The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2771: Vanguard Battle One

Betty is not unprepared for herself. Even when the number of Japanese destroyers is already very scarce, the other side still sent 12 destroyers to intercept her. You can despise the destroyer’s artillery and defense, but you must respect the destroyer’s torpedoes! The Japanese fleet was not shaken by its own interference, so at this time, there is only one thing Raid can do, which is to destroy the opponent’s destroyer force in the shortest time, and then threaten the main force of the Japanese fleet with his own destroyer. , Forcing them to slow down, adjust their maneuvers, and finally get stuck by the slow Sims fleet, and then engage in a battle line battle. Yes, you read that right. Rydell has been busy for a long time to drag the Japanese fleet. Let their speed advantage not be played out, thereby destroying the T-shaped horizontal head formation of the Japanese fleet, for a fleet battle line battle!

"Ready to release smoke! Destroyers speed up the assault!" With the order of Raidel, as many as 18 American destroyers began their final dash! They passed Ryder’s battleship and rushed to the Japanese fleet at a speed of over 32 knots, like ancient light cavalry. Clouds of smoke gushed out of the smoke canister, and then joined each other to form a rolling ball. Black clouds generally pressed against the Japanese fleet!

The Japanese destroyer on the opposite side was also unambiguous, and rushed up bravely, although the number on the opposite side was 50% more than them! But the Japanese destroyer detachment, supported by the fleet's secondary artillery, is not afraid! As a result, before the battle between the two battleships, as many as 30 destroyers first fought together!

Smoke has a very good interference effect on long-range artillery, so at this time, the real serious damage to the destroyer forces is the close-range artillery and lightning strikes. In this case, there are 4 destroyers with more leaders than the opponent. The 50% American destroyer fleet has a natural advantage!

"Save torpedoes and use more naval guns!" The leader of the destroyer DD575 signaled to his teammates while charging. The front of the four destroyer leaders was like a sharp knife straight into the formation of the Japanese destroyers, and the speed of the two sides' relative navigation Up to 60 knots, the average distance can be shortened by nearly 2 kilometers per minute! Almost in the blink of an eye, the destroyers on both sides entered the naval gun engagement distance!

Boom! boom! The 5-inch and 6-inch artillery on a dozen U.S. destroyers continuously spewed deadly fire snakes. At a distance of meters, a barrage composed of fire nets swept everything along with the movement of the fleet. The U.S. destroyer detachment used far more The opponent’s naval gun fire easily cut through the queue of Japanese destroyers. Two of the destroyers that could not evade were almost instantly submerged by artillery shells from all directions. The first to be destroyed was the Chunyu destroyer, with tons of high explosive bombs falling. On this poor destroyer, violent explosions sounded continuously on the hull and bridge, exploding a large number of cabins into pieces and then coming out of the glass on the hull. The flammability of the picric acid charge was added to the flames, just a few minutes In the time, the destroyer was engulfed by turbulent flames and turned into a torch floating on the sea.

The other destroyer was ignited by a shell 2 minutes later torpedo tubes, which directly detonated 3 533MM torpedoes. With the continuous explosion of more than 1 ton of explosives, the hull fragments were thrown to hundreds of Meters high in the sky, and the shock wave generated also disperse the surrounding smoke some.

"Release torpedoes! All destroyers release torpedoes!" Following the command from the flagship, the remaining 10 Japanese destroyers began to turn, and then pointed the side string entertainment launch tube at the incoming US destroyer squadron. In a hurry, many destroyers even The torpedoes were shot out without even finishing the binding of the shooting data. Naturally, these torpedoes navigating in all directions at sea would hardly hit the target. However, due to the deterrent effect of the torpedo, the US destroyer detachment still deviated a little.

"Collect the fleet, we move upwind. Regroup, and then intercept again." The Sanchuan Army who served as the leader ordered. His idea is actually quite reasonable. In the smog, his destroyer squad cannot get the support of the main fleet’s secondary artillery fire. In close combat, it must be that the US army with more ships and more artillery is more powerful. Ship, this is the result of his running fast!

According to the Sanchuan Army, the main goal of the American destroyer should be to release lightning strikes. Therefore, his idea is to temporarily retreat to a position where there is no smoke to reorganize the fleet, and then when the U.S. destroyer launches a lightning strike, he will stab himself from behind. , Cooperate with the secondary guns of the battleship to attack this American destroyer squadron!

This idea is really good, and it is also the correct way to deal with the current Japanese fleet. However, the Japanese can think of this, and Raidel can also think of it! The smoke released by the destroyer forces not only covered itself, but also provided cover for the Raidel fleet behind!

Raidel is a double bet this time. If the Japanese heads so good, the destroyers of the two sides have a melee. As long as God does not help the Japanese, then after this close battle, the United States will definitely dominate. navy! The difference between the strengths of the two sides is too great, this can not be restored by operation, and the Japanese want to deploy such a wave of destroyers, it is unrealistic!

And if this Japanese commander is smart enough, then he will definitely avoid the front, avoid the frontal conflict, and then start from the side after the reorganization! The upper air vent is the only option, because if you go to the lower air vent, you will be enveloped by smoke and the reorganization will definitely be slow. According to the current speed of American destroyers, the Japanese destroyer detachment is too late. Well, what Rydell did is to hide in the smoke like the lion who was about to hunt. Once the Japanese destroyer squadron is ready to regroup on the upper wind, then he will kill it directly! Anyway, the Japanese destroyer has released a wave of torpedoes, and the threat to the capital ship will be greatly reduced. A battleship and two cruisers of more than 20,000 tons rushed up, isn't it a massacre?

The so-called fact that a horseshoe lost a kingdom in the European fable is exaggerated, but the efforts of the Ryder fleet last night have indeed paid off today! The Japanese fleet is missing 1 light cruiser and 4 destroyers! This made the Japanese plan to use destroyers to block lightning strikes from US destroyers during today's war in vain! This is also an important reason for Rader to bet on both ends! Otherwise, if the lost battleships last night were added, the 18 American destroyers would really not be able to penetrate the opponent's line of defense!

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