The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2738: Misjudgment 2

2738 ok

And even if everyone fights half a catastrophe and both aircraft carrier detachments are redeemed, then in terms of fleet battles, the Japanese fleet is still not optimistic, because as Suzuki Kantaro said, except for the battleship, everything else is Japan. People suffer, and in terms of capital ships, the Japanese fleet is not without shortcomings. The three old-fashioned 14-inch guns are super fearless and not reassuring. And this is a very serious hidden danger. Americans can think of first using elite warships to kill weak ships in the Japanese fleet, and the Japanese can also think of this. In fact, it is mentioned in the Japanese military's own report that theoretically, no matter what the King Kong-class battlecruiser encounters An American standard battleship may lose its combat effectiveness within half an hour.

"I think there are three main issues we need to consider now. First, where is the preset battlefield? Second, do we need two old-fashioned dreadnoughts. Third, how do we continue to strengthen the power in our hands." Said.

"The best preset battlefield is naturally the Talau Islands. This is the only island in the middle of the eastern exit of the Sulawesi Sea. We have previously deployed a security force here and a certain amount of air reconnaissance aircraft. More importantly, this is the United States. The only way for people to evacuate, we will definitely be able to stop them here," said Yasuo Shimura. His words did not arouse opposition from others, and almost everyone accepted this statement.

"So good, the second question, do our old-fashioned dreadnoughts need to fight?" Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu repeated his second question.

"Participating in the war will at least allow us to maintain an advantage in terms of the overall strength and number of battleships, and it can also be used as a short-term measure once something goes wrong on the front. Even if the King Kong-class battlecruiser is hit hard, we can still use Other warships temporarily fill the gap." Betty said.

"We will lose the advantage of maneuvering with the old ship." An officer said.

"If I were an American, then I would incorporate the armored cruisers into the main fleet. Although they only have 10-inch guns, there are after all 5 in number, with more than 40 10-inch guns! Even if they can’t be at normal combat distance Penetrate our core compartment, but the damage caused by a large number of shells fired by such a large number of artillery is huge. They can easily destroy various fragile facilities, and may even get stuck when hitting the main gun mount. The main turret. The gap between us and the opponent is too big in terms of projection."

"Let’s give another example. I don’t think that two King Kong-class battlecruisers can deal with five armored cruisers equipped with 10-inch artillery in a fleet battle. The American armored cruisers were eliminated, and the remaining 9 warships against the American 11 warships, then tell me, who has the better chance of winning this battle?" Betty said.

Betty really did not underestimate the King Kong-class battlecruisers. After all, in history, after some improvements, the King Kong-class battleships used by the Japanese as fast battleships also appeared in the Battle of Guadalcanal and were scrapped by American cruisers. War case! Although it was a night battle and the combat distance was very close, considering that now, the American armored cruiser’s main gun has a caliber of 10 inches... It seems normal to destroy two King Kong-class battlecruisers at 2.5 times the number!

As for the remaining 9 to 11? Although the Japanese fleet has an advantage in quality, the American battleships can be hard. When they start fighting, two Japanese battleships will be attacked by two American battleships! Even if the latest Nagato-class battleship is stared at by 24 14-inch guns, it will definitely not be able to hold it. Therefore, if nothing else, the whole battle will be like dominoes, and the Japanese battleship that is gang-fighted will soon be severely damaged. Then the number advantage of the Americans was further amplified, and finally the battle became uncontrollable!

"Well, since everyone has no objections, then we will bring two old-fashioned fearless ships, but in battle, the fast fleet will act alone when necessary." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said. "Now, there is one last question left. Is there any other way we can strengthen the military power of the Talau Islands?"

"It's difficult. Our land-based aviation forces are mainly distributed in three places. The first is naturally the frontline area with New Guinea as the core, the second is the Philippines, and the third is Kalimantan. The Talau Islands It is at the center point between the three. It is definitely too late to mobilize aviation forces from New Guinea or Kalimantan into the Talau Islands. If the troops are transferred from the Philippines, time is also very tight. After all, we found that the Americans It takes only 3 days to try, and considering the speed of the US fleet, if they choose to evacuate directly, they can cross the Sulawesi Sea in a maximum of 3 days. In a mere 6 days, the aviation power we can mobilize is very limited. "Sao Shimura said.

"It is impossible to have more twin bomber units with a maximum of 3 squadrons. The airport in the Talau Islands is so big, even if more aircraft can be mobilized, it can’t fit. Don’t worry too much about ammunition. We can put some of the shells. Contribute and change it into a bomb. The fuel does not matter. The aviation fuel on the aircraft carrier is full. We only need to make two offensives in this battle. The excess fuel can be supplied to the land-based aviation team." Betty After thinking about it.

"This solution is not It solves the urgently needed ammunition and fuel problem of land-based aircraft. We don't need to temporarily mobilize supplies from elsewhere." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu nodded and said.

The battleship’s shells can be used as bombs with slight improvements. In fact, the Japanese navy’s first blockbuster was improved with stock shells. Some people may say that a 14-inch shell weighs more than 600 kilograms, and one round is 15 An inch shell weighs more than 800 kilograms. Can the current twin-engine bomber carry it? How do you say this question? Speaking of carrying, it is definitely possible to carry it, which is to reduce the voyage, and generally speaking, the weight of the bomb-improved shells will be reduced a lot.

For example, the 800KG bomb used to bomb Pearl Harbor in history was actually modified with Nagato-class 16-inch shells! You know, the weight of the 16-inch shells of the Nagato-class battleship is more than 1 ton! Well, how did the weight decrease? First of all, generally speaking, bombs don't need a hood or a quilt, which can remove a lot of weight. Of course, you have to say whether the fuzes of these shells should be changed. If they are thrown, will there be any problems with the trajectory? There is definitely no way to solve this hastily, but based on the principle that there is no good at headquarters, it can be done.

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(End of this chapter)