The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2602: Blood War II

Of course, although the US fleet has an overwhelming advantage in firepower. However, the speed advantage of the Japanese light cruiser squadron is very large. The Japanese light cruiser known as the Kuma class has a maximum speed of more than 32 knots, which is 8 knots higher than the current fleet of Fletcher! In other words, if the Japanese wanted to escape after discovering the US fleet, it would be difficult to keep it!

(The highest speed of the Kuma-class light cruiser in history reached 36 knots. The Kuma-class light cruiser in this book has strengthened firepower and armor, weakened its speed, and has a displacement of more than 5,000 tons. Well, more balanced.)

"We must think of a way to completely solve this problem." Old Fletcher said to his staff. It is useless to scare away opponents, and it is absolutely impossible to make a chase. On the one hand, it is because it cannot catch up. On the other hand, once the Japanese battle fleet comes over, then old Fletcher will decisively play GG! Therefore, old Fletcher must find a way to keep the other party!

"The target of the Japanese light cruiser squadron is those small ships approaching the coast. The draft here is relatively shallow. The Japanese are worried that their battleships will run aground, and it is not cost-effective to attack these smaller ships with expensive main guns. This task was handed over to the light cruiser squadron.” Colonel Nagel said as he drew on the chart.

"If I remember correctly, there should be an army's 155MM gun group at this location. If we can divide the fleet into two parts, one part goes around from the north, the other part chases and attacks from the west, while using destroyers and torpedo boats to coordinate with the shore. The 155MM shore artillery group blocked the east, so if the Japanese wanted to go out, they would definitely be skinned!” Nagel made a suggestion to close the door and hit the dog. He ignored the question of what to do if the Japanese battleship detachment supported it. Because no one can do anything about this problem. And old Fletcher hoped that the Japanese could attack them and gave up hunting down the transport fleet!

"Well, let's start, we have to be careful not to let the Japanese see through our plan!" Old Fletcher said. And just when old Fletcher just started to deploy, the massacre of the Japanese fleet began!

"God, what happened there? Is it the fire rain of the doomsday?" Although he had some mental preparations, when the army general Pershing saw the fire and rain during the Japanese fleet salvo, his heart was still full of shock and panic! Pershing had to admit that even though he had already experienced the baptism of the war on the Western Front, the navy's firepower strike density was still a few levels higher than the most brutal army artillery battle!

The artillery shells flying down like a meteor fell on the evacuation of the U.S. Navy transport fleet, and a series of water columns mixed with a destructive atmosphere rose on the sea, like a giant holding a long sword, constantly cutting the sea! In the night, the Japanese fleet rushed over like a **** of death, and the gun of the battleship was the sickle of death that could not be stopped and dodged. Every swing will harvest a lot of life.

The sound of the guns and the roar of the battleship engines were like the roar of the devil. The three Japanese fleets rushed in from different directions like tigers and sheep, and then began wanton slaughter. Inch guns and torpedoes. The terrifying firepower is intertwined on the sea into an impenetrable net, covering a dozen or even dozens of ships, and then turning into fragments in the sky in violent explosions!

The first major American loss was the large supply ship San Diego! This warship was originally carrying thousands of tons of food, tents, construction machinery and other materials. Due to the bad weather conditions before, it was unable to dock for unloading. According to the plan, the supply ship will start unloading tomorrow. Three days later, it will be able to return to the sunny Hawaii with the wounded who are ready to evacuate. However, today, it has Stay here forever!

A 15-inch high-explosive bomb hit the middle of the hull of the large supply ship San Diego. The explosion of nearly a hundred kilograms of explosive turned the 800-kilogram bomb into a blade storm of countless fragments! Easily tore open a big hole of more than 20 square meters in the San Diego waterline part! The huge load and massive water intake caused this warship to quickly lose its balance and sink to the bottom of the sea in less than 2 minutes!

Following the sinking of the USS San Diego were two smaller landing ships. These warships were closer to the coast because of their relatively shallow draft. However, they did not escape the Japanese massacre. The four destroyers quickly passed from the past to the extreme. A series of 6 torpedoes were released at a close distance! These specially modified torpedoes have a very shallow draft and are very suitable for offshore operations! Accompanied by a few high water jets and explosions. The two landing ships were directly exploded into several segments!

With the assault of the Japanese fleet, more transport ships were attacked. Although some of them had started to escape in advance, more of them remained in this blood and fire purgatory!

In the fifteenth minute after the start of the war, the US Army suffered the most serious loss of personnel in the battle! The medical ship Angel encountered another Japanese fleet on its way, full of wounded and medical personnel preparing to transfer! The Red Cross flag and special identification marks on the Angel did not allow this poor ship to escape the Japanese clutches! On the contrary the first target of Japanese attack is it!

"If we kill it, we will kill at least one U.S. regiment! What we need to pay is only a few shells and a few minutes. There will be no more than attacking this target in the hunt tonight. Efficient existence!" Kantarou Suzuki said excitedly.

Therefore, the remaining firepower of Ibuki was first concentrated on this poor medical ship, and at this time, there were more than 1,400 wounded and medical personnel on this poor medical ship! Although the Angel was improved by a cruise ship, the maximum speed can reach more than 21 knots, but unfortunately, in the face of the Japanese Navy’s pure-blood fast battleships and a large number of destroyers, the Angel has not only struggled to show that she has worked hard, she will never There is no other use!

In just 3 minutes, 2 rounds of 14-inch shells and 1 round of 15-inch shells landed on this poor medical ship, and the violent explosion directly cut off a layer of the tall buildings on the ship! Thick smoke and flames spread rapidly with the explosion, and combustible materials such as furniture and cloth inside the cabin began to burn frantically, accelerating the sinking speed of the medical ship.

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