The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2669: Bargain two

"Hehe, it's really a technology that we don't use." Duff glanced. The Italians wanted British technical information on large-caliber naval guns, engine samples and drawings, large-scale marine gas turbines and tank gasoline engines, and they wanted to obtain hydrophones for several submarines and destroyers from Britain! The terms of trade are about import and export tariffs. On the whole, although it is a bit uncomfortable, it is not harsh. The Italians seem to have taken care of the feelings of the British, and some technical things are paid for transfer!

"But I also want to say, Your Excellency is too much! There is a word that is too much to say, this sentence is undoubtedly the most appropriate for your country!" Duff put the catalog aside, and said: "Even if we are in some future The field will be restricted, but this does not mean that some countries can obtain these precious technologies at a slight price. As for the trade preferences of colonies, this is even more impossible."

"Your Excellency, I think we both have a misunderstanding about the current situation. The Germans want Italy to sell the warships to the Japanese. That is to say, whether we interfere or not, whether you sell the warships to the Americans or your own use, the Germans. Will be unhappy, and this unhappiness will translate into actual punishment."

"In the British Empire, we hope that your country will sell warships to the Japanese, but this is a necessary condition rather than a sufficient condition. If this deal fails, we will regret it. The Japanese may be lost, but they will not be because This little thing is against us. Therefore, we don't have to pay too high a price for this transaction." Duff pointed to the document just provided by the Duke of Abruzzi. "This condition is impossible."

"So, here, I will inform your country of our bottom line! We will sell an unfinished Fury-class battleship to you in the name of a disused warship. Of course, this warship has already installed part of the power system. The country will use the accessories we provide to complete this battleship and then sell it to the Japanese. With the arrival of this battleship, your country can obtain the blueprints and related technologies for the Fury-class battleship." Duff said.

"Other aspects are aviation engines, marine gas turbines, batteries and diesel engines. These are your country's restrictions. If your country and Italy cooperate, then your country can bypass these restrictions," the Duke said.

"Thank you, no need." Duff replied very simply. "Whether you agree to be completely in your country, if you and the Italian government think it is possible, you can contact me again." Duff got up and left. The thoughtful Duke of Abruzzi was left behind.

"The British have a tough attitude. They don't want to have anything to do with us. He rejected our proposal for industrial technology cooperation and business cooperation." The next day, the Duke of Abruzzi came to the Italian Prime Minister Antonio Salandra. The mansion reported the relevant situation to the latter.

"The English are still very arrogant." Antonio shook his head involuntarily. Even though Britain has declined, it is not something Italy can handle! Even if the British Royal Navy has been weakened to the limit by the Germans, it can still sling the Italian Navy. Let alone other aspects.

"So are the two warships we are outfitting now sold to Japan or to the United States? The Germans, the British and even the French may all want us to sell to Japan. If they are sold to the United States, I think we may get the United States. Human friendship and support." the Duke asked.

"Actually, this choice is not difficult to make. The United States is still weaker than Germany and Austria. Maybe their economy and industry are large, but their fists are too soft. And we are almost close to Germany and Austria. Now there is none in Europe. We can stop the power of Germany and Austria. And we chose to be neutral in the war. Germany and Austria were very resentful. And our relationship with Austria has never been harmonious. At this time, Germany and Austria are all in Europe. When shivering, when the Americans are still struggling in the Pacific. Is it really difficult to make a choice?" Antonio asked.

"In other words, we are going to sell at least one Caraggiono-class battleship to the Japanese," the Duke said, touching his chin. "So what do we do with American anger"

"If we have to bear the anger of the Americans, then we must at least draw the British!" Antonio said.

"You mean, we can reveal some news, such as the attitude of the British," the Duke asked.

"This is not enough. First of all, we must let the Americans give up. I think your Excellency should be able to do a good job in this regard, such as the construction period, equipment and accessories. Secondly, we must let the Americans know that when they refuse to ask us After buying the battleship here, the British provided us with parts and armor, and then we completed the battleship sold to Japan with the help of the British.” Antonio said.

"What about Italy's foreign policy in the future" asked the Duke.

"What else can this world war only solve to some extent most of the contradictions in Britain has weakened, the French have succumbed, and Russia has collapsed. And Germany and Austria have become the real hegemon. But there is also the United States in the Atlantic Ocean and Japan in the Far East. The world is not stable. Maybe a few decades later, war will break out again, and I am more optimistic about the Germans." Antonio said.

"So, in the future we will truly become allies of the Germans" the Duke asked.

"Yes. And it must be the kind of valuable allies, no matter if it is the Allies or the Allies, they will not be pitiful! There are some things we need to fight for ourselves!" Antonio said.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'm going to receive Americans." The Duke thought for a while and said. It is certain to offend the United States, and this is even an important part of the Germans' demands. After all, Germany and Austria, who have become European hegemons, do not want to see European countries and Americans maintain extraordinary relations.

But as a big country, Italians still have to be respected. If you can offend less, then less. So as Antonio said, the best choice is to let the Americans give up by themselves, but how to make the other party give up? The Italians are ready! And just three days after the Duke of Abruzzi and Duff met, Colonel Lech and his party came to Italy. The Italians also warmly received the American colonel from across the ocean.

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