The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2647: Port Kiel One

"Unexpectedly, the German High Seas Fleet Headquarters that used to be like a forest would have such a sight." Looking at the scattered warships in the harbor, the US Secretary of State Lansing finally felt a little more relaxed. After all, he was watching Come, now the German High Seas Fleet has already put some horses on Nanshan, and the horrible existence that once directly destroyed the British Empire's Great Fleet has become lazy, like a lion is beginning to fall asleep. And does the slackness of the German arms augur that the United States of America can seize the opportunity to catch up? You know, there are too many warships equipped with 16-inch guns on the American berth, and the next generation of German warships seems to be on the drawing board?

"Mr. Secretary of State, the German High Seas Fleet is undergoing transformation. Before the war, the Germans had millions of tons of warships to roam around in the cages in the North Sea. Now, the cages are opened and the jailers are killed. The Germans have a broader scope. Heaven and Earth, they are stretching their bodies. The German fleet is traveling in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, patrolling the colonies they have regained, showing their existence. In the Pacific, the performance of the Su Xiong fleet shocked the world again. It is to gain a little equipment advantage, this advantage is not worth mentioning in the face of the strong national power of Germany in the future.” Leahy said in correction.

"Well, let's talk about some things related to the present. If we don't consider the influence of other factors, what battleships can we get from Germany now? Whether it is buying or renting." Lansing asked.

"To be honest, they agreed that our visit to the Port of Kiel was actually purposeful. They have plenty of excuses to delay our next batch of military support. Think about it, Marshal Hipper leads the German fleet in charge of daily patrols. The fleet has 4 battleships. And in the naval fortresses of Kiel and Wilhelmshaven, the Germans also have to keep enough power, and they are called to guard the British. And the battleship is to be maintained regularly, so the remaining The warships can be squeezed into Taichung, so the situation has come. The Germans can say that they do not have a redundant active warship to rent to us." Colonel Leahy said.

"Hiss!" After listening to the colonel's speech, Lansing's smile immediately froze on his face. He did not expect that the Germans agreed to let him visit his most important military port and it was hidden! To be honest, although the Americans want to gradually get rid of the German crutch, they didn't say they would throw them away now!

"How many capital ships do the Germans have?" Lansing asked.

"According to the register, there should be 20 more ships, including 12 Bavarian-class battleships and two battleships that were originally sold to foreign countries but were eventually intercepted. These two battleships are Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. After the war, Argentina did not ask for it. The Germans refunded the two ships and left them in their battle sequence. The remaining six are the Helgoland-class battleships and the remaining battlecruisers. But Germany There are two other battleships that are defined as destroyed but can actually be repaired. In this way, the Germans can maintain the size of 22 battleships in their heyday after preparation.” Colonel Lech said.

"But now, the German has a look of helplessness? Or is it waiting for us to make an offer, and then he will knock us hard?" Lansing said annoyed.

However, at this moment, Count Spey, the chief of the German High Seas Fleet's general staff, walked over, so the two immediately interrupted the conversation, and then changed their expressions, without seeing the complaints and dissatisfaction just now.

"Do you have any thoughts on the future of the Pacific War?" Lansing stepped forward and asked. He would not discuss military aid or buying warships with Earl Spey, because only the German government can make decisions on such matters. And his inquiry was more of a courtesy. It just made the two parties less embarrassed, but what Lansing did not expect was that Earl Spey's subsequent words made Lansing's heart mentioned in his throat!

"The Japanese's tactics are very sophisticated and they have achieved a certain degree of success. However, strategically, they ended up with the withdrawal of the main naval forces of both sides from the battlefield at the same time. From this perspective, the Japanese victory has limited meaning, and if your country If supplies can be quickly restored, then the situation in New Ireland is very unfavorable for Japan.” Earl Spey’s analysis was very pertinent. It also gave Americans enough face. This makes Lansing very useful.

"But if the Japanese are smart enough, then in the next period of time, they will not be inactive. Instead, they must seize the precious time when the battleships of both sides are resting and take the initiative to launch an offensive and disrupt your country's deployment. Said the count.

"Are you kidding? How can the Japanese have the power to disrupt our deployment?" Lansing said with a smile.

"You must have not read the battle report carefully. In fact, the Japanese still had two armored cruisers that did not go into battle, but went into battle. The Rurik-class battleships responsible for lure the enemy suffered very little loss. They can be put into operation after simple repair and maintenance. Combat. In this way, there are 5 large warships that the Japanese can use, and if these 5 warships are used in the battle to break the relationship in the East Pacific, then your country will be really troublesome." Earl Spey Said meaningfully.

"You mean those old things? They still have this ability?" Lansing said.

"However, there is nothing in your navy that can handle these guys Before, Su Xiong could do these things, but now, for some reason, Su Xiong's fleet also needs repairs." The count was affirmed. Said. "I think there is no need to say too much about some things, because they will soon be verified by facts. As a senior in a country, I think your consideration should not be the authenticity of this matter but how to deal with it. After all, the military places great emphasis on taking advantage of the enemy’s opportunities."

"If there are only two cruisers, we are not afraid. Our new large-scale armored cruiser has been completed and is undergoing pre-service training. It can be put on the battlefield at any time. Our new ship can kill the old guys without a problem." When Lansing was at a loss, Colonel Leahy spoke.

"Even if you don’t consider how to catch your opponent, which is a very difficult problem, I think you should also know the 12-inch naval gun equipped on Rurik? Your country’s new armored cruiser is the most powerful cruiser of this period, but If you want to leapfrog and challenge, I'm afraid it's still a bit worse." said the earl.

"We are allies, and there is an agreement before, I think your country should be able to help us solve these annoying flies, right? At least it is always easier than confronting the main force of the Japanese combined fleet?" Lansing has already said in his words. A trace of worry.

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