The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2691: Bold plan two

"Actually, even if we cannot wait for the battleships we purchased from Germany in a short time, we still won’t suffer even if there is a large-scale fleet artillery battle. Because, as long as we wait another month, two Colorado-class battleships will We will arrive in Hawaii! We have far more firepower than the previous battleships, and these two battleships have completely overwhelmed the Japanese Fuso-class battleship!" Sims said confidently.

"The two Colorado-class battleships are completed? Really?" This time, even Ma Jifen was quite surprised. He really did not expect the completion of the two battleships to return so fast. According to the previous plan, the two battleships At least it has to wait 4 months before serving.

"One of the reasons for this is that we have suspended the construction of the Lexington-class battlecruisers, so the materials and labor originally prepared for the Lexington-class battlecruisers can be used in the construction of the Colorado-class battleships, and the other On the one hand, in order to achieve unexpected results, we deliberately concealed the progress of the battleship construction, and all this is for the smooth implementation of our plan today!" Sims said somewhat proudly.

"If this is the case, even if we engage the Japanese main force fleet, the situation will not be too bad." General Benson said while calculating the strength of the U.S. Navy, which is currently the case purely from the perspective of the capital ship. 2 Colorado-class battleships, 2 Tennessee-class battleships, 3 New Mexico-class battleships, 2 Pennsylvania-class battleships, plus 1 Nevada-class battleship and 1 German Bavarian-class battleship, so there are a total of 11 battleships Up.

Even if the Japanese combined fleet is in its heyday, there are only 10 fast super dreadnoughts and 2 slow dreadnoughts! And now, one King Kong has been hung up. If the Japanese did not bring two slow battleships, then there would only be nine fast battleships. The two Colorado-class battleships are not weaker than Fuso, right? The Bavarian class is better than the Fuso, and the remaining two King Kong-class battlecruisers in the Japanese Navy make up the number. Therefore, Benson calculated that even if the U.S. Navy actually encountered the Japanese combined fleet, it would only be a fight. It's just a field! And the probability of the US Navy winning this time is very high.

As for the aircraft carrier? The U.S. Navy can concentrate 4 aircraft carriers. If the German Zeppelin is added, it will be 5 aircraft carriers. This scale is already very large, no less than the German Navy’s concentrated forces in the Norwegian Sea Battle, 5 aircraft carriers. There are at least about 380 aircraft. The number of Japanese naval aircraft carriers should probably be about three. In this way, the advantage of aircraft carriers is even greater.

If you consider cruisers and destroyers, the advantage of the U.S. Navy will be even greater. After all, if the Americans expected it well, then the entire Japanese Navy’s light cruisers should have been sunk in the last naval battle..... .. Therefore, after carefully calculating the available forces on both sides, Benson even felt that even taking this opportunity to conduct a large-scale offshore battle with the Japanese fleet would be a good choice!

As a result, now the direction of the meeting has directly changed, and it seems that we all feel that we have a great advantage in this wave, and A will win if it goes up!

"But there are still some questions. For example, what is the ground-based air force deployed by the Japanese Navy? Will it cause a greater blow to the fleet? You know, even during the war, whether it is the Royal Air Force or the Luftwaffe, All have launched large-scale attacks on surface battleship units, and have achieved certain results. It has been almost 4 years since the technical and tactical levels have improved. I feel that using carrier-based aircraft to fight land-based aircraft must be a disadvantage. ." Ma Jifen still hesitated.

Ma Jifen's concerns are also justified. Technological progress is real. After all, dual-engine bombers can now obtain good range and ammunition. Although the Japanese have very few four-engine bombers, there are always some twin-engine bombers. They can at least carry over 700 kilograms of torpedoes or 500KG bombs while ensuring sufficient ammunition capacity. The attack range of land-based aviation forces is currently far beyond that of aircraft carrier-based aircraft. Although the number of U.S. aircraft carrier-based aircraft is quite large, it is possible that a bomb will abolish the aircraft carrier’s aircraft take-off and landing capabilities, which is equivalent to Shoot down dozens of planes in disguise!

As for the case of ground-based aviation forces attacking aircraft carriers, there are few. The reason is simple. Even the German Navy, which had the strongest aircraft carrier fleet during the war, tried to avoid the British land-based aviation forces, even in the final stages of the war. The Germans did the same, which shows that the Germans are afraid of land-based aviation power. Well, now the question is, since the Germans respect land-based aviation power so much, why does the US Navy disrespect it?

"Actually, I think that in some cases, the carrier-based aircraft force of the aircraft carrier has an advantage against land-based aviation. For example, this time, we can concentrate more than 350 aircraft on a certain point on the opposing front. Large-scale strikes, no matter what kind of airport it is, it is impossible to deploy more than 300 aircraft at once. Our airport is mobile, and their airport is fixed. We can prepare for battle at Then they attacked at dawn. They didn't even know where we were when we attacked! After a wave, we can evacuate, and then find the opportunity to do it again!" Sims tried to persuade the other side.

"It depends on the situation. If the other party has a long-range reconnaissance aircraft and is on alert, then we are likely to be exposed in advance. If the Japanese are prepared in the Tarakan area, then we are simply throwing into the net. If you meet with the Japanese fleet during the retreat, the situation will be very bad." Maggie Fenton paused and then said: "Do you now know how much air force the Japanese navy and army deployed on Kalimantan?"

"In addition, even in the most favorable circumstances, I think such a deep-deep raid can only be fought once! Waiting for the second attack is undoubtedly very dangerous." Majifen said. Obviously, because of the secrecy of long-distance assaults and the fear of the opponent's home advantage, Ma Jifen is still not optimistic about this plan, and how could Sims fail to think of this?

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