The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2712: Make a choice

This is impossible. If the intelligence of the guys in the Talaw Islands is correct, then the speed of the US fleet is a bit too fast. "Col. Halls found that he couldn't convince himself! Because the speed and distance are not right! The colonel naturally knows the speed of the old American battleship, so on this issue, he and Betty and others have the same idea.

"But no matter what, I think that we should pay attention to such a serious incident in the Sulawesi Sea. Sending long-range reconnaissance aircraft to conduct reconnaissance and requesting the air force of Kalimantan to enter a state of alert is necessary. Measures." A moment later, Hols reported the matter to the senior management and added his own suggestions at the end of the telegram.

"I think this recommendation should be implemented. Although, I don’t know the size of the US fleet or how they achieved such a high speed, but I think it is necessary to order the V1500 long-range aircraft on Sulawesi to conduct reconnaissance and patrol. Yes, and our trump cards must be prepared.” Colonel Hols did not expect that his telegram caused much disturbance among the British and Japanese navies. After receiving the telegram, the British and Japanese officers spent several hours. Discussing what happened in the Sulawesi Sea and the countermeasures, and at ten o'clock in the evening, Betty decided to use her long-standing power to thoroughly understand what happened in the Sulawesi Sea.

At this time, if someone is from the perspective of God, they will find that the U.S. Navy’s voyage in the Sulawesi Sea is already over half, and they can enter the final attack position launch area as long as they insist on one more day. At that time, it should be It just happened to be night! At this time, the Japanese combined fleet is still more than 1,000 kilometers away!

"We have entered a blind spot of thinking. The Americans may have really split the main fleet this time. They chose an elite fleet for long-range attacks. So their speed may be very fast, and they also chose for themselves. A suitable target, Colonel Hols mentioned may be Tarragon Island. If the oil fields and refineries on this island are really destroyed, the consequences will be very serious, which will directly affect your country’s war potential and funding. The source.” Betty finally figured it out, but unfortunately, it’s a little more than a day when it’s full. The ships in the port may be evacuated, but the entire oil field, refinery and port facilities are probably not saved in this book. !

"Hi.... If this is the case, then the situation is simply too bad. The combined fleet has no time to rescue. We were delayed for 40 hours, and what we lost was an important oil field." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu sucked backwards. With a breath of cold air, he could feel a chill rushing straight from the tail bone to the top of his head. Scared into a cold sweat,

"Order, all the aviation forces and maritime defense forces that can be mobilized to Tarakan Island quickly, all ships and materials are evacuated immediately, and the land-based reconnaissance forces begin to conduct reconnaissance within 400 kilometers of the island’s periphery. Once discovered, they will be dispatched immediately. When the air force launches an offensive, it is necessary to delay the attack of the US fleet as much as possible while waiting for the arrival of the combined fleet," said Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu.

"First find out the size of the US fleet. We must determine whether this US fleet is within the range that the combined fleet can fight. The land-based bomber unit also depends on the situation. After all, we don’t know how many aircraft carriers the Americans brought this time. "Studdy said.

This time, the Americans have gained an advantage in the strategic game. Although both Britain and Japan are still considering how to preserve the precious oil fields of Taragen Island, everyone knows that the attack on this oil field is a foregone conclusion. The only problem. It just depends on the loss. Even experienced naval officers can easily infer the time of the US attack. American gunboats will launch an attack at night, while during the day, the US fleet is still outside the Japanese land-based air force attack! Perhaps a long-range aircraft like the V1500 can spot the opponent, but the twin-engine bomber as the main attack force can't reach it at all! When it was theoretically possible to reach it, it was already night, and the Japanese land-based aviation forces could only watch Taragen Island fall into a sea of ​​flames!

"If things are irreversible, then we must at least bring back the disadvantages on the battlefield, otherwise, the future war will not be able to fight." Betty said decisively. In his opinion, rather than saving something that is destined to fall, it is better to think about how to give up this thing, and then let yourself go lightly and find something else. For example, focus on attacking the US fleet!

"What if the strength of the US fleet exceeds our expectations?" Shimamura said.

"Then first use the land-based aviation power on Kalimantan Island to consume the opponent! With so many oil industry facilities on Tarragon Island, the Americans must be evacuated from the battlefield when it is close to dawn. The evacuation fleet is in ours. The air force is within the strike range, so I request all the air force that can be mobilized to take off before dawn and arrive over Tarragon Island at dawn, and then find the US fleet as soon as possible to launch an attack! The strike aircraft group is divided into two groups, one of which is torpedoed Aircraft and horizontal bombers mainly attack the main force of the US Navy, while the other group is mainly dive bombers attacking American aircraft carriers located far away!"

"Aircraft carriers are very fragile, and the current fleet air defense is very inefficient in the face of a large number of aircraft. We have a great chance to destroy American aircraft carriers, and battleships can also be hit hard with heavy bombs and torpedoes, and after weakening the US fleet, Our combined fleet launches an offensive, we have no reason to lose." Betty said.

"However, according to our estimation, the Americans may have prepared more than 400 and our air fleet has very few planes that can undertake long-distance **** missions. We used bombers to forcefully attack the defense line formed by fighter jets. The loss of aviation power will be great.” Yasuo Shimura hesitated. The attack aircraft carrying a large number of blockbuster bombs and torpedoes rushed through the air defense net composed of hundreds of aircraft? Haha, this situation is a bit terrible. All the bombers in the war had to pay an extremely heavy price to break through the opponent's air defense network without escort.

"An aircraft carrier is different from a land-based airport. As long as we destroy the deck of an aircraft carrier with 3 bombs, then it is equivalent to abolishing dozens of fighter jets. If we sink it, then we are equivalent to killing one. Wing! Aircraft carriers are fragile. The number of fighters they can use on the battlefield is far less than that of aircraft carriers, and as I said, we must make full use of the time before dawn, and fly before the American fighters are released. In the past! We can hit the opponent by surprise!" Betty said.

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