The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2662: Old friend two

"For the same reason, I can't represent the attitude of the German Empire, I can't even represent the attitude of Bavaria. Before, what I told you was only that your Highness asked me to tell your Excellency. And now, what I say is you. On behalf of your Highness, ask your Excellency. This time I meet, I only care about your attitude. As for the attitude of the Turkish government, Sultan, and Pasha, it doesn't matter." Von Sekt said calmly.

"I don't understand what you mean." Kemal said nervously.

"Like I said, literally. Of course, if you don't want to, you can refuse." Von Seckert stared at the opponent, like a knight facing a stranger who is equal to us. At this moment, he has to perform his duties, and the past friendships should be put aside for the time being.

"I hope that the empire and Germany will maintain an ally relationship. Therefore, I also oppose the empire's military operations in the Arabian Peninsula, but I am lighthearted." Kemal said with a sigh.

"What you said is somewhat different from the actual situation, and there is no inevitable causal relationship." General von Seckert said: "First of all, if you want to maintain a close relationship between the two countries, then you should not specialize. Write to your former subordinates and ask them to cooperate with the Americans' mining activities in Kirkuk. You know, this kind of behavior is illegal even in your country. And how do you make your Highness such an untimely action? Regarding you?"

"Secondly, the fundamental reason why you disagree with the military actions of the Ottoman Empire on the Arabian Peninsula is that you think the war is not worth the loss. It is not because of Germany's opposition. The fundamental starting point is for the benefit of Turkey, not for the relationship between the two countries."

"Am I wrong for the benefit of Turkey? I want to maintain the relationship between the two countries also for the benefit of Turkey. This is not a contradiction. As for the letter, I just think it will increase the income of the Kingdom of Turkey. Just more." Kemal said.

"Is it purely for economic benefit?" Von Seckert asked.

"Purely for economic benefit." Kemal said. "To be honest, the oil extraction agreement we signed with your country is outdated. Americans have more favorable conditions. In addition to more profit, the Americans can also provide us with additional loans. We have no reason. Rejected. This is only an economic activity. And your country’s previous actions were a bit too much, using political means to prevent Turkey from obtaining legitimate interests."

"If it is purely for economic benefits, then we will not interfere. Your country can cooperate with companies in France, the Netherlands, and Italy. We do not want to monopolize the entire Mesopotamia oil extraction. This is the guarantee of the crown prince. "Von Seckert said.

"A guarantee from Crown Prince Ruprecht?" Kemal asked.

"Yes, Crown Prince Ruprecht's guarantee. Based on the credibility of the crown prince before, can you trust it once?" Von Seckert asked.

"But only can't do business with Americans? Is this a restriction?" Kemal said.

"If it’s just for making money, then who do you do business with is different? You know the contradiction between virtues, so why do you have to touch this mold? This practice makes us feel uneasy, this uneasiness is not your words It can be eliminated. We respect the interests of your country. So please consider how the empire looks like?" General von Seckert said with a sting!

"I am at home now, these things have nothing to do with me." Kemal flinched.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to discuss some issues with your Excellency. As for the government level, I don't care." General von Seckert did not threaten too much.

This is the end of the first round of trials between the two sides, and Kemal learned about the attitude of Germany or Bavaria in the Mesopotamia oil fields. That is, Bavaria does not always want to monopolize the oil fields in the Mesopotamia. As long as it does not allow US capital to enter, it is possible for Turkey to cooperate with other countries. As for why Kemal believed von Seckert's argument? The reason is simple. It is impossible for von Seckert to lie to him on this issue. Unless he doesn't want to mix in Bavaria, and as he said, the credibility of the crown prince has always been good. Although there was no agreement, Kemal chose to believe it.

As for von Seckert? He naturally knew Kemal's attitude and what he did in a series of events. Even he knew that Kemal was at least friendly and neutral with Latin America to restrict Germany. However, after giving certain warnings on behalf of Germany, Kemal did not seem to rebound significantly. In other words, on the surface, Kemal can still fight for it. As for how the two sides ultimately position themselves, is it an enemy or a friend? The problem is not that he can make a decision. If Kemal can cooperate with Germany in the following time, then he will have the opportunity to travel to Bavaria in person to talk with Crown Prince Ruprecht. At that time, it is time to decide everything!

"Can we talk about something more specific? After all, it is useless for the two sides to speak for nothing about the friendship between the two countries. Many things have to be implemented to make sense!" Kemal thought for a while and asked.

"For example?" Von Seckert said.

"We want to take back some of the railway rights." Kemal said.

"You can consider von Seckert's decisive answer surprised Kemal very much.

"This doesn't seem to be something that you can decide, right?" Kemal said with a ugly face. In his opinion, it was very imprudent for von Seckert to directly answer on such an important question without thinking. And as Kemal said, von Seckert has no such right at all!

"Enver Pasha had contacted the imperial government through the embassy before to discuss matters concerning railway rights, and the two sides also started some consultations. This time, Prince Albert led a visit and will discuss this matter. Yes. So it’s okay to reveal some news to you in advance.” Von Seckert said with a smile.

"It turned out to be so. I am very grateful for your country's help on the railway issue." Kemal said with joy. This sentence has made Kemal's perception of Germany better. If the impression given to Kemal by Germany before is cold and powerful. Now Germany is a little cordial in Kemal's eyes, and finally has the feeling of some allies! After all, what the Germans did was to tell Kemal that they did not treat Turkey as a vassal or colony, but as a normal country.

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