The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2667: 1 knife horizontally

"Assam black tea?" Lieutenant General Duff did not answer the Duke's words, but asked, staring at the black tea.

"No, it's Ceylon black tea. Although your country's Assam black tea is a good choice, it is still a lot worse than Ceylon black tea. In comparison, we will naturally choose a good one." Duke Qi said with a smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, then. But sorry, when Ceylon is no longer a colony of the British Empire, I no longer drink Ceylon black tea." Duff said with an unhappy expression.

"Okay, there is coffee over there, the one on the left is from South Africa, and the one on the right is from Brazil, you can do it yourself." The Duke said with a smile. After hesitating, Duff walked to the coffee shelf next to him and brewed Brazilian coffee for himself. He could feel a certain degree of malice from the Duke's performance, but this was normal. Because the actions of the British have caused some inconvenience to Italy.

"Through some recent events, I thought that your country and Germany have abandoned the previous suspicion. It turns out that your Excellency is still hostile to Germany. Can you explain to me the recent coal supply situation? The Germans have cut back on excuses. Coal exports to Italy, and the United Kingdom has also cut. This is a bit beyond our expectations. The Germans did not give us an answer. I hope you can give it." The Duke said with a grim expression.

"Can't you think of the reason based on your country's political sense? You are very slippery, always wanting to please both sides, or to obtain excess benefits in the fight between the two sides. However, whether it is Germany, the British Empire or the Americans, neither I like people who fall on both sides." Duff said calmly.

"To make the question simpler, we and the Germans do not want the Caraggiono-class fast battleship being built in your country to flow into the hands of the Americans, because this will reduce the benefits for us and the Germans. Germany People also have to deal with warships, and they don't want the war to end prematurely. So do we." Duff finished speaking, took a sip of coffee, and then quietly watched the opponent's reaction.

"This approach is really overbearing." The Duke of Abruzzi said angrily. More than 70% of Italy's domestic coal needs to be imported from abroad. Before the war, Italy's main imported coal was produced in Wales, England. Therefore, based on this alone, it is unlikely that Italy will fight alongside Germany and Austria in wartime. After the war, as the Austro-Hungarian Empire acquired the Donetsk coal mine, Italy's coal imports began to diversify. Part of the coal is produced in Donetsk, while the other part is still imported from the United Kingdom.

Not long ago, the Allies reduced their supply of coal and oil to Italy, without explaining the reasons in detail. Subsequently, the British also reduced coal exports to Italy, so now Italy has only two options. The first option is to find ways to restore oil supply to Germany and the British to restore coal supply. The second option is to buy American high-priced coal! The Italian wanted to understand some of these reasons, and today, the Duke of Abruzzi and Duff met to solve this problem.

"And it's really hard for me to understand that Britain and Germany, which should have been feuded, took the same action tacitly! Or did it take this action against an Italy that originally did not want to be involved in a dispute between major powers! I feel it. Malice and insult!" the Duke said angrily.

"Since you can clearly see the relationship of interest, then you shouldn't ask such a question. As for the positioning of the Kingdom of Italy? You did not choose neutrality, but prepared to reap the benefits in the name of neutrality. As a member of the Allies, you did not. Declare war on the Allies. And we negotiated and traded but chose to escape at the final moment. We know your country’s little cleverness, and the Germans know it. Italy’s approach leaves you with no real friends, and Italy’s national strength Not enough, the real power can naturally take you at will." Duff made no secret of his contempt for Italy.

"We can choose the United States. Perhaps because of the war, American coal and fuel exports are a bit tight and the prices are a little high. But it is not unacceptable for us, and the warships we export to Americans can make up for the price difference. We do not accept your blackmail!" the Duke said angrily.

"Hehe, if you and Italy have this determination and ability, then I won't be here! You dare not offend the Germans. And you don't have the ability to complete the warship within the stipulated time. Both politically and in Technically, you actually don't have more choices!" Duff said.

"Are you kidding? The military technology of the Italian Navy is always at the world-class level. The Caraggiono class battleship is no worse than the German Bavaria, your country's fury, and the Japanese Fuso class! It is much stronger than the American ship. How can we not finish it?" The Duke of Abruzzi sneered.

"It seems that you also admit that the Germans can't resist your pressure." Duff said with a smile: "So good, we will not talk about political issues. Let's talk about economic and technical issues. I used to be A lieutenant of the Royal Navy, I am very proficient in the professional field!"

"Let’s talk about the simplest question. At present, can Andorsha Company provide enough 15-inch guns? I remember that your country ordered about 20 15-inch guns in the intention order for Armstrong before the war started~ And the four Caraggiono-class battleships have a total of 32 15-inch artillery pieces. Your country has launched two Caraggiono-class battleships, but the artillery and turrets have not arrived, so it can only show one problem. , Andorsha has a problem!" Duff said.

(Note that in history, the Italian Caraggiono-class battleships did have a considerable part of the heavy artillery purchased from the United Kingdom. According to the plan, the Italian government prepared to order 30 15-inch artillery in 1913, ten of which were from Andorsha and ten from Armstrong. The other ten are from Wicks. Andorsha’s artillery weighs less than 70 tons, Armstrong’s 15-inch L40 artillery weighs 90 tons, and the difference in artillery weight also leads to different artillery powers. The Italian government has a clear tendency. Goods from the British. Then because of the outbreak of the war, the battleship was cancelled, and the 15-inch L40 artillery produced by Andorsha was changed to a train gun.)

"The other problem is the armored steel. Let alone how much hardened armor is needed for the 4 Caraggiono-class battleships, the armor steel and defensive base materials required for only two launching are more than 20,000 tons. I think it is expensive. China’s armor production can hardly meet the needs of the two battleships!" Duff said.

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