The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2623: What is the battle report?

"So is there any new trend in the Japanese army now?" Raidel asked.

"They are still increasing their forces and have launched several large-scale offensives. Although the effect is not obvious, from the response of the Japanese army, they are also inevitable for the New Ireland Island. From the current point of view, there is no sign of retreat. Both sides. Like two gamblers with red eyes, madly throwing their chips on the gambling table, and then turned into nothing in the flames of war." Major General Karls said.

"Actually, it is understandable for the Americans to do this. New Ireland is the gateway for the US military to enter the former Dutch East Indies. If you take New Ireland, you can take New Britain and then control the entire Bismarck Islands, and use this as a springboard. You can launch an attack on the island of Guinea. From a logistical point of view and air support, the subsequent battle will not be more difficult to fight than the island of New Ireland." Su Xiong said.

Su Xiong understands the Japanese thinking very well, because if the island of New Ireland is lost, it means that the vast area including Guinea is directly under the attack of the US military. Through the logistics system composed of islands, the Americans can continue Advance westward, and the Japanese fleet can only retreat step by step. If the Japanese want to regain the advantage in distance, they can only retreat all the way to Kalimantan. And this is almost the bottom line of the Japanese government. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is to fight, the Japanese must firmly block the US fleet in New Ireland. Even if it will eventually fall, the Japanese must delay as long as possible.

The war cannot go on indefinitely. The US government knows that this time it cannot solve Japan once and for all, but what about American society? They support revenge against Japan, but the premise is based on the fact that their own losses are not large, if the personnel losses are too great and the war will not be resolved for a long time. Then the opposition in society will become louder, and if Japan abandons some of its interests at this time, then a truce will not be impossible. After all, the Americans have indeed contained Japan and gained face at the same time. This truce is acceptable to most Americans. Therefore, Japan's core policy is to delay and keep the US military out of its core area as much as possible, and then wait and see the changes.

"Then your excellency, do you think there will be any strategic changes in the US Navy?" Major General Karls asked.

"I feel that the Americans may want to adjust the fleet in depth." Su Xiong said. "For example, they may increase the production of fast battleships, and the number of South Dakota-class battleships equipped with 12 16-inch guns will drop significantly."

"In other words, the Americans will increase the production of Lexington-class battleships?" Karls asked.

"No, it is estimated that Lexington's crispy skin will not be in the eyes of the Americans. The loss of the Texas battleship was too sudden. This may leave a deep psychological shadow on the Americans. I think If they don’t want to redesign a new battleship, then removing one of the No. 3 turrets of the South Dakota-class battleship and replacing it with the power cabin would be the easiest and direct way.” Su Xiong said.

"However, all of this may be too late. If the war lasts for 2 years, even if the Americans work overtime, South Dakota-class battleships will catch up with one tail at most, right?" Major General Karls said.

"First, I personally think that the war will not end in two years. Second, the Americans can think of other ways to supplement fast battleships, such as buying!" Raidel said.

"Buy? Buy from us? If that's the case, I'm afraid the Navy will be happy. If we dispose of the old warships, then Congress will inevitably allocate funds to build new warships." Karls laughed.

"We are not the only choice, and it is impossible for us to sell Bavarian-class battleships. This is our core strength. Other battleships, let alone the number, are running out, and whether it is Scharnhorst or Helgo The Lan-class battleships are actually behind the times. The Americans may not be satisfied. Therefore, they may have other options." Raidel said.

"Other options? It is impossible for the Americans to buy battleships from the UK. The relationship between the two parties and the subsequent political problems will make the Americans lose more than the gains. It is also impossible for France, because France has no ready-made fast battleships to sell, and the new battleships are obvious. It's too late. Let alone Russia, Austria-Hungary is possible. Then I really can't think of any other options for the Americans." Major General Karls said with a frown.

"Italy! Italy now has fast battleships under construction, with a displacement of more than 30,000 tons and the firepower of eight 15-inch guns," Su Xiong said.

"I really don't know about this." Major General Karls said.

"This class of battleship was named the Caraggiono-class fast battleship, and it started construction almost when the war broke out. It seems to have just been launched a few months ago." Raidel said.

"This construction cycle is a bit long. The war lasted nearly three years, and then it was almost one year since the end of the war. According to the speed of the Germans, a Bavarian ship in service for three years is a normal speed. For the Italians, more than three years. Time has just launched, this..." Major General Karls said it was difficult to understand.

"So there is only one in Germany, but to be fair, the fundamental reason why the Italians are slower to build is lack of and if these warships are to be sold, then if there is a large amount of funds injected, it is estimated that the progress will be fast. A lot," Raidel said.

"If the Americans quickly build their own fast fleet through purchases, wouldn't the German navy's position in this war decline?" Major General Karls said.

"Originally I was worried about this too, but after watching the Americans' performance, I felt that I was a bit unreasonable. Okay, just kidding." Su Xiong teased. "Even if it is to buy warships, it takes a long time from ordering to delivery, and to the formation of combat effectiveness. Even if the Americans convene reserve forces, it will not be easy, thinking that this is equivalent to building a new fleet. The Americans have at least six months to one year. It’s hard to say how the U.S. Navy will perform afterwards."

"Well, write this situation in the report. As for how to make a decision, it is a high-level matter that has nothing to do with us." Major General Karls said.

"What about the Army? What do you think of the next actions of the US Army?" Now it's time for Su Xiong to ask Major General Karls.

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