The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2735: Plan two

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"If the defense is not possible, then we must attack. I absolutely do not allow Japanese carrier-based aircraft hovering above us when our battleship and the Japanese battleship detachment are fighting, unless we want to lose the battle. "Sims said.

"We will take offensive action, but it is definitely not when the two main fleets are fighting. Our attack on the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron must be before the battleship starts." Mitchell said.

In fact, the attack range of aircraft carriers in this era is actually much longer than that of battleship guns. However, because of the lack of the ability to strike a final word on the battleship, generally speaking, when the two fleets are engaged, the aircraft carrier and the battleship will attack the opponent's fleet at the same time. The cooperation of battleships and carrier-based aircraft is considered to be efficient, because the battleship’s naval guns can easily destroy the air defense firepower of the opponent’s battleship and prevent the opponent from placing a special air defense formation. The bombs of carrier-based aircraft can effectively reduce the opponent's combat effectiveness and cause certain damage, and torpedoes can be used to make up when the battle enters the end.

According to this tactical thinking, the current US fleet cannot beat the main force of the Japanese combined fleet, because in aviation warfare, the US fleet has been crushed by the opponent. Mitchell and Logan have already studied that even in the most favorable circumstances, a wave of about 170 aircraft in the Japanese fleet is difficult for the US fleet to stop, even if the US fleet destroys all fighters and even bombers. Also used, the best result is to resolve the first wave of attacks.

Well, what about the second wave? The Americans no longer have a second wave. All aircraft will be lost in the first wave of attrition. The Japanese can still release more than 100 aircraft in the second wave, and these 100 carrier-based aircraft and the Japanese fleet’s naval guns interact with each other. With cooperation, it is fatal to the US fleet!

As for if we abandon the interception of the Japanese fleet, is it possible to directly use the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier to attack the Japanese fleet? Don't even think about hitting an aircraft carrier. With the carrier-based attack aircraft released by two aircraft carriers, what can you achieve in the face of fighter jets over the Japanese fleet and more than 10 battleships?

As for whether it is feasible to attack the Japanese aircraft carrier detachment? Naturally it is feasible, and it is possible to severely damage or even sink the Japanese aircraft carrier, but this battle is meaningless. What use is there even if you severely damage the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron? The battleships of the Japanese combined fleet plus 170 carrier-based aircraft are enough to destroy the 11 battleships of the US Navy. The loss of the family aircraft carrier in exchange for the collapse of your entire fleet is very profitable!

Therefore, at this time, the U.S. fleet must abandon the simultaneous attack of aircraft carriers and battleships. Before the battleships of the two battleships meet, the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet must severely inflict damage to the Japanese aircraft carrier detachment. Wave attack! Otherwise, this battle cannot be fought.

"We will try to find the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron first, and then rely solely on aircraft to attack the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron before the battleship squadrons of both sides enter the combat distance. Maybe we cannot completely sink all the Japanese aircraft carriers, but we will try to give each Japanese aircraft carrier A hole in the deck made them lose the ability to take off and land aircraft." Logan said.

"What if the Japanese disperse their aircraft carrier detachments? For example, divide them into two groups like us?" Ma Jifen asked.

"First of all, judging from the tactics of the Japanese navy we have obtained, they are more inclined to concentrate all aircraft carriers, because this will have a stronger attack power. Secondly, if the Japanese fleet adopts the decentralized mode, then we first find the target and launch an attack We can destroy at least one of the fleets, and then use the remaining forces to resist the attack of another group of Japanese aircraft carriers. Our destroyers and capital ships will have better anti-aircraft firepower, and the Japanese attack will be within the range we can bear. ." Logan said.

"So what if we and the Japanese discover each other at the same time, or the Japanese discover us first?" Sims asked.

"If this is the case, we tend to evacuate the battlefield. The Japanese have listed the aircraft carrier as the first target of attack. If both sides attack at the same time, then we must be the loser. If we fail, then the battle fleet will be in a very difficult situation. Bad," Logan said.

"Time is not on our side, and we cannot procrastinate indefinitely. Every minute, the Japanese fleet is strengthening, and our fuel is destined to be unable to support our stay in the Sulawesi Sea for too long." Sim Said.

Sims supports Mitchell and Logan’s idea of ​​a preemptive aircraft carrier. The only objection is Rogge’s proposal that if the battlefield conditions do not meet the conditions, the U.S. fleet needs to evade its edge. However, this delay in time It is what Sims doesn't want to see. As he said, time is not on the American side! Even Sims wanted to take advantage of the lack of response by the Japanese and then forcibly rush out!

"First hitting the Japanese aircraft carrier squadron is a prerequisite for victory in the battle. The specific implementation can be left to General Logan and Mitchell to Unless we cannot get rid of the situation, we can consider simultaneously with the Japanese battleship. The situation with the aircraft carrier. Otherwise, under any other circumstances, I support the use of the aircraft carrier to redeem the opponent’s aircraft carrier, and then the battle with the Japanese fleet battleship squadron.” At this time, Raidel, who had not spoken, spoke, and he was determined. Standing on Logan's side.

"What's your opinion, Maggie?" Sims asked.

"I also think that it is a safe way to destroy the Japanese aircraft carrier detachment first. But there must be a time limit. We cannot retreat indefinitely. I think that within 6 days, we must rush out of the Sulawesi Sea, otherwise If so, the supply situation of the fleet will be very bad. The supply margin of the destroyer unit is very small. If it exceeds 6 days, then we must consider allocating fuel to the destroyer unit from other warships, or simply give up some destroyers." Ma Jifen said.

"5 days, starting from today, 5 days, before that, I can accept your suggestions, but if 5 days are not enough, then I will act as the highest command of the fleet commander." Sims Said to Logan and Mitchell.

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(End of this chapter)