The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2753: War

In fact, in the second battle of history, most of the sinking of the US fleet's aircraft carriers was attributed to torpedo planes. The 250KG bombs dropped by Japanese dive bombers were too powerful. Think about what was repaired a week after Yorktown returned home. To put it bluntly, the blood of the Japanese dive bomber pilots was in vain in the first year! If there are aircraft that can carry 500KG bombs for dive bombing, and use them in large numbers, the US Navy will pay a greater price.

After the performance of the first wave of bombers could be described bluntly, the torpedo planes in the fleet attacked again under the cover of fighters, while the remaining bombers carried bombs to attack seaplanes and destroyers. At this time, perhaps it was because the remaining power was exhausted, or the previous evasion of the dive bomber had overrun the luck of the Constellation. In the next battle, the survival time of the Constellation can only be calculated in minutes!

Compared with dive bombers, torpedo planes are a very good target because they are slow, low in altitude, and can hardly be effectively dodged. Especially before throwing a torpedo, the aircraft must fly at a fixed altitude and a fixed speed, otherwise, the torpedo may fail due to impact... The Japanese know this, and the Americans know it, so when anti-torpedo aircraft, anti-aircraft artillery sets special parameters, specifically for your speed and altitude range... Therefore, under normal circumstances, regardless of whether the attack is successful or not, the price paid by the torpedo is very huge. (You can refer to the three torpedo units in the United States that were almost wiped out during the Battle of Midway.)

Therefore, in order to reduce the casualties of torpedo aircraft and improve the effect of lightning strikes, the Japanese also decisively used fighter jets to provide fire cover. Before the torpedo aircraft entered the attack channel, at least 20 fighters were attacking the huge aircraft carrier like piranhas. The door large-caliber machine gun frantically fired at the surface air defense firepower of the US aircraft carrier.

Here I have to give a thumbs up to the design of the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier. The new U.S. aircraft carrier pays great attention to anti-aircraft firepower when designing. Because of the particularity of the aircraft carrier, you cannot arrange a lot of antiaircraft guns on the deck. This is how the Americans solved it. There is actually a certain gap between the top layer of the hangar and the deck. Among them, there is an inconsistent deck. This deck is lower than the flight deck and higher than the hangar deck. Used to place the antiaircraft artillery, it is called the antiaircraft gun deck. It is on the antiaircraft gun deck of the Constellation. On this deck, the Americans deployed more than 70 rapid-fire guns and anti-aircraft machine guns of various calibers. These weapons have indeed brought a lot of trouble to the Japanese fighters that penetrated the defense!

"The Americans have very strong air defense firepower. Although it was mentioned in the mission briefing that our land-based bomber forces paid a heavy price when they stormed the American fleet's air defense, but only through experience can you know this. How dangerous it is to attack in just a few minutes.” A Japanese pilot commented on the US air defense firepower after the war.

Accompanied by the roar of machine guns and rapid-fire cannons, dozens of antiaircraft artillery drove the Japanese attack aircraft crazy at a rate of fire of more than 4000 rounds of various ammunition into the sky per minute. The Americans first faced the Japanese fighters. , These flexible little guys are equipped with 3 machine guns, two 13.4MM large-caliber machine guns and one 6.5MM machine gun. The Japanese fighter jets and the artillery on the antiaircraft artillery deck launched a crazy match!

Thousands of bullets were flying in the air. Fire snakes composed of tracer bullets twisted their deadly bodies in the air. The fan-shaped air defense fire from the US fleet formed a dense fire net on the two floors of the warship, especially after approaching within 3000 meters, a large number of double 40MM mechanisms The crazy firepower of the artillery and the 4-unit 28MM cannon made the Japanese feel quite tricky. In less than 2 minutes of the exchange of fire between the two sides, three Japanese fighters were shot down. Some of them were directly torn into pieces by shells fired from multiple directions, and some fell into the sea due to engine damage or partial damage.

However, nearly a hundred machine guns of the Japanese also wreaked havoc on the American antiaircraft artillery deck. The dense bullets smashed the simple steel plate in the front of the antiaircraft artillery, or directly penetrated through the defensive gap, and then relaxed in the crowd. Sweep out an alley of flesh and blood.

After the two sides fired at each other for more than 20 minutes, the Americans' defensive strength was significantly reduced. On the one hand, it was because of the casualties, and more importantly, the ammunition attacks were a little bit unable to keep up. There was still a long way from the lifting shaft of the ammunition warehouse to the gun position A certain distance, and this distance requires people to transport, and with the casualties of a large number of auxiliary personnel, the supply of ammunition for the antiaircraft artillery in front will naturally decrease, and after all, people know how to be afraid. When looking at the people next to them for a few minutes When the former was alive and well, but suddenly turned into pieces of **** meat, the shock of death was more powerful than any irritation! Watching the comrades who died in battle beside Watching countless bullets flying in the distance, listening to the howling of guns and guns in my ears like the call of death. Many people collapsed!

The so-called long-term defense is very reasonable. Later, the Japanese bomber forces joined the battle again, and fighters were responsible for suppressing them. Then the bombers dropped a large number of small bombs on the Constellation. If the bulletproof steel plate in front of the gun can barely withstand the bullets of large-caliber machine guns, then when those bombs weighing 50KG or 100KG fall on the deck, the flying shrapnel will be a disaster for the AA gun operators!

In the next period of time, the bombers participating in the attack again dropped more than 20 rounds of various small bombs, and these bombs forcibly emptied the antiaircraft artillery deck on one side! The anti-aircraft firepower on the other side was also cleared by more than half. Thick smoke covered the antiaircraft artillery that was blown into a ball of scrap iron and blood all over the ground. The American water dragon tried to extinguish the fire on the platform. However, when the Constellation was busy for a while, the real killer appeared. The 20 torpedo planes were divided into 5 groups to launch lightning strikes from both sides of the Constellation.

With the destroyer escorting one dead and one injured, and the Constellation’s anti-aircraft firepower was only less than 30% of the original, the Japanese lightning strikes appeared calm, and some Japanese torpedo planes were released only when they were close to about 500 meters. torpedo! When the plane pulled up, it almost collided with the bridge of the American aircraft carrier! And the effect of dense lightning strikes at such close range is naturally very good.

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