The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2614: Drop the curtain

The Nevada fired fiercely at the two Japanese battleships in the distance in order to disperse the firepower of the other side. This time, the distance between the two sides was still a little too close after all. A 14-inch shell blasted an armor plate weighing several tons. It was torn from the Tosa, and another shell was stuck on the No. 3 turret mount of the Tosa! Intensive melee firepower left both sides scarred in the first round!

With the passage of time, the Americans began to gradually regain their disadvantages. The first to enter the battlefield was the large number of American destroyers. They carried a large number of torpedoes to the Japanese battleships at a speed of more than 33 knots, and then the entire American main force. The fleet is also like a giant dragon stabbed against scales, pouring anger on the Japanese battleship!

"Hurry up, let's try our best!" Realizing that the situation was not good, the Kobo signaled the Tosa behind while preparing to turn to flee. Before the evacuation, the Kobo and Tosa made another two rounds at the target. volley!

boom! The struggling battleship Texas once again heard a terrible explosion, but this time it was more dull than the gun hit, and then, both the Japanese and the Americans saw it astonishing. In the scene, the Texas plunged into the water like a long sword! A lot of sea water rushed directly to the No. 2 turret along the deck! It's not that the ammunition depot exploded, but judging from the current head tilt, this battleship should be hopeless!

"What did we do?" The captain of the Gaobo was a little confused.

"I don't know, this guy is dead anyway!" A Japanese officer next to him said comfortably, and then the two Japanese fast battleships that succeeded in the assassination once again pulled away the smoke, facing away amidst the terrifying artillery fire and scattered torpedoes of the American fleet. Escape everywhere. At this time, the Japanese fleet, which had already felt that it had earned some money, had no intention of staying anymore, and began to withdraw eastward at full speed. The entire fleet was still sailing at a high speed of more than 24 knots. In this world, no one could stop them from returning. Home!

"Oh, the Japanese made the last blow with a fierce one," said Raidel who received the battle report. After making a rough gesture on the drawing board, Raidel understood the whole process. The Japanese fleet evacuated, the American fleet pursued, and then two Japanese battleships quickly turned and killed a carbine. They sailed relative to each other, with a relative speed of more than 35 knots. Therefore, the original distance of about 15 kilometers was quickly shortened. Before the Americans could react, the Japanese fleet launched an attack and succeeded in one blow!

According to intelligence, the fundamental reason why the Texas failed to escape at the last moment was that the high-pressure gas cylinder in the torpedo compartment at the front of the ship was detonated! Then a violent explosion completely destroyed the bow of the Texas ship, causing the water to run out of control! (The same reason as Lützoff's sinking in history.)

"Hehe, I told the Americans not to put torpedoes on battleships. You can't use them, and you can't put them in an armor box. It's a hidden danger." Su Xiong sneered. (In fact, not only battleships, heavy cruisers equipped with torpedoes are also very dangerous. You can see how the Japanese heavy cruisers were sunk in the second battle in history.)

"Well, get ready, we may go through another war." Raidel said. There is no doubt that after the end of the battle with the Japanese Navy, the U.S. Navy, Army, and German fleet must have a meeting together, and then divide the responsibilities of both sides. A fierce wrangling is inevitable! Some of them are destined to leave the Navy because of mistakes or other reasons.

Su Xiong is relaxed, after all, in this naval battle, the German navy is absolutely dedicated to its responsibilities. Half of the credit for the escaped ships in the American transport fleet should be attributed to the fighting of the German fleet. He is not afraid of any accusations. If some people want to throw sewage, then he will face his resolute counterattack.

Benson, who was in New Mexico at this time, was definitely the most uncomfortable person in this battle. Because of his command error, the US main fleet was drawn away, which led to the disaster tonight. And because he was determined to fight the Japanese fleet to the death, and the Japanese did give him this opportunity, it directly led to the loss of a precious super fearless! Anything he wants to do tonight is counterproductive. Even the most confident person will fall into deep doubt and regret. Is he really suitable to continue to hold this position?

"Well, everyone, it is the glory and luck of my life to work with you. The disaster that occurred tonight has nothing to do with you, it is my fault. Maybe the time I have been commander of the fleet can be calculated in minutes and seconds. . But I hope that in the last leg of our military career, you can do well with me.” Benson calmed down and said. At this time, Benson was already a little bit disheartened.

"Your Excellency Commander, I have sent a destroyer to rescue people who fell into the water in this area. At the same time, our destroyer will continue to track the Japanese fleet until it is confirmed that they have no intention of attacking." Sims said: "Just now, Pan. General Xing sent a telegram saying that he had important things to talk to us, and he was very dissatisfied with his words. Moreover, we have to prepare the battle report for tonight. Even the entire campaign plan formulated before will be changed."

Sims’ words are already very Pershing’s telegram words are more than dissatisfaction? Part-time job can be described as rage. As for the previous campaign plan? The modifications are all minor. Now that so many materials and personnel have been lost, it will take a long time to re-mobilize ships and personnel. In this case, it is possible to give up the entire battle! After all, although the US industry is strong, it is almost impossible to make up for such a large loss in a hurry!

"Has General Su Xiong contacted?" Benson asked.

"We have already contacted, and General Su Xiong said that he will arrive at our flagship soon." Ma Jifen said: "In addition, I want to point out that the last person to be blamed in the naval battle tonight is General Su Xiong. , Maybe his approach is flawed. But judging from the results, he has done his best."

"This is not just a military issue, but more importantly a political issue. We are allies with the Germans. This is the prerequisite for our victory in the Pacific War." Sims' words made everyone feel a little uncomfortable, but Rong They must not refute!

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