The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2731: Unsuccessful attack one


More than 40 Japanese fighters rushed up bravely. However, in addition to the Americans who left more than 20 planes to entangle these fighters, the remaining more than 70 various planes directly attacked the Japanese bomber group. Beginning 30 kilometers west of the Sims Fleet, this was a large-scale aerial battle. More than 200 aircraft from both sides circled and killed each other. The roar of hundreds of engines and thousands of machine guns enveloped the entire battlefield. The Americans Formed an air barrier, and the Japanese had to do everything possible to get over it!

If you simply talk about the quality of fighter pilots, they have hit each other half and half, and the performance of the aircraft on both sides is similar. The Japanese aircraft is smaller and more flexible, while the American aircraft is bulkier, but the engine is more powerful and has a supercharger. . This makes the latter perform better at high altitude.

At the beginning of the battle, the two sides fought with blood. At the most intense time, at least 8 aircraft were shot down or exploded in the air within one minute. The Japanese bomber group tried hard to advance forward, fighters surrounded it, while the Americans rushed to the core bomber group time and time again, trying to break up the Japanese group and then divide and annihilate it!

"I have experienced the most intense aerial strangulation of my life. The number of American **** fighters exceeds our imagination. They have at least 70 fighters and no less than 20 seaplanes to participate in the interception. The fighters are responsible for high altitude and water The plane is responsible for attacking torpedo planes entering the attack route. The Japanese fighter pilots are brave and tenacious. They tried their best to help us stop the killing of American fighters. In less than half an hour of battle, the Japanese lost at least 2 dozen fighters. The Americans’ losses will not be small. But even so, our bomber group lost at least 15 planes as we approached the U.S. fleet, and another 10 planes dropped their ammunition due to war injuries, and are officially challenging the U.S. military. Before the anti-aircraft circle, we only had about 50 attack planes.” Veron described the situation like this.

"Don't worry about the fuel, catch up. Their target is our capital ship!" Captain Carl took the remaining American fighter force and continued to attack the Japanese bomber force after getting rid of the entanglement of the Japanese fighter force. After many hours of fighting, the Japanese **** fighter group was actually destroyed, completely losing more than half of its aircraft. The remaining aircraft either retreated due to war injuries or returned due to insufficient fuel.

At this time, these problems also plagued the US military fleet. There were 80 fighters from the aircraft carrier until the time it took off, and 75 of them successfully reached the battlefield. After some fighting, the U.S. Air Force completely lost more than 35 aircraft, most of which were shot down by Japanese fighter jets, and the other part was shot down by the self-defense firepower of the box formation when the bomber formation was in force. Twenty planes withdrew from the battle due to war injuries and lack of fuel. In the end, the 12 planes carried by Captain Carl were almost all the US fighters available in this sea area!

Like Charles, the Japanese fleet began to strip away the outermost air defense warships. 15 twin-engine bombers were divided into several formations to attack the two destroyers. Under the attack of machine guns and small bombs, two American destroyers were sunk. Another Japanese bomber force that was hit hard and opened the gap began to rush towards the core of the fleet. Because of its location, the Colorado-class battleship at the forefront became the best target because he was the flagship and because of its location. The relationship between the two American battleships on the side can provide limited fire protection.

"Send a signal to the New Mexico to provide cover for the flagship!" Sims ordered as he watched the Japanese bomber units rushing in the distance. A few minutes later, the New Mexico began to accelerate, trying to block the Japanese attack fleet and the flagship, and a moment later, the Tennessee battleship also mobilized, he went to the other side of the Colorado battleship to prevent the Japanese fleet from using simultaneous lightning strikes on both sides Way to pinch the flagship!

As a result, the line of three U.S. battleships provided good protection to the flagship sandwiched in it, and the destroyer squadron that had been breached began to move closer to the flagship. A large number of warships gathered together, hundreds of different calibers. The vented artillery aimed at the sky, and with an order, raindrops of ammunition roared toward the Japanese fleet that swooped down from the air!

Therefore, in this battle between the fleet's air defense firepower and the bomber, in order to crush the US fleet's air defense firepower, the Japanese paid a heavier price! The first batch of dive attacks were 5 twin-engine bombers, each of which carried 2 rounds of 250KG bombs and a large number of machine guns. They were specifically designed to suppress fleet air defense firepower. However, most of these aircraft failed. Drop the bomb successfully.

The first aircraft was hit by at least 3 shells in 5 seconds. The first shot interrupted half of the wing. The second and third shots hit the fuselage. The high-speed dive overload and the aircraft itself Under the influence of the weight, the plane disintegrated in the air.

The second plane was shot down by the anti-aircraft fire of the New Mexico on the opposite side. The right-hand anti-aircraft gun of the New Mexico and the left anti-aircraft gun of the Colorado formed a cross fire. The straight-line distance between the two battleships was only about 3000 meters. , If two battleships lower the angle of the anti-aircraft each other's shells will fall on the opposite battleship! However, it is this kind of anti-aircraft firepower that is almost dangerous for users to turn the second Japanese bomber into a burning fireball, and then the third!

In the end, the two bombers successfully dropped the bombs, but the combat effect thrown in a hurry was not good. The three bombs fell into the sea and were of no use except for blowing up a column of water, and the fourth bomb It landed on the foredeck of the Colorado. In addition to blowing up 3 rapid-fire gun positions and leaving a large hole, the effect was also limited. The Americans did a good job in the first wave of defense, but the Japanese were not discouraged. They then launched the second and third waves of attacks!

The anti-aircraft artillery gunners who completed the first wave of interception began to re-operate the antiaircraft artillery to aim at new targets under the guidance of the commander. The second interception was still successful. The 4 bombers involved in the attack were shot down, and the other two. The attack effect is also very poor. But when the third wave of attacks followed, the air defense coordination of the two battleships was flawed. Too many targets appeared in the field of vision, and there were problems in the distribution and command of air defense firepower. Many people did not know what they should do. What targets to attack!

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(End of this chapter)