The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2726: Air Contest II

2726 ok

So the ending is doomed. The German fleet flew over the head of the Japanese twin-engine aircraft, looking right below itself, and the action has become sluggish. As long as a Japanese fighter jet can easily shoot down by diving down, there is no German pilot. Moving, they kept their mission in mind, all ammunition should be used on the Japanese attack aircraft!

"Disband the formation and attack freely!" The German carrier-based aviation fleet with rich combat experience is always so efficient and concise! After passing the Japanese interceptor group, the 20 fighters quickly divided into two-aircraft squads. They swooped and swooped down from a high altitude, and pounced on their opponents like hunting eagles!

Below, the neat formations of Japanese bombers fired dense bullets, but after all, they underestimated the Germans. Under the protection of the engine and cockpit armor of the nose, the German fighters easily blocked the occasional 6.5MM machine gun bullets. . One by one two-aircraft formations were looking for suitable attack positions in the air, and then they found the opportunity to launch the first wave of attacks!

A German fighter attacked first. He swooped down from behind. The fierce firepower of one gun and two shots directly interrupted the wing of one of the bombers. However, before the Japanese machine gunner reacted, the plane broke away in time. In the battle, the attacked bomber could still fly, but the altitude and speed were no longer guaranteed. Then, after it left the formation, another German aircraft was like a cheetah attacking stray prey.

The German carrier-based aircraft lacked sufficient firepower and armor, so it was impossible to choose a hard charge, but through this method of cutting meat with a blunt knife, they quickly dismembered the Japanese fleet. In just ten minutes or so, at least five Japanese bombers were shot down. At this time, the Japanese long-range fighters also killed them. They tried to entangle the German fighters that had just completed the attack and prevent them from continuing to kill the bombers.

Climbing, tumbling, and fighting, some German fighters inevitably fell into air combat. The planes of both sides sprayed deadly bullets in the air, and one fire snake was flying in the sky. From time to time, a plane was hit, and then rolled and hit the sea. The Japanese put in at least 20 long-range fighters to deal with Major Shure's fleet. However, the Germans have always made effective use of their fleet. The more powerful aircraft broke away from the interception of Japanese fighter jets and continued to attack Japanese bombers, while those with lower energy stalemate with the Japanese, and then slowly recovered their energy.

When the two sides reached a regiment at an altitude of 3500 meters to 4000 meters, in the low air, the German fighters also successfully bit the Japanese torpedo group that tried to conceal the entry and then launched a lightning strike.

"Leave half of the aircraft in the mid-air. We have to leave a way for ourselves. Only 4 dual-aircraft squadrons are enough to fight those low-altitude dumb ducks." The squadron leader commanded.

The torpedo is at a low altitude, and the fighter must enter a low altitude to attack, and the speed must not be too fast. After entering the low altitude, your energy is at a disadvantage, so even if the dual-engine fighters attack the low-speed single-engine fighters, it is also a big threat. Therefore, the Germans also kept a hand, 15 fighters. Divide into two groups, everyone takes turns, one group attacks, the other group is alert and restore energy, and then repeat the process.

Accompanied by the roar of the cannon, a Japanese twin-engine torpedo was ignited by an incendiary bomb and crashed directly onto the sea and turned into a huge fireball. After completing the attack, the German plane immediately followed the direction of the propeller rotation and made a low altitude roll. Turning around, avoiding the dived Japanese twin-engine fighter jets behind him, and taking advantage of the maneuverability of a single-engine aircraft, this German fighter jet constantly swayed at a low altitude, letting the latter's attacks fail again and again, and it was the Japanese fighter that was pursuing it. When the third attack failed, its speed and altitude were already severely insufficient. At this time, a German fighter jet diving down from a hollow bite it. In just ten seconds, this aircraft Twin-engine planes also hate the battlefield.

In the face of the initial small-scale Japanese land-based bombers, the German carrier-based aircraft force from Zeppelin fought a wave of perfect defensive operations. A total of 40 bombers and torpedo aircraft entered the battlefield. At least 20 The aircraft was destroyed, and many aircraft dropped torpedoes or bombs. The German fighter force paid the price but 7 fighters were shot down and 4 were injured.

However, such high-intensity air combat is still rapidly consuming the fuel of German fighters. As Major Shure said, the elite German carrier-based aircraft force can withstand the first round of attacks at best! When the German fighter group was preparing to evacuate due to the fuel problem, the main force of the Japanese bomber force finally arrived. The huge formation of more than 90 bombers and some long-range fighters was like death flying in the air, flashing cold bombs and torpedoes. Even if it's a horrible sickle! And now, the real attack has just begun!

"We will implement the second set of plans. The Japanese have too many carrier-based aircraft. We will cover the fleet to the last moment. We may not be able to return to the fleet. We will make an emergency landing in the designated waters. We hope to send warships to ~Major Shure began to broadcast on a radio station dedicated to the squadron captain’s landline.

Now, in addition to the fighters that have begun to evacuate, the German Air Force has about 18 aircraft that can be used, and with the 25 aircraft supported by the assault, there are only 43 aircraft in total. At this time, the second batch of fighters of the first aircraft carrier squadron had just begun to take off halfway! More than 30 aircraft roared in the air, trying to complete the formation and assign interception tasks.

"The fleet is scattered to attack the targets! Remember, our first goal is the aircraft carrier! Start attacking!" Charles ordered. After a while, the huge fleet began to disperse. This time the Japanese learned their skills and their fighters stayed at 4500 meters. The position of the bombers was low at the left and right altitudes. At this time, the German fighter group, which had been scattered at an altitude of 3500 meters to 4000 meters, had no time to regroup and collided with the Japanese heavy fighters diving down from the air. The roar of the machine gun and the roar of the engine once again resounded through the battlefield, and the exhaust gas discharged by the engine cooled in the air and formed white marks. The fighter planes that took off from the Assault rushed to the Japanese twin-engine bomber group bravely. However, their numbers are too small and they lack interception experience. The efficiency is completely incomparable with the previous German carrier-based aircraft detachment.

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(End of this chapter)