The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2627: American adjustment three

Uh, this ah, I support General Majifen's opinion. "Old Fletcher hesitated and said. Old Fletcher is also considered a sophisticated man. After all, he has walked step by step from the Spanish-American War. He can see that Sims is actually inclined to purchase warships. For Benson, but Maggie vetoed the plan to buy warships from France from the perspective of warship performance, which made Sims somewhat dissatisfied. If it is something else, old Fletcher would be willing to confess, but it involves his own hands. When in the fleet, he can't be vague, because this is a joke with his own life!

"I'm going!" Sims felt very hurt because he knew that even if he became the commander-in-chief of the U.S. fleet, the composition of power within the fleet has changed significantly. In the Benson era, Benson, who was the commander of the fleet, could Push down all dissatisfaction and opposition to implement policies.

The reason is simple, because Admiral Benson is the highest command of the US Navy. At the same time, he also maintains a good relationship with the US Navy's administrative system. The highest person in charge of the US Navy's administration is Joseph Daniels. However, this buddy is a shrewd politician, but he doesn't understand the navy. Therefore, it is the Undersecretary of the Navy Franklin Roosevelt who is really in charge of naval administration! (Does you feel that this name is familiar? Yes, book friends, it is him! Old Roosevelt was the navy deputy in the Spanish-American War, and the younger Roosevelt was the navy deputy in World War I. History will always be surprisingly similar. what!)

On the issue of designing and purchasing naval arms, Benson would not have a hard top with Roosevelt, on the one hand because of their relationship. On the other hand, the US Navy has not been beaten. But now, the situation has changed. The facts have told Americans what is right and what is wrong! With the removal of Benson and the adjustment of fleet personnel, the status of people with real combat experience has been greatly improved. In the army, the status of civilian officials during the war is not as good as that of frontline generals. So this means that on many issues, there are sharp contradictions between the US naval faction represented by Ma Jifen and the administrative faction represented by Roosevelt!

In addition, in fact, Sims is also a combat faction... Otherwise, before going to Germany, why did Sims have to visit Maggie? Now, after becoming the commander of the fleet, Sims must coordinate the relationship between the two parties, and this matter is difficult. Because Ma Jifen is a pure soldier! He does not consider the political consequences, because he does not have to consider the political future, and his own reputation and ability can also allow him to sit down, so what is there to say? Qianren is standing on the wall, and strong without desire! As for Roosevelt? The old Roosevelt is now the president. Is this still necessary?

"Parting without joy." These words came to Sims's mind. He could not conquer Ma Jifen. This is a time of war, and those who can fight are always reasonable. Now Sims doesn’t know. If Ma Jifen suddenly threatens to resign, Sims can’t find a suitable one in the entire US fleet. Replacement personnel! The U.S. Navy really lacks talent in this era!

(This is not a fabrication by the author. In 1905, the U.S. Congress only approved the bill that allowed 12 warrant officers to serve as ensigns every year...)

"In addition, I hope you will pay more attention. Our armored cruiser construction plan must not be behind, and must be accelerated." Just when Sims's mind was in a mess, Ma Jifen spoke again.

"Are you talking about those fast battleships equipped with 10-inch artillery?" Sims said: "The Japanese navy has very few light cruisers left. For the Japanese navy's avant-garde or lightning squadrons, our current Omaha class Light cruisers are enough. The priority of these fast battleships equipped with 10-inch guns can be lowered."

"The Japanese also have two old-fashioned armored cruisers, and they have made improvements. If they perform the task of breaking the cross, we lack the appropriate warships to deal with." Ma Jifen said.

"Do you have evidence that the remaining two Nisshin-class cruisers have made relevant improvements and are capable of performing this task?" Sims asked.

"Sorry, I don't, I just expect the enemy to be lenient." Ma Jifen said very candidly.

"This reason is far-fetched," Sims said.

"Well, write what we said today in the minutes of the meeting, and let time prove which of us is correct." Ma Jifen stopped talking. He also felt a little uncomfortable with the confrontation between the two sides, so he decided not to discuss it for the time being. These comforting things. Of course, it does not mean that Ma Jifen will not settle accounts after the fall...

"By the way, what happened to Colonel Leahy who commanded the Sixth Battleship Squadron? Although he lost an entire fleet, it was because of a huge difference in strength and a sneak attack. He fought and worked hard. The failure was not his fault, and he was also injured." Ma Jifen asked.

"Colon Leahy has followed the first batch of wounded people on the way back to Hawaii. Later, he will report to the headquarters on behalf of the navy about the battle. If you have any ideas, you can contact him directly." Sim Said.

"What about the future arrangements?" Ma Jifen asked.

"Maybe to stay in the country for a while to deal with some other things. Then continue to return to the front line as a fleet commander, after all, he also has actual combat experience." Sims said.

"Experience of being beaten?" Ma Jifen was a little embarrassed, but had to admit that Colonel Lacey's counter-attack had two brushes from a tactical point of but its usefulness was limited.

"If there is nothing else, we can report the content of today's discussion. We only take opinions and don't make a decision. Let's leave some things to the top to make decisions." Sims said.

"Okay." Ma Jifen nodded in agreement, and Benson and Fletcher would naturally not say much.

And at this time, just as the senior officers of the U.S. Navy fleet are dealing with the remaining issues after the battle, Colonel William Daniel Leahy has not only returned to Pearl Harbor, but also embarked on a journey home. This time, he will join the United States. A high-level meeting of the government. Although this meeting is not very formal, it has a very profound impact on the future situation, whether it is political or military!

When the Americans were preparing to adjust their diplomatic relations, the Germans also started related work. The crown prince who had returned to Munich not only received telegrams from Su Xiong and others, but also waited for some unexpected people!

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