The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2768: Night Fight IV

"No, wait, we need to know the location of the Japanese main fleet now!" Raidel said, and just as Raidel's voice fell, a series of flares suddenly fell from the sky, at least one dozen or more 100,000 candles of flares. Illuminate a large area of ​​the sea like daylight!

"This is the result of what I waited for! Order, the rangefinder will measure the distance of the Japanese fleet immediately!" Raidel said excitedly. Even though there were a large number of flares, it still didn't show the entire Japanese fleet, but this It was enough for Raidel. In the few minutes before the flares went out, the well-trained German navy fire control personnel could estimate the approximate distance between the two sides!

"18 kilometers! The error is within 500 meters! The speed of the Japanese fleet is around 12 knots, and they have not started accelerating. It seems hesitant!" After a while, the fire control officer sent the data.

"18 kilometers? Enough! Send a signal to the second destroyer squad and let them cooperate with us to kill the chasing soldiers! End the battle in 10 minutes!" Riddle ordered. Ten seconds later, the four large German destroyers belonging to the Second Destroyer Squadron had already outflanked them from the side. Two minutes later, the flares released by the two German destroyers illuminated the light cruiser Kiso and the Japanese destroyer!

"Fire at full speed!" At this time, the distance between the Radel fleet and the Japanese pursuit fleet was less than 5 kilometers! Already at the direct range of the naval gun, even the rangefinder on the top of the mast is omitted. The rangefinder on the turret aimed directly at the target. After ten seconds, the eight 15-inch guns and side strings of the battleship Mecklenburg A large number of 6-inch guns fired the first round of shelling!

In the dark night, the scene of a large number of naval guns shooting was exceptionally spectacular. Balls of orange flames spurted from the muzzle and then joined together, as conspicuous as a flares on the sun, and even caused some unprepared people to appear briefly. Blind, tons of shells roared towards the target. In just a few seconds, a Japanese warship crashed into the fire net formed by the fleets of the United States and Germany!

As the most conspicuous target, Kitakami naturally took the brunt. In the first round of salvo, a 15-inch shell and one 10-inch shell successfully hit this poor warship. The semi-armor-piercing shell weighing 875 kilograms easily A huge hole was torn open in the middle of the hull of the light cruiser Kitakami, leaving a 10-meter-long scar like an open belly. The huge shell went all the way forward and finally detonated in the engine room! With the explosion of dozens of kilograms of tnt explosives, the two roaring turbines were instantly destroyed. Flames and shock waves tore the next door to the cabin, sweeping through everything encountered with the sound of death. The other 10-inch shell did not disappoint, and one shot directly destroyed the two 6-inch guns in the bow of the ship. And soon, more 6-inch shells began to sweep the entire deck. Before Kitakami could react, the warship had been severely damaged.

"Turn the fire to other warships and hand over the heavy damage to the destroyer torpedoes!" Little Fletcher ordered. Under his order, the two American armored cruisers decisively aimed their muzzles at the destroyers behind, and Halsey The action is also swift enough, with his destroyer quickly approaching to a position less than 800 m from Kitakami, and then shooting 2 torpedoes in a row!

After a while, two huge fireballs jumped up on the sea at the same time. One of them was the light cruiser Kitakami that was hit by a torpedo, and the other was a destroyer that was directly killed by a 15-inch naval gun! Only 5 minutes have passed since the battle began. A light cruiser and a destroyer have been sunk, and two destroyers have been severely damaged. Only the last destroyer ran away before the encirclement closed.

"Let the destroyer squad kill the remaining dead fish, and then release the smoke to immediately evacuate to the predetermined location!" Raidel is quite satisfied with the result of this attack. Up to now, he has replaced one destroyer with one light cruiser. With 4 fleet destroyers and 2 **** destroyers, this transaction has been very profitable. Taking into account the Japanese main force fleet that is eyeing in the distance, Raidel decided to withdraw first to see the limelight.

"Is this too cunning?" Looking at the battlefield in the distance, Shige Taro Yoshimatsu called an anger and depression! When the main artillery of the Ryder fleet fired, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu naturally noticed the fire, and the Japanese fleet was also ready to provide fire support in the first place.

However, the distance is too far, and the exposure time is too short, and the US fleet has only shot for 5 minutes, and in the night battle, it is too difficult to hit a target 15 kilometers away by the flash of artillery. ! In fact, Raidel took advantage of these two points, and then came to pull his teeth! The plan is right, the action is clean and neat! And even if it's buggering, I don't forget to release some more smoke, the whole process is really dripping!

" The commander opposite should be Raidel. It seems that our younger generation is in trouble." Betty frowned and said, Su Xiong has returned home. Anyway, Betty absolutely does not believe that the U.S. Navy can perform such operations, so the commander can only be Raidel, and then think of the previous behavior of marking the position of the Japanese joint fleet with flares. Even from the enemy's perspective, Betty admitted that the other party did It's really good!

"Immediately order all seaplane carrier and supply ships to the non-engaging side of the main fleet, just in case." Betty suggested.

"Yes, order the fleet to shrink immediately, so that all destroyers withdraw to the battle area of ​​the battleship night battle artillery, and pay attention to maintaining light control." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu also reacted and ordered immediately. So the entire Japanese fleet began to shrink, and the fragile battleship was hidden in the core. The entire fleet was like a hedgehog in a group. The guns of the 13 battleships were like the spikes of this hedgehog. The attackers can't start! After all, when you can hit others, others can hit you too!

Ten minutes later, the Japanese seaplane also took off, and a fleet of seaplanes began to search for the Virtue fleet in the surrounding waters. In this case, it basically means the end of the harassment operation tonight, because once you open the fire again, the seaplane will quickly find your approximate location, and then fly to your head and throw a flare. In this case, It’s definitely not that easy if you want to run again, and it’s hard to escape even if you release smoke.

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