The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2677: There is no answer two

"So, you mean to agree," Raidel said.

"Yes, agree, exchange a Zeppelin for a Constellation aircraft carrier and a seaplane carrier, that's it!" Su Xiong finally decided.

So, on the second day, Su Xiong formally submitted an application to exchange a Zeppelin for a fleet aircraft carrier and a seaplane carrier, and the Americans quickly agreed. After all, Su Xiong’s reasons were very good. , It’s okay for everyone to exchange and learn from each other, but the premise is that you can’t let me suffer! After the exchange, the combat effectiveness of the two parties should maintain a general balance. Your pilot compares the dishes, so the quality is not enough to make up the quantity!

Five days later, when the battleship Mecklenburg completed its final repairs and was undergoing resupply, the aircraft carrier Constellation and the seaplane carrier Ark assigned by the US Navy to the Suxiong fleet had arrived, and the commander of this fleet was It is Captain Mitchell of the United States Navy. Nimitz continued to serve as a liaison officer for the US Navy's fleet in Germany.

And the Americans didn’t notice, taking advantage of the last period of time before the fleet left the post, Nimitz and Mitchell had already brought Su Xiong and Raidel to discuss some issues. Of course, on the battleship and cruiser battle issues, basically It was the Americans who asked for advice, Su Xiong answered. After all, Su Xiong just proved his toughness not long ago! The Americans also have their own views on the use of aircraft carriers.

"Your Excellency, I have always had a question now, I wonder if you can give an answer" Mitchell asked. After Su Xiong nodded in agreement, Mitchell was also unambiguous. The first question was very sharp: "If two aircraft carriers find each other at the same time and then launch an attack, is it possible to attack the opponent at the same time? To stop the opponent’s attack"

"If the two sides are evenly matched, unless you are lucky, it is impossible to block the attack of the other side, because the aircraft carrier is very fragile, and two bombs with the right hit positions are enough to seal the carrier fleet of the aircraft carrier. The same goes for the other side. It is impossible to block your attack. Under the current circumstances, the attack strength is much higher than the defense strength!" Su Xiong replied in a very affirmative.

"Well, that's the case." Mitchell nodded and gestured to Nimitz slightly. I really thought how could it be possible that the Americans did not explore relevant tactics! From a purely historical perspective, the U.S. Navy allowed the aircraft carrier detachment to participate in the exercise very early, and in the famous "Fleet Problem Ten" exercise, the aircraft carrier attack occurred! On this plane, the Americans who are always preparing for war do more deductions and exercises.

Although the U.S. fleet considers the performance of the German aircraft carrier squadron to be amazing, after all, it wins on the basis of more fights and frequent calculations of each other. In the eyes of Americans, the reference value of this advantage is really not So the United States focused on studying how to fight aircraft carriers in a balanced or even inferior situation. However, after no less than 6 couplets and simulations, the Americans were very frustrated to find that aircraft carriers are difficult to defend against an attack of the same scale in this era!

Although the Germans are very nb, the Americans believe that their deductions have considered all the circumstances. They did their best to increase the speed of the aircraft and chose no less than 20 fighter interception schemes, but the result is that unless the pilot's personal level is bursting , The opponent's rookie, otherwise the attacker can always break through the defense and then throw the bomb down... So Mitchell was very satisfied with Su Xiong's answer, at least the Germans are still very honest on this issue.

"So how does your country deal with aircraft carrier battles under a balance of power?" Mitchell asked.

"If possible, it is natural to establish some kind of asymmetrical advantage. For example, we will focus on seaplanes for reconnaissance missions, so that the aircraft and decks on the aircraft carrier can be used for offense with peace of mind. In addition, if it is a large-scale aircraft carrier formation For combat, we will let one of the aircraft carriers carry a large number of fighters to be responsible for the air defense operations of the entire fleet." Su Xing's answer was very calm.

"What is the reason for using an aircraft carrier to undertake air defense missions?" Mitchell was lost in thought. Asked afterwards.

"It's very simple. If two aircraft carriers take on the air defense mission together, then coordination between them is a troublesome thing. The command principle of our air force is that an independent fleet is responsible for a certain airspace, and the navy has inherited it." Su Xiong Said.

In fact, Su Xiong was right. At the beginning, the German Navy did conduct similar research, but then gave up. I really think that the current German Navy is just letting Nanshan go! After a long period of deduction, the German Navy discovered that although the use of a large aircraft carrier to undertake air defense tasks can solve the coordination problem to the greatest extent, how to ensure continuous air defense?

You should know that the landing and take-off of aircraft carrier aircraft cannot be carried out at the same time, and the time of air defense combat is also uncertain. If you wait until the first wave of fighters are finished, they are ready to come back for replenishment, while the second wave of fighters is preparing on deck. How to deal with this line of defense does not directly collapse! Therefore, Su Xiong told Raidel that the Germans did not have a complete system in aircraft carrier operations. Currently trying other methods! Su Xiong doesn't know whether other methods can be used, but he knows that even in a large aircraft carrier detachment, the way to perform air defense missions with a fleet of aircraft carriers is low cost-effective! This is a pit!

"This will make a fleet of aircraft carriers completely incapable of attacking and even if there are a sufficient number of fighter jets, it may be difficult to intercept. Communication is a very serious problem, and command is an unsolvable problem. The problem." As a US Navy aircraft carrier expert, Mitchell naturally knows the difficulties. Just ask, a large wave of the other side's planes came rashly, fighters with high-altitude cover, bombers with mid-air entry, and torpedo planes struck by low-altitude lightning! The opponent rushed in from all directions. How do you efficiently command the fighter to effectively intercept the fighter under visual conditions. The answer is, there is no way, there will always be problems...

The Americans saw this issue thoroughly, so they came up with a simple and direct solution. How about we directly output the opponent to death?

As a result, the Americans came up with a very extreme wave system-full deck attack! In an attack, or in a period of attack, the aircraft equivalent to 50% or even 70% of the total aircraft capacity is continuously released, and then the opponent is killed in a wave! As for defense, let's talk about it.

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