The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2718: Clearance

"It's the Japanese torpedo boats! They rushed up!" At 1,800 meters away, the destroyer DD112 first spotted the swarming Japanese torpedo boats! They are like arrows from the string, the super high speed even made a small part of the hull leave the water! It's like jumping on the sea!

"Turn on all the searchlights! Shoot now!" With the red siren ringing across the battlefield, an American destroyer immediately pointed the light source at the vast sea surface, and the lights of ten destroyers illuminated a large area of ​​the sea like daylight for a few seconds. After the clock, dense 5-inch shells, 40MM machine guns and even heavy machine gun bullets swept across the sea like a storm!

"Too close! Too fast!" The Japanese surprise attack still had a certain effect. At first, several torpedo boats that were relatively close rushed past and shot at a distance ranging from 1,000 meters to 600 meters. torpedo. The torpedoes were pushed into the sea by compressed air. After a while, the propellers began to operate, and the exhaust gas produced by the combustion of air and fuel formed a white trail at the back of the torpedo. It slashed at the opponent like a sickle of death.

"Full rudder on the right, ready to evade torpedoes." The boiler of the destroyer DD125 was roaring, a large amount of heavy oil was injected into the boiler, and then the rolling high temperature and high pressure steam pusher turbine brought huge power to the destroyer. While maneuvering to avoid at least 3 torpedoes, the destroyer also used its naval gun to destroy a Japanese torpedo boat that was too close.

"Our artillery was like a hammer smashing an egg. This little guy of dozens of tons was beaten to a pulp, and the water column produced by the explosion was more than 20 meters high." After the war, a soldier of the destroyer DD125 did this. Describes his own results.

However, the destroyer DD112 was a bit unlucky. It was besieged by five torpedo boats at close range. The original intensive firepower was dispersed due to too many targets. After the American destroyer killed the third torpedo boat that rushed towards it, an assassin rushing from the opposite direction fired a torpedo in the dead angle area of ​​the naval gun. This blow was really too close! Only less than 400 meters! As a result, the officers and soldiers on the destroyer DD112 almost didn't react, they felt that the bottom of the ship seemed to be dragged from the sea by a pair of big hands, and then squatted, and they were interrupted again!

The destroyer DD112 was the first American warship lost in this battle. It was hit by two torpedoes at the same time. The explosive power of several hundred kilograms of explosives exploded underwater was so powerful that the entire front of the hull was directly broken. Even half of the hull was tossed up, and then slammed into the sea, turning into sections of twisted steel.

And this successful attack seemed to trigger a certain switch, and more torpedo boats rushed out of the hidden night, one by one dark gray light spots shuttled quickly across the sea under the shining of searchlights. The American destroyer was hit by at least two. The above torpedo boat attacks, the Japanese are very clever. They concentrated on attacking a certain point without dispersing the fire. Just when the mine-sweeping destroyer squad was already under great pressure, Nagano Slim played his final trump card, and 6 destroyers joined. In battle!

"There is a Japanese destroyer on the coastline!" Looking at the orange flames jumping in the distance, the watchman of the destroyer DD156 said loudly, but before he reported the enemy's position and distance to the captain, two shells Landed on the lookout post, directly cut off the lookout post and half of the mast! Then this destroyer at the head was besieged by at least 2 Japanese auxiliary destroyers!

"Madan, where's the terrible thing!" Although it was initially hit, it was still very fast for the destroyer DD156 with a displacement of up to 2,200 tons, three dual 5-inch guns, and a large number of 75MM guns and rapid-fire guns. Having mastered the advantages of the battlefield, one aspect of one's own strength is one aspect, and the other aspect is the other's weak strength!

Although Nagano’s self-cultivation is called the trump card, but the **** destroyer with a displacement of less than 600 tons has such a powerful weapon, it is just two 4-inch artillery and one 75mm artillery, not even torpedoes, because of the torpedoes and space Depth bomb....

So this small battlefield became a battle between a tiger and two bobcats! The tiger, who was scratched by the bobcat's paw, turned his head. Four 5-inch guns were aimed at a target 900 meters away. Under the attack of more than 10 5-inch guns per minute, this poor **** destroyer was attacked for a short time. The one that was beaten lost its combat effectiveness, and the other ship had to release smoke to evade.

However, not all American destroyers have the powerful firepower and good luck of DD156. The Japanese know that their destroyers cannot be compared with the other in terms of quantity and quality, so the attack they took is just to win the torpedo boats. Almost, and this tactic has indeed achieved some results, some American destroyers can't dodge and get struck by lightning again!

boom! Accompanied by a loud noise, a fire rose up from the stern part of an American destroyer. The violent explosion directly exploded the stern of the ship. After a large amount of sea water poured in through the breach, the front part of the battleship also It was lifted high due to excessive water intake, and finally the destroyer was inserted diagonally into the sea like a broken sword. Eventually swallowed by the turbulent waves!

"This is the third one." An officer said to Halsey.

"I know, wait a few minutes, we need to clean up all the guys hiding in the dark with a clean attack, so the necessary losses are also affordable." Halsey looked into the distance and fell into the flames. Said the sea in the explosion.

Just when the American mine-sweeping destroyer squadron and the Japanese were fighting small group of destroyers led by Halsey was wandering on the edge of the battlefield. They carried out strict light control and carefully watched the whole The battlefield also receives electromagnetic signals from the battlefield to determine whether there are new targets. The engagement at sea lasted for more than 20 minutes, and the US Navy has sunk 3 destroyers and 4 battle wounds. When Halsey determined that there were no new Japanese destroyers around, he and the destroyer squadron he commanded came over from behind the Japanese fleet!

So, in an instant, the battlefield situation was reversed, and the mixed formation of Japanese destroyers and torpedo boats, which had a slight advantage, was flanked by fire from two directions! The torpedo boats bravely rushing forward were destroyed by artillery shells from the rear, and the Japanese **** destroyers were also taken care of. The continuous high-explosive shells fell on these poor little guys, beating them one by one. The huge torch makes the seawater around them feel like boiling!

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