The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2766: Night Fight II

"We can use naval guns to solve problems at a long distance. Don't use torpedoes." said a subordinate.

"We want to make the Japanese misjudgment! Let them think that this was done by the submarine. Only in this way can we attract more destroyers. Not to alarm the Japanese capital ships." Halsey said.

So Halsey and the destroyer DD153 first attacked the Japanese anti-submarine destroyer hidden in the night. Although the latter bears the name of the destroyer, it does not have the tonnage, speed, and weaponry of the destroyer. At best, it is only a 500-ton boat. With the help of Japan With human lights, Halsey, who was hidden in the night, approached the target first, and sneaked around to the side and rear of the target ship!

"The data of torpedo launcher No. 1 has been bound, the depth is 3 meters, and the speed of torpedo is 40 knots." A moment later, the torpedo launcher sent a message.

"Very well, stabilize the speed and heading, and launch the torpedo in 2 minutes!" The distance and heading of the target were determined by the rangefinder at the top of the destroyer’s mast. The two American destroyers approached slowly one after the other, and then When entering a distance of about 450 yards from the target, a cross lightning strike was carried out, and in order to prevent excessive speed from causing noise, Halsey limited the speed of the destroyer to 14 knots.

Two minutes later, with the sound of compressed air pushing torpedoes, 4 torpedoes staggered out and rushed to the Japanese **** destroyer hundreds of meters away! In less than a minute, there was a loud noise not far away. Under the moonlight, Halsey could see large fragments thrown into the sky by a violent explosion! And 2 minutes later, another loud noise meant that the **** destroyer that used searchlights to search the sea also sank!

"Transfer the position and wait for the new target!" After completing the attack, the 4 American destroyers retreated into the night and continued to observe the Japanese fleet in the distance.

"What's the matter?" Looking at Yasuo Shimamura, who looked a little gloomy, the Commander of the Joint Fleet, Shige Taro Yoshimatsu, frowned.

"We have two **** destroyers sunk. It seems that they were sunk by submarine torpedoes." Shimamura also hesitated when he said this. After all, two **** destroyers were sunk by torpedoes at the same time. This probability is a little bit Low!

"Send a destroyer to take a look. Be careful of the submarines that may exist in the surrounding waters." Shigeru Yoshimatsu also felt a little strange, but he didn't take it too seriously. After all, there is a saying to say it, eliminating all impossible options. So no matter how unreliable the remaining options are, it is also true!

Anyway, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu and others did not think that the attack was done by the US fleet. After all, the overall speed of the US fleet is only 18 knots. They are theoretically at least hundreds of kilometers away from here! However, at this time, sending a destroyer to the past is of little significance, because the submarine has been hidden long ago, and the Japanese destroyer can't throw depth bombs indefinitely? At this time, it used to be more to search for people falling into the water.

So the two regular destroyers came to the sea area where they were fighting, and sent their heads to Halsey's butcher knife! The two destroyers turned on the lights and searched for the people who fell into the water, and the lights undoubtedly indicated the target for Halsey.

"Come on, kill them!" This time, facing a regular destroyer, it is impossible to use torpedoes to kill them. After all, they are faster and more powerful! However, in the case of 4 on 2, Halsey still has the ability to solve the problem in a short time.

"A ship is approaching!" At the observation post of the destroyer Shigure, a watchman issued a warning. On the border of light and darkness, two fuzzy figures can be seen approaching quickly. They seem to be afraid of light. Generally, people are always on the edge of light. If they are not for people with particularly good night vision, they are really invisible!

"Should it be other destroyers who came after hearing the news? Give them a signal to alert the other submarine on the periphery, and leave it to us for search and rescue." The Shigure captain said. Obviously, at this moment, Shigure also regarded Americans as his own, and they never thought that this might be an enemy.

"The Japanese seem to have discovered us, and they are signaling us!" An officer said to Halsey nervously. The US military didn't know what the Japanese signal meant.

"Don't worry, they are just a routine greeting. Didn't you see that they removed the beam of the searchlight again? They didn't take us seriously, so calm, we leaned forward and killed them!" Halsey's brain quickly Planning, he decided to proceed according to the original plan!

However, among the tens of thousands of officers and soldiers in the joint fleet, there are always a few talents, or those who suffer from persecution delusions. For example, the commander of the destroyer Shimakaze who is searching for people in the water is right here. What happened was very vigilant, even before he came he was ready!

In fact, the reason is very simple. In a very short period of time, two **** destroyers were sunk. How did TM do this? After the submarine hits a round of torpedoes, it takes about half an hour! Generally, there are only 4 torpedo tubes in the front of the submarine. It is possible to hit one target in a but it is too difficult to hit two targets at the same time. Another goal? This time seemed too late, so although Junichi Sanchuan didn't know what caused all this, it did not prevent him from preparing!

Just when Shigure discovered Halsey, Mikawa Junichi also discovered two American destroyers outflanked from the other side! Unlike Shigure, which only asked the opposite side to keep a distance, the Sanchuan Army immediately sent a signal to ask the other side to show their identity! As for this signal, the American on the opposite side naturally couldn’t answer it, but fortunately, the American destroyer on the opposite side was calm and didn’t open fire for the first time!

"Raise the identification belt immediately! Let them show their identities!" The Sanchuan Army put down the telescope in his hand and said. "The battleship speeds up to 20 knots, prepares torpedoes, and prepares for battle! Send Shigure a signal again and ask them to pay attention to suspicious ships around!"

"Captain, have your orders been overdone, they are friendly forces!" said an officer.

"How can the friendly army not answer our inquiry and not hang the identification tape?" Sanchuan Junyi said coldly. The so-called warship identification belt is actually a large piece of white cloth with reflective strips. This is a unique identification method of the Japanese Navy at night. It will be hung when engaging in battle, identifying identity, or sailing in dense formations. Sanchuan Junyi’s thoughts are very rational. If I send a signal and you will not respond, I hang up the identification tape. If you do not respond, then you must have a problem! This idea is simple and clear!

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