The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2740: Tenpyo Ichi

1 2740

Generally speaking, the Japanese fleet has a huge advantage in terms of capital ships and aviation power. However, due to errors in intelligence and judgment, the Japanese army gave up the idea of ​​attacking and gaining the initiative. The Japanese appeared to be more conservative. They contracted the fleet to In the sea area with the Talaw Islands as its core, waiting for the arrival of the other side as if standing by.

The Japanese seemed to have chosen the safest tactics and the best position, but they gave the Americans what they needed most-time! If the Japanese reconnaissance is more effective, when the US fleet has just evacuated from Tarragon Island, the Americans will have no time to make plans. Then the battle will directly become an encounter, and the result of head-on head-on is most likely that the more dominant Japanese will win.

And if the battle broke out in the central area of ​​the Sulawesi Sea, then the Japanese fleet will have another chance to pursue another after the battle, because the Sulawesi Sea is a semi-enclosed sea area, and the U.S. fleet can only flee eastward. The seaplane unit of the Talaw Islands has another chance to capture the US fleet once again to provide location information to the Japanese fleet. Even a complete victory similar to that in the Russo-Japanese naval battle is not impossible, but unfortunately, the Japanese Navy lost its first-hand advantage due to intelligence errors and judgment problems, and the US Navy, which has a certain period of time, is gradually gaining ground. Some inconspicuous directions to save some of the decline!

The so-called impermanence, any military action, once let the other party understand your rules, then it means that you are not far from being passive.... The Americans did not know that the Japanese made a misjudgment when collecting intelligence, nor did they know what actions the Japanese army took. But the Americans know that there are only two actions that the Japanese can take, one is to wait and see, and the other is to kill directly!

This is not a multiple choice question for the U.S. fleet, because the avant-garde fleet and submarine fleet deployed by the U.S. military can take care of both options at the same time! The avant-garde fleet composed of 2 fast-armored cruisers, 2 seaplane carriers and 8 destroyers is definitely not powerful. It was placed in the North Sea during the Great War, and it did not even have a quarter of the combat power of the regular avant-garde fleet! But unfortunately, such a fleet is enough in the Sulawesi Sea! This fleet was deployed 20 nautical miles in front of the main fleet to alert the active Japanese attack.

At the same time, the alert fleet composed of more than 30 submarines is deployed in the eastern export area of ​​the Sulawesi Sea. The Japanese know that the Talaw Islands can be a very good support point, and the Americans know it too! Therefore, there are more than 15 submarines cruising in the ocean near the Talau Islands. And these submarines can meet the Japanese fleet without accident! The reason is simple. Japanese fleet mobilization and deployment require telegrams, and telegrams may not be decipherable, but they can definitely be located!

"At 3 o'clock, it is about 20 nautical miles away from us. I can guarantee that this must be a large fleet! I have compared the telegram transmission methods and electronic characteristics. This should be a telegram sent by a fleet-level command organization. We were caught in the naval battle of New Ireland, and it was later confirmed that this should have been sent by the Japanese fleet’s flagship Fuso.” At this time, in the northeast of the Talaw Islands, the US Navy’s Sturgeon submarine was under the cover of night. Sailing south, the special receiving antenna equipped on the upper control tower of the submarine was aimed at the 3 o'clock direction, and inside the control tower, the captain and radio personnel were analyzing the intercepted telegrams!

"There are still 3 hours before dawn. Our surface speed can reach 15 knots per hour. Considering the other side's sailing direction, we should have time to approach this fleet under the cover of night." Captain Mano The captain thought for a while and said.

After all, this is in the Japanese-controlled area, that is, at night, the American submarine can sail on the sea with a swagger. In other words, only at night can the American submarine safely chase the opponent. If you consider that the sun rises from the east and the Japanese fleet is more eastward than the submarine, then this time can be extended a little bit. The Sturgeon submarine has a high probability of success!

"Then go ahead, we must determine the position of the Japanese fleet, even if we fight for our lives." The first officer said without hesitation. "In addition, if the suspected fleet signal we found before is correct, then if these points are connected in a line, then can we find some problems? For example, the Japanese fleet has actually been back and forth in the eastern part of the Talau Islands for these two days. Cruising? They did not choose to take the initiative?"

"It shouldn't be. The Japanese combined fleet should have an advantage?" Captain Mano also didn't understand, but these things are obviously not something he needs to understand. As the most basic commander, he only needs to do well. Your own business will do! So, after reconfirming the direction, the submarine Sturgeon began to head towards the source of the telegram. However, what struck the Sturgeon was that before it, an American submarine had sneaked close to the Japanese combined fleet!

If the Sturgeon can find the position of the Japanese fleet by technology and experience, then the submarine Tuna can find the Japanese fleet by fate! What do you say in later life? Fate is wonderful!

Unlike the Sturgeon, which was equipped with a new radio receiving antenna and related electronic equipment before departure, the Tuna submarine has not undergone any improvement, so it is impossible to intercept the flagship radio communications of the Japanese Joint Fleet with old equipment~www.novelhall .com~ But at night, the Tuna ran into a Japanese fleet that was sailing slowly!

"Captain, there seems to be a fleet of lights in the distance." The tuna, who also kept sailing on the surface, had good luck today from a routine sea search. At a distance of about 5,000 meters from the submarine, one by one looked like fireflies. The general light spot is constantly shaking, this situation seems to be nothing special to the average person, but for an experienced navy personnel, this is the light signal for the fleet to communicate at night!

"It seems that we have had good luck tonight! Now, it is only a Japanese warship that can appear here." Captain Max immediately issued the order to dive, as the tanks on both sides of the submarine poured a lot of sea water. The submarine Tuna was hidden in the rolling waves of the Pacific Ocean.

"The other party is resupply at sea! That's right! The outer side should be a large supply ship, and the inner side is invisible, but it should be a destroyer! There should be some ships in the night behind, but I can’t distinguish!" At about 1500 meters In the distance, the Tuna raised the periscope again. Max once again confirmed the situation of the fleet.

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(End of this chapter)