of escape for Ibuki. A shell hit the steering engine compartment of Ibuki. This gun made Ibuki unable to operate effectively within ten minutes. However, for these For the assassin, 5 minutes is enough!

The last Japanese destroyer rushed up bravely. However, under the stormy shells of the three destroyers, the Japanese destroyer was also hit hard, with flames wafting on the sea. In the end, Halsey’s destroyer detachment Arrived at the lightning strike position, and shot 8 torpedoes in one breath from a distance of 1500 to 900 meters!

The almost unavoidable Ishuo finally ushered in its torpedoes have concentrated this heavily damaged warship! The powerful ship-borne torpedoes weighing more than 1 ton are not comparable to aviation torpedoes. The worst part is that the two torpedoes hit very close positions, accompanied by thunder-like explosions, a large group of huge ones. The water column rises up from the sea, like a white sword cut through the battleship with a displacement of up to 25,000 tons! These two torpedoes directly slashed Yi Chuan! Before the water column falls, you can clearly see the second half of the hull supported by the huge explosion, and the bow like a long knife pierced into the water! Then the two torpedoes hit the front hull to pieces! Countless fragments were thrown into the air for tens of meters! In the end, the battleship broke into several sections and sank into the sea!

"We seem to have overfulfilled the task, and we spent less than 15 minutes in total," said Colonel Kimmel, wiping the sweat from his head. At this time, he was extremely calm, and he was not at all excited because he sank a Japanese super fearless, because he knew that this victory was just a basis and gave the American fleet a chance to survive. The situation is still difficult, and he still needs to work hard.

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The rise of the empire