The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2751: Attack begins

Damn, I feel like we are hanging this time. "Betty cursed loudly, but his anger and dissatisfaction did not change anything. Under the strict order of Yoshimatsu Shigeru Taro, four Japanese aircraft carriers began to release their carrier aircraft, the aircraft carriers entered the upwind course, and their speed gradually increased to more than 25 knots per hour. As the windshield at the front of the flight deck was lowered, the deck wind violently swept the wide deck of the aircraft carrier. At this time, the combined wind speed was as high as 30 knots per hour, which exceeded the scheduled 25 knots flying requirement.

"Let's get started!" As the signal lights on the bridge lighted up, one aircraft quickly loosened its fixed equipment, and then began to accelerate at full speed. It was fighters, then bombers, and finally torpedoes that took off. Four aircraft carriers released 120 aircraft in the first wave of attacks. On average, each aircraft carrier released 40 aircraft. The time interval for releasing aircraft was about half a minute to one minute. After about half an hour, all carrier-based aircrafts were released. It has been lifted off, and then under the command and guidance of each squadron leader, the Japanese fleet has completed its formation! At this moment, the telegram sent back from the front claimed that the reconnaissance aircraft force had discovered two aircraft carriers!

As a result, all questions at this moment were gone. Now that the US Navy aircraft carrier has been discovered, it is natural to fight. Of course, some people think more, for example, they think, why only two aircraft carriers were found? What about other aircraft carriers? However, these questions are destined to have no effect in a short period of time. Betty was temporarily deprived of command, and the Japanese naval aircraft carrier squadron who was first on the battlefield knew only one word that was "reckless"!

Accompanied by the roar of hundreds of engines, the Japanese Navy's carrier-based aircraft force began its first round of aircraft carrier battle since its birth. Thousands of Japanese naval officers and soldiers watched these navy's favorites flying on the deck and bridge. distance.

At the same time, the Japanese land-based twin-engine bomber units that took off from the Talau Islands are also on their way to the battlefield. It has to be said that the Japanese Navy has established a relatively complete communication command system under the guidance and help of the British. The information discovered by the aircraft was sent to the joint fleet flagship, and the joint fleet flagship could soon forward the information to the land-based communication station in the Talau Islands, which then relayed the information to the land-based bomber unit, although there was a certain delay Sex, but no matter what, the Japanese can finally guide two groups of planes to one target. Of course, this is not an advantage for this battle...

The news of the dispatch of the Japanese fleet is naturally not hidden from the Americans. Although the Japanese Navy's fighter jets tried their best to disperse the surrounding US reconnaissance planes, it is really difficult to intercept a single target flying at low altitude without radar guidance. (In World War II, even with the U.S. Navy's powerful technology and fleet strength, low-altitude single-aircraft penetration still had a certain success rate, let alone now.) Therefore, the U.S. Navy reconnaissance fleet was very smooth to tell the news of the Japanese fleet's take-off. The aircraft carrier Zeppelin was hundreds of kilometers away, and when Japan’s first attack fleet took off, Zeppelin and Assault also released their fleets!

It has to be said that compared to the Japanese, the US-German Air Force is more efficient in the formation of aircraft groups. This does not mean that the American pilots are more elite than the Japanese. In fact, if you simply talk about team air combat, the two sides will be half a cat. Level, after all, they are all rookies who have never been on the battlefield... However, the Germans are now more efficient in air fleet applications. Unlike the Japanese who simply followed the British three-aircraft formation, the Germans used a four-aircraft formation when forming a team. After the fleet was launched, each squadron leader first integrated his squadron, and then the squadron flew to the scheduled assembly position. The team led by the attack is organized in squadrons.

Moreover, almost all of the Japanese aircraft clusters are concentrated at a different altitude. The entire Virtue aircraft cluster is vertically distributed in an altitude range. In this way, the entire aircraft cluster can be concentrated in the smallest possible airspace. After all, aircraft formation in this era is basically dependent on Eyes, radio coordination or something, almost non-existent... (In fact, in the early days of World War II, the internal communication of the Japanese naval fighter squadrons was mainly based on writing boards and gestures!)

Therefore, the current situation is very interesting. If someone opens the perspective of God, they will find that the fleet of 4 Japanese aircraft carriers is flying towards the aircraft carrier Constellation, and the fleet released from Zeppelin and Assault is flying towards the Japanese fleet. Go, a triangle is formed between the three fleets!

"Send a signal to the Americans to ask them to follow us with all their aircraft." At this time, it was Lieutenant Colonel Russ who was in charge of leading the fleet. After completing the formation of the two air fleets he will lead the fleet to the Japanese fleet. Don’t think that the task of leading the team is simple. In fact, even in the Second World War, there are still many problems on the aircraft carrier due to guidance errors or the pilot’s own errors. At this time, as the German Navy that has experienced many actual battles The elite of the Sea-based Air Force, and the entire fleet led by Lieutenant Colonel Russ is also reasonable.

In actual flight, Lieutenant Colonel Russ must take into account the formation of the entire fleet and the concealment of the route. Fighters and attack aircraft have different speeds. The fleet must maintain a relatively moderate speed. When approaching the target, the fighter force also needs to be divided into two parts. One part is naturally used to contain the opponent's interceptor fleet, and the other part is personal cover. Bombers, and are responsible for suppressing the enemy fleet’s artillery when attacking.

When the two fleets separate, it is also a science. As for the subsequent coordinated attacks of bombers and torpedoes and the order in which they attack each other’s warships, it is even more a science. After all, there are four targets. People will also hide, as well as **** warships and aircraft. If you want to damage the aircraft carrier while the opponent is fortified, you will undoubtedly need a high tactical level!

The attack wave composed of 120 aircrafts used up almost all the available aircraft of 2 U.S. aircraft carriers. After overdrawing all of its combat power, the U.S. Navy finally used 2 aircraft carriers to produce 4 aircraft carriers comparable to Japan. The waves of attacks, but this is almost a glimpse for the Americans. From now on, there is almost no cover over the two US aircraft carriers!

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