The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 264: Back road

"This will be a national war. Britain is the most powerful empire in the world. They will not succumb easily. Even if you occupy Cape Town, they will continue to fight. Therefore, in order to allow the frontline The fighters fight better, and the elderly and children must have a safe place to go." Caliput reminded Kruger once again that he needed to arrange for non-combatants of the Boers.

"I haven't thought about this problem, but here is our country, our cities, farms, and gold mines. Most people would rather die in battle than leave." Kruger said with a sigh. It's not that he didn't think about arranging the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled to a safer place, but unfortunately, there is no such place in the entire British Africa!

"Death in battle on their own land is something that fighters need to consider, and those who are not responsible for fighting should try their best to survive. I know your concerns, but you need to face reality even more. Look at the British in South Africa. In everything they do, they won't be merciful because some people are old people and children!" Calipute said.

"I can only do my best, but the point is that there is no such place in South Africa that can guarantee the safety of our people. Are we going to let our family and black people be together? Or go to the Portuguese colony? I am worried. If the British pressured, the Portuguese would immediately succumb." Kruger said.

"You can go to German Africa, where can we arrange land and personnel for you, the first few years are completely tax-free. You will enjoy the same treatment as German immigrants. Of course, the biggest advantage is absolute security in the German colony. We I won't be afraid of the threats of the British." Calypte said.

When His Royal Highness signaled that Calypte would move part of the Boers to the German colonies, he was still very difficult to understand this request, and even thought it was causing trouble for himself. After a period of contact, Calypte was right. The Boers have a deeper understanding. These people with violent folk customs and strong independence are a trouble for any ruler!

Don’t say anything else, wherever you go, which country is willing to accept an independent nation? But Caliput is only a soldier after all, and political matters are not clear, and it is not easy to directly ask the prince’s plan, so he still carried out this order without opposition from other parties in Bavaria.

In fact, His Royal Highness has already thought of this. The Boers are indeed a trouble. Judging from the fact that only a population of 220,000 people dare to fight the British Empire, Germans in Africa may not be able to hold the Boers. If all the Boers came over, it would definitely be a big trouble.

But when you think about it the other way round, this is not necessarily the case. Almost everyone relocates in peace. Who will leave their homeland without a last resort? 220,000 Boers, eliminated nearly 90,000 combatants, and eliminated most of the people who were unwilling to leave. The first batch of people willing to come to the German colonies to start a new life is estimated to not exceed 10,000. Even 5000 would be nice.

What can thousands of people do when they come to the German colony? Besides being trapped in the boundless circle of blacks, what effect is there? Coming from afar, there is no foundation. Even living and production materials need to be provided by the German government. There are no compatriots, no arms, lack of the most basic material foundation, and a group of women and children. In addition to doing things honestly, this group of people, Any other ideas?

For the prince, this group of people came to Germany not only to reassure the Boers and better fight the British, but also to make some contributions to the development of African colonies. After all, the quality of the Boers is still much higher than that of the blacks. Without rebellion, their money and expertise can still have a positive effect on the economic development of the colony.

And this proposal was informed to William II, the latter also did not raise any objections. On the one hand, the prince who was above the top did not look down on the Boers, and on the other hand, it was out of aversion to the British. Regarding this kind of move that can cause trouble to the British, William II naturally strongly supports it.

Therefore, under the impetus of the prince and the acquiescence of the German government, German colonies in Africa began to accept Boer immigrants. Of course, the number was small at first. Before the outbreak of the Boer War, only about 7,000 Boers left two. In the Boer Republic, 2,000 people stayed in Portuguese Mozambique, 1,000 went to Namibia, and another 4,000 went to German East Africa. These people are mainly women and children.

Thousands of people spread to millions of square kilometers of land. What is the result? Thousands of Boolean immigrants have been scattered on a family basis, so the final result will naturally be nothing other than living a good life. At least for now.

With the passage of time, the Boers’ preparations for war have gradually improved, and their diplomatic conflict with the British has intensified. Fortunately, the British despised the Boers. They believed that in the face of these unorganized ground snakes, as long as the army of the British Empire transferred a brigade, the two Boer republics could be easily turned into ashes. Who is Lao Tzu, Napoleon knows? Didn't the great master also defeat Waterloo?

Well, no matter what, the British think that it is a matter of minutes to deal with their opponents. As in history, the British paid a heavy price in the Boer British Army was once criticized as inappropriate. And what is different from history is that even after the Boer War, the Boers are still on the same level as Britain!

The Boer War that shocked the world is coming step by step, but during this time, His Royal Highness in Berlin has no time to do these things, because the Kaiser Friedrich III died! William II comes to power! German prime minister Bismarck eventually left politics because of his age and health. The series of changes in German politics made His Royal Highness unable to distract at all.

When the time came in November 1898, shortly after Wilhelm II ascended the throne, His Royal Highness, who was about to return to Bavaria, received a royal invitation from Prince Heinrich himself. "The specifications are high enough. William II's autograph letter was sent by a prince." The prince said after looking at the seal with the royal seal on it. Then he opened the letter and read it.

"Nicholas II hasn't left yet?" Considering that the German-Russian relationship is relatively close on this plane, the new Emperor William II was enthroned, and he was also a relative of the Emperor of Russia. It is understandable for the Emperor of Russia to come. The only thing that is incomprehensible, you are done, just hit someone! What does it have to do with me? We are all friends, okay?

Thanks to book friends xiaotang246, Hai Youbian, classmates are in love, bighill1982 for the rewards~~~, and book friends pure crisp entropy, MeTaTron, hlmdyf, I am my intention, Tucao Di 12 monthly ticket support~~~, today Three shifts! Seeking support, seeking subscription! ! !