The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2679: Sudden first lock

"Captain, there seems to be a warship ahead! They are approaching us! And they have sent a signal!" The watchman of the Spanish Tunisian merchant ship suddenly said loudly.

"What signal?" the captain said a little uneasy. Recently, the entire East Pacific is unstable. The Japanese are launching attacks on American merchant ships, and the Americans also start to search the merchant ships they encounter from time to time, but it is in the ocean, like Now, warships of the US Navy have suddenly appeared in the waters near Australia, and it can even be said that this is almost the first time that they have been active in Australian territorial waters.

"Stop the ship and receive inspection!" the watchman said.

"Well, do what the Americans say, stop the ship. Everyone comes to the deck." The captain himself didn't panic, after all, his ship was only loaded with daily cargo.

After a while, the US destroyer was in place, and a captain brought 8 US Navy soldiers aboard the battleship. Except for the 3 people left to guard the deck, the rest entered the cabin and searched.

"Reporting sir, everything is normal, no prohibited materials were found." Half an hour later, an American soldier reported to his captain.

"Captain David? I remember your name and ship number." said the captain. "I deeply regret the trouble I have caused you. But the United States is at war. I hope you can understand and cooperate with our work."

"We have asked you to inspect our ship, can we go now?" The captain said, looking at the heavily armed American soldiers, wiping a cold sweat.

"Of course we can, but we still have a small request. We will leave a small team on the ship. Don’t worry, they will not interfere with your daily work. They just want to ensure that your ship does not issue any questions during future voyages. Unfavorable telegram for the U.S. Navy," the captain said in as gentle a word as possible.

"Uh, we won't tell anyone about this." The captain said quickly.

"Don't worry, the U.S. Navy will pay for the expenses of the personnel on your ship. At the same time, it will protect you from unexpected threats." Although the captain's words were gentle, there was no room for maneuver. The Tunisian cargo ship must accept the captain's request. !

After a while, the U.S. Navy left a three-person team with a transmitter. They will accompany the Tunisia to the destination Chile. In addition to ensuring that the people on this ship do not send information related to the U.S. Navy through telegrams, they also undertake reconnaissance tasks to see if they encounter suspicious ships along the way. If so, they will use telegrams. Notify the U.S. Navy that if there is a reconnaissance ship nearby, it will arrive immediately and track or search the suspicious ship.

At the same time, more than 50 U.S. Navy fleets were deployed and deployed outside the major ports on the west coast of Canada. They obtained intelligence through internal and visual searches, and then arranged for warships to investigate possible ships based on the intelligence. I have to say The Americans’ system integration capabilities and execution capabilities are really top-notch. On the battleship New Mexico, Magifen and his staff are responsible for the implementation and execution of the entire plan. Everything is so orderly. All ships that meet a certain specification will be an examination! And under the sudden and close inspection, there are always some boats leaking their feet. The Swordfish is the first one!

"According to the instructions of the headquarters, we will rush to the fe area to join the Japanese fleet. If we cannot get in touch with the Japanese fleet in the fe area at d1, then we will arrive in the fr area before e2. Try to join the Japanese fleet. The second contact, if we fail again, then we will return directly.” At this time, the captain of the Swordfish, Kos, is confessing the latest instructions to his first officer.

"Are there areas between fe and fr?" The chief mate lay on the huge chart on the table and began to mark, and picked up the slide rule to plan the route.

"The situation is not getting better now. The Americans are constantly compressing our space. In order to prevent being discovered, our supply points are getting closer and closer to the depths of the ocean. This increases our supply time and range, and we can give Japan The supply of people will be reduced accordingly, and this will undoubtedly shorten the supply interval, we need to send more supply ships, and in this way, the probability of our being caught will increase significantly." The first officer said with a frown.

"Well, we can't take care of other things, just do our own affairs, pay attention to caution, if you find a suspicious ship, immediately speed up and dump it." The captain said. The Swordfish was originally a product of the British Navy’s rapid transport ship plan. Although it is not so good that it can be converted to an aircraft carrier, under the condition of a cargo load of 5,000 tons, the ship can run at a speed of more than 18 knots, and it can indeed be thrown away. In addition to warships, most other ships, such as American camouflage reconnaissance ships and armed merchant ships. In the depths of the ocean, American destroyers rarely appear due to voyage problems, and the number of light cruisers is scarce, so Swordfish considers itself very safe. As long as the alert is in place, it can run away anyway.

But unfortunately, facing this ship, which looks like a very good military auxiliary ship from the The Americans also specially arranged for him a strong opponent, the new launch of the US Navy. The armored cruiser Louisiana assisted in tracking this British camouflage supply ship. This ship successfully broke through the American destroyer blockade. It was not because of its luck and high level, but because the Americans were ready to go fishing. fish!

At a low altitude less than 15 kilometers from the Swordfish, an American small seaplane is tracking, and in the distance, the Louisiana armored cruiser is following far away. They are preparing to use the light when it is dark. Cover quickly approached the transport ship, and then caught him with lightning speed!

"Your Captain, the headquarters has sent a telegram." A soldier handed a telegram to Spruance Jr., who had just served as the captain of this warship.

"Well, the whole ship has entered the first level of combat readiness. Before sunset today, we have to achieve this goal!" Little Fletcher said after reading the telegram. It turns out that just in the past few days, the US government needs a piece of evidence to find a reason for its activities in the East Pacific. After all, the Americans are a bit tough in the blockade. Among the ships being inspected and tracked are France and Italy. Ships of major powers, and in this way, diplomatic pressure is still relatively large.

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