The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2641: U.S. Navy Adjustment Three

"Even if we paid the high cost of rush work, in the next 9 months, thanks to God's blessing, the Caraggiono-class battleship has been launched, and the actual combat effectiveness of this class of battleship is actually about the same as the Helgoland-class. The speeds of the two sides are equal. The Caraggiono-class artillery is larger, and the Helgoland-class battleship has better defense. The Italian 15-inch naval gun is incompatible with us. This makes the navy very difficult, if the government really If you decide to purchase, then I hope the unified Helgoland-class battleship is better." Colonel Leahy said.

"But what if the Germans can't provide enough warships, or the warships they provide contain a lot of political requirements?" Little Roosevelt asked.

"We are soldiers and we don’t care about politics." Colonel Leahy’s answer was very simple. Just kidding, tell me about political matters. Let’s not say that soldiers themselves are somewhat resistant to politics, even if they really need to consider political issues. That was also a matter for the new fleet commander Sims and others.

"Well, to put it another way, if we prepare 6 fast battleships for the United States Navy, can we get rid of the dependence on the Su Xiong fleet?" Taft, who had been silent, finally spoke.

"Impossible." Colonel Lacey thought for at least 4 minutes before answering, not that he didn't know the answer, but because he knew that his answer would make these political leaders very unhappy.

"Why? Are 6 fast battleships not enough to replace 4 Bavarian-class battleships?" Taft's words were full of dissatisfaction and anger.

"First of all, in terms of combat effectiveness, the 6 Helgoland-class battleships are still inferior to the 4 Bavarian-class battleships. Secondly, now. The U.S. Navy is stretched out, and we can only fill these fast battleships with a large number of newcomers. In terms of business proficiency or experience, these warships are far from being able to exert their combat effectiveness in our hands. Not to mention that compared with the Germans' elites in all battles, you can blame the Germans for anything, but in terms of combat effectiveness, They are absolutely beyond doubt."

"General Su Xiong is still able to fight back when facing extreme conditions. But if it is our own, I am afraid the result will be very bad." Colonel Leahy said very tactfully.

"In addition, I really want to know how these 6 fast battleships should be put together. And if we are willing to pay the purchase price and related expenses of the 6 fast battleships, it is estimated that it will be enough for us to hire the German fleet until the end of the war? "

Colonel Leahy’s calculations are very careful. In fact, because the currency is gradually depreciating, the same battleship could be built 10 years ago with 2 million pounds. Now I am afraid it will cost 2.5 million or more. , And everyone knows that this time is a seller's market. When the Americans urgently need warships and the Germans have survival, the price increase is inevitable! 6 battleships, together with other costs, is estimated to be 20 million pounds down? Hiring the German fleet would not have such a high price, right? Moreover, is there no political cost for the purchase of weapons? Obviously impossible!

"Money is not a problem. As long as we can cultivate a powerful maritime force in this war, then all the efforts are worth it. Given the superior tactical level of the German Navy, we still need to hire some German warships and personnel. However, the final command will be in our hands. After the fleet we ordered is in place and training is completed, we will only hire up to two German battleships.” Taft said.

"Are 6 Helgoland-class fast battleships and 2 Bavaria? This is really enough. Even if we encounter the Japanese fleet under adverse conditions, we have many options." Colonel Lech said: "But I still think The tactical level of top US Navy officers is difficult to make up in a short period of time. Even if our hardware makes up for the shortcomings, the gap in actual decision-making will still seriously affect our combat effectiveness."

The root cause of the US Navy’s defeat was actually Benson’s misjudgment of the situation. If the US fleet stays on the landing site and does not pursue it, then the Japanese fleet will at best destroy a former Dreadnought fleet and leave. And when Benson was deceived, no matter how sophisticated tactics were, it was difficult to recover. So, even if the Americans make up for the fleet hardware problem, what about the command? This Colonel Leahy had no good way, so he could only learn about war in war.

But overall, the Navy is quite satisfied with this plan. First of all, by purchasing warships, it can obtain the combat power that the US Navy urgently needs. Then reduce the dependence on the Germans by reducing the size of the German fleet. After all, if only two fast battleships are hired, then the German generals will only have the right to make suggestions but not the right to make decisions, even in the squadron. This will undoubtedly make the order of the US fleet more implemented.

"I believe that the Navy will have a deeper understanding of tactics and strategy after experiencing the baptism of war, is this right?" Old Roosevelt asked.

"Yes, Mr. President, the United States Navy will one day become the most powerful existence on the and we are now taking the first step." Colonel Leahy said this. It is equivalent to agreeing to the government's proposal on behalf of the Navy.

"So what is the government's attitude toward the proposal to convert South Dakota-class battleships into fast battleships?" Colonel Leahy asked.

"We agree in principle, but it takes time to modify the drawings and designs, and it is impossible for us to directly transform all the six South Dakota-class battleships into fast battleships. Two first, and after accumulating certain experience, can we modify other battleships?" Old Roosevelt said.

"Yes." Colonel Leahy thought for a while and said. It is unrealistic to directly request the 6 ships to be changed. Small steps are the best choice. The Americans also follow this routine in building battleships. Super Fearless is currently in the construction of 2 ships of the first class. As for Lexington? Old Roosevelt didn't mention it, and Colonel Leahy didn't bother to say it. It was enough for the government to make concessions on the new warships and the formation of the future fast fleet. On the battlecruiser Colonel Leahy is not too concerned, because after the concentration on the rapid transformation of the South Dakota-class battleship, the Lexington-class project may be delayed indefinitely, right?

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