The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2591: Jedi escape

"If it's in my fleet, I will drive all these guys out of my control tower!" Afterwards, Betty said to Stetti without complaint.

However, at this time, what made the Japanese even more unexpected was that the Weimar, which was originally thought to be a duck, seemed to be quite difficult to kill! The three King Kong-class battleships chased them out, but they found that after running for a long time, the distance between the two sides was not narrowed, but they were suspected of increasing!

"Fuck! What's the situation?" The King Kong captain Ji Gangfance couldn't help but feel depressed. Obviously it looks like this ship is no longer good enough. How come now that the three King Kong-class battlecruisers have hit each other at least 6 times, so how come they run faster? The Japanese are very puzzled.

At this time, the Weimar has changed from a bright light bulb to a firefly in their eyes. On the one hand, it is because of the increased distance. On the other hand, the Weimar is gradually controlling the fire, and the speed seems to have recovered. ? A kind of anxiety pervades Ji Gang Fance's mind.

"Your Captain, our speed is now only 23 knots. The crew is too tired, they need to rest, the hull is also damaged, and the hull that is already tilted forward has also affected the speed." A Japanese officer next to him explained the reason. , Maybe Weimar's speed has indeed recovered, but another important factor is that the speed of the Japanese fleet has dropped. After a long period of voyage and battle, the Japanese fleet has also shown a state of fatigue.

"We hit the Weimar with more than 20 shots at least. As a result, this guy is still floating on the water! Running faster than us, it's really a shame!" Ji Gang Fan Ce said angrily. He has now realized that the glory of the world's navy is far away from him and his warships!

"We have been delayed for a quarter of an hour. Although the fleet has not issued an order yet, it is clear that your Excellency Commander will not tolerate us continuing to chase. We must see a resolution within a short period of time." Honestly, experienced. Although the Japanese in the war lacked vision and overall situation, they still had basic qualities. They know what degree is!

"Let the destroyer go up to lightning strikes. If we can hit the torpedo, we will have a chance to win the target in a short time." Ji Gang Fan Ce said after thinking about it.

However, at this time, the evil results of the previous series of battles are gradually appearing. The state of the Japanese fleet has declined, and the battle injuries are not to be mentioned. The number of destroyers and torpedoes is obviously not enough. At this time, there are only 5 destroyers following the Second Battleship Squadron. , And only 3 of them have torpedoes!

However, when the 5 destroyers rushed up again, the performance of the Weimar once again shocked the Japanese! The neat array of secondary guns on the side of the Weimar and the two destroyers provided by Su Xiong eased the attack. More than a dozen 150MM guns and a larger number of 88MM rapid-fire guns hit the Japanese destroyer headshots like shotguns hit rabbits. Squirting, Brigadier General von Muller smiled as he looked at the torpedoes passing far behind his battleship.

"I take back what I said before, it seems we are lucky today." Major General Mueller said while looking at the Japanese warships that had gradually given up the pursuit.

The so-called "fear of being serious" in everything is very reasonable! Although Muller had already prepared the Weimar to attract the attention of the Japanese fleet so that Su Xiong could escape, he was still trying his best to find a chance to escape. After all, he did not live enough!

Why did the fleet turn northwest? The reason is simple. In addition to keeping a certain distance from the Su Xiong fleet, the most important thing is that turning to the northwest can give full play to the non-combatant firepower that has not been hit hard! After all, even if the Japanese fleet's firepower is stronger, it will only severely damage the main battery and the left side battery, but the right side battery is well-preserved, and after the reverse maneuver is completed, the right side battery’s firepower is assisted by the destroyer. The next can withstand the attack of Japanese destroyers.

As for being attacked by the main guns of the King Kong-class battleship? This is impossible. In the non-armored core area on the right, the Weimar did have several holes, but that’s okay. This is equivalent to balancing the water intake on the left and allowing the warship to correct its tilt angle. The highest level before was 17 degrees to the left, but now it’s 9 degrees to the left, which is pretty good!

Of course, the most important reason why the Weimar has been able to survive until now is that the Bavarian-class battleship has an excellent design. In addition to the already excellent fine compartment design, it is also important to generate more than double the power generation than the usual battleships of the same class. factor! In addition, there are 70% more water pumps than the British Fury-class battleship. After the damage pipe crew blocked some of the gaps, the Weimar's water intake continued to drop!

The water intake of 4,700 tons at the maximum was directly reduced to 3,500 tons later. Later in the day the next day, the water intake of the Weimar was reduced to only about 3,000 tons! It can be said that the desperate fighting and stable power supply of the German damage management team rescued this warship. So that, in the next few days, this warship can rely on its own power to return to Pearl Harbor over a long distance!

With the support of the hull straightened and the undamaged power system, Weimar's speed once reached a high speed of 24.3 knots or more! what? Do you say that water ingress does not affect the speed of the ship? Of course it affected! But don’t forget In today’s battle, Weimar also fired hundreds of tons of artillery shells and consumed hundreds of tons of propellant packs, plus the loss of warship fuel. The Weimar's load has not actually increased much. Although it is incomparable with the top speed of 26.5 knots that ran out in trial sailing just after service, it still left behind the pursuit of Japanese battlecruisers!

"Actually, according to my standards, the Japanese King Kong-class fast battleships are definitely not defensive enough for battleship level, but in terms of speed, they can't actually be called fast, at least not as fast as we were badly injured. Well, that's it." After the war, Brigadier General von Muller didn't forget to tease his former enemies in his memoirs. Of course, by that time, the King Kong-class battlecruiser and his ship of the same class were dead!

"Can't waste any more time, we must go immediately! Reach the core area of ​​the US fleet, and then cleanly kill all the transport ships!" In the end, Betty finally broke out! Given half an hour for the Second Battleship Squadron to solve the problem, there is absolutely no point in waiting any longer!

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