The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2721: Night sky

"Remember boy, turn on all the identification lights immediately after takeoff. Don't be hit by friendly fighters. Those without identification lights are enemy targets. Use searchlights to find them and kill them. In addition, don't try to enter the inner protection of the fleet. Circle, in other words, don't get close to the place 4000 meters away from the battleship. That is the air defense range of the naval gun." An officer reminded the pilot who was about to board the plane over and over again.

At this time, on two special seaplane carriers, one plane was hoisted onto the water and then took off on its own. After takeoff, the red identification lights on the fuselage and wings of the aircraft were turned on. Each aircraft was equipped with at least 6 identification lights. The red light was very conspicuous in the night.

At least 20 seaplanes took off from the sea. They formed a scattered interception line between the Japanese fleet and the main fleet. On the sea, the destroyers began to shrink. They gathered around the main ship. Anti-aircraft guns of various calibers were aimed at the air, like a knight defending the lord. The main battleships that originally formed a battle line also disbanded their formation and formed four two-ship squads. In this case, the US fleet will be more mobile. While continuing the artillery mission, hundreds of anti-aircraft guns and machine guns were also aimed at the air. The battleships were like angry porcupines, and the artillery was aimed at the air, ready to spray the rain of death at any time!

"The pilot aircraft will enter the battlefield first. They will release flares with parachutes and use searchlights to indicate the target. Our task is to attack. The window time will be very short, and the lighting will be intermittent. Don’t expect a hit rate. How high, in short, we must first save ourselves." Takahashi said to his colleagues.

In this era, even if it is a twin-engine bomber, generally only the squadron leader’s aircraft or a small number of aircraft have radios, and they are not necessarily reliable. You can also communicate with the tablet by gestures during the day. But at night, all tactics are made on the ground. In the end, how well the tactics were played was really resigned.

Half an hour later, the lightly-loaded pilot aircraft group has entered the battlefield. The American fleet is easy to find. People will not give up the bombardment because of possible Japanese bombing! Looking at the main guns spitting orange flames in the distance, the Japanese pilot aircraft first spotted the target. They dispersed and flew towards the two nearest US battleship formations!

The Japanese used horizontal throw, flying at an altitude of 3,000 meters, and then dropped flares from the air above the fleet. These flares with parachutes can continue to illuminate in the air for about 5 minutes at a time, emitting brightness ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 candles. .

The beams of light from searchlights pierced the dark night sky, and occasionally there were Japanese aircraft caught by the searchlights, and then more beams of light followed. And the sound of intensive rapid-fire cannons fired on the sea, and a patch of tracer bullets of various colors drew an arc in the air. However, this is not a threat to Japanese aircraft passing by at an altitude of 3,000 meters. The number of 5-inch guns is a bit small, and the rotation speed is a little too slow. What's more, the fire control is poor. The machine guns of various calibers have insufficient firing height and range. The Japanese pilot plane shuttled over the bullet rain,

"We are gods, they have nothing to do on the sea." A British pilot said leisurely watching the firepower like a volcanic eruption on the sea. Countless shells exploded under the wings, and the air was like a pot, but it seemed to take Japan. People can't help it. However, what he didn't expect was that the ghosts flashing red identification lights were approaching from behind. When the searchlights on the sea once again caught the plane, the killer behind him was!

"500 meters! 400 meters!" An American seaplane slowly followed up from behind. Because of the sea surface searchlights providing light, the aircraft did not turn on its searchlights, and even the pilots turned off the identification lights for concealment. Up. The sight at the front of the cockpit slammed the target, and based on the ruler next to it, the driver quickly estimated the distance between the two and tracked steadily. When approaching 400 meters, he still did not fire, he was waiting for a chance!

The British pilot dropped the first flare when flying over the US fleet, and then continued to fly in a straight line at a constant speed, and began to throw the remaining flare, but the hunter behind him was waiting for this moment! The opponent didn't notice, and flew straight to throw flares! In this process, the other party can't dodge, and the Americans only need more than ten seconds!

250 meters! When the Japanese twin-engine aircraft almost filled the entire scope, the American pilot decisively pressed the shooting button! One 20mm machine gun and two large-caliber machine guns fired more than 300 rounds of various ammunition in less than ten seconds! The fierce firepower easily knocked off one wing of the twin-engine aircraft by half. After half a minute, this poor Japanese aircraft fell to the sea with a raging fire, and was caught off guard on the entire battlefield. At least three of the Japanese fleet were shot down!

And this directly led to half of the flares that should have been thrown over the head of the US Navy! Of course, the American fighters with red signal lights in the sky put more pressure on the Japanese. The Japanese really did not expect that the Americans would have the ability to intercept at night, although this so-called interception ability is very limited!

"Immediately launch an attack and quickly withdraw from the battlefield after the fight!" Takahashi ordered to his crew. Then, a dozen bombers whizzed towards the US fleet lit by flares. They were first The altitude is limited to 1500 meters, and after entering the dive attack range, it begins to dive at an angle of 40 to 50 degrees and drop bombs at an altitude of about 800 meters. Pull up to escape after the attack is over.

"There are so many American destroyers!" A Japanese pilot said as he looked at the American destroyers leaning in the air frantically on the periphery. There are 4 to 5 destroyers next to every two capital ships to provide cover. The anti-aircraft firepower on American destroyers is beyond the Japanese imagination. Funnel-shaped barrage chasing Japanese bombers in the air, the Japanese fired their first bombs. Before being dropped, at least three twin-engine bombers were shot down when they rushed into the American circular air defense array.

Looking from the air, the air defense firepower of each U.S. squadron spreads radially to the surroundings. The staggered barrage and searchlights sweeping the sky form death traps, waiting for the other side to throw itself into the net. A small number of Japanese pilots even lost the courage to attack, and chose to throw the bombs hastily.

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