The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2701: Material enemy

"Well, we did discuss this issue in private. Although if this is the case, the situation is terrible, but we also have a plan. We will form a submarine cordon around the fleet and arrange for some destroyers to carry radio sides. The equipment and a large number of searchlights are used as a warning post. You should understand that even if the Japanese fleet can keep the radio silent while sailing, it is absolutely impossible to keep the radio silent during the attack. Let alone, the carrier-based aircraft is releasing Later, when we return, we need radio navigation information. So, we will not be caught off guard." Old Fletcher said.

"The Japanese fleet does not have the ability to find us in the vast Sulawesi Sea at night. Considering the fleet's night vision and the area of ​​the Sulawesi Sea, the probability that they want to pounce directly at night is too great. Low. So, the luckiest thing for the other party is to spot us sideways by radio in the wee hours of the morning, and we are just within the attack range of their carrier aircraft."

"But we are not worried. The three aircraft carriers of our other aircraft carrier squadron will guarantee the suppression of the Japanese naval aviation force. We will prepare the fleet at night. They will not participate in the protection of the first fleet, but will use them exclusively. To deal with the possible attack of the Japanese fleet, the Japanese are only three aircraft carriers. Even if one ship may be completed within this period of time, at most, four ships will be concentrated on the battlefield in a hurry. Therefore, our strength is about the same as the Japanese. So, in this case, everyone is consuming each other, and if they all redeem it, that is our advantage."

"In this way, the Japanese aircraft carrier advantage is removed. By daylight, which is about 9 o'clock in the morning, we are also more than 250 kilometers away from the Japanese airport. As long as we retreat at full speed, then Without a large number of super bombers such as V1500, it is difficult for the Japanese to threaten us with land-based aircraft. After all, if you only carry 250KG bombs, there is no threat. The only possibility is the Japanese combined fleet. , We will have enough ammunition to deal with the Japanese. The big deal is a decisive battle." Old Fletcher looked at Logan after speaking, meaning, do you think this plan is satisfactory?

"Well, it seems that the U.S. Navy is ready to go shopping with the Japanese, and it seems acceptable for your army to exchange injuries for injuries." To be honest, Logan is really the rich and powerful of the U.S. Navy. Shocked, because this is a desperate strategy! Even ready to exchange one for one or two for three! This is a bludgeon to grind the opponent out. American calculations can be said to be quite bloody, but I have to say that this kind of calculation is really powerful!

"So, I think our battle plan this time has nothing to worry about, because maybe we will lose, but the other party will never win!" Old Fletcher said with a smile.

"Well, since your country's loss, your country can get 4 fast battleships from Europe, and if I remember correctly, in 3 to 4 months, the new South Dakota-class battleships will also be in service, so even Japan The Nagato-class service is now in service, and the gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger. And if the opponent’s main fleet can be redeemed, the US Navy will become the only victor in this war even if the losses are heavy." Speaking of this level, in fact, Logan has agreed with old Fletcher's statement. It may not be the best plan, but it is definitely an acceptable plan.

In fact, Logan wanted to suggest that before the fleet launches an attack, that is, during the day, an aircraft carrier or seaplane carrier should be deployed in the most likely direction of Japan, such as the north, and a large number of reconnaissance aircraft should be concentrated. Large-scale in-depth reconnaissance to determine the safety of the fleet, but this approach will disperse aviation forces, and the large-scale reconnaissance and possible radio contact during reconnaissance may also expose itself. Therefore, it is a very obvious pros and cons. Plan, and for this, the Americans are not very interested. According to their thoughts, they just leave in a reckless manner. How can there be so many surprises in an offensive that cannot last for a day? This reason is so strong that even Logan can't refute it.

Just after the US aircraft carrier squadron finally merged with the main fleet commanded by Sims, dozens of various ships began to sail towards the former Dutch East Indies. In the first period of time, the entire voyage can be said to be smooth, because it avoided all international general routes far away, and this sea area itself is also a theater of war, so the entire fleet did not encounter any situation.

Although the Americans are somewhat reckless from a strategic point of view, they are still very careful in the specific implementation, and even the main fleet specifically passes through bad weather areas when sailing, which further reduces the probability of detection. In addition to the concealment of the main fleet itself, some of the warships that originally stayed at Pearl Harbor also went out to sea, making a posture to reach the front line of New Ireland. It can be said that before entering the so-called yellow line area, which is the high-intensity control area of ​​the Japanese Navy, the US fleet itself did a very good job of hiding!

A few days later, when the U.S. fleet arrived at the last replenishment point and was preparing to replenish fuel, Sims and Majifen were tailing into the Sulawesi Sea to make final preparations.

"Three hours later, we will complete the supply, and then the supply ship will return. We will use the upcoming night as a cover to pass through the Talaw Islands and finally enter the Sulawesi Sea." Majifen said.

"Does the Talaw Islands have Japanese navy aviation power?" Sims asked There are some, but the facilities are very simple, there will be no large-scale aviation power deployment, and we have considered Talaw The aviation power on the islands will lead to the possibility of us being discovered, so we chose to cross here at night. "

"Okay. What about the Japanese fleet now?" Sims asked.

"According to the information three days ago, at least half of the capital ships of the Japanese fleet should be still inside the port, but the situation is not known these days, because according to the information provided by the headquarters, the Japanese fleet suddenly strengthened its guard and it seems that there may be some actions. But it should not be a large-scale military operation, because according to the information we have received, the Japanese navy's fuel transportation has not fluctuated greatly during this period." There are still some concerns in Ma Jifen's words.

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