The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2584: Rush hour one

"The destroyer fleet is over?" Nimitz said, looking at the silent battlefield in the distance.

"It should be." Su Xiong said while looking at the sea in the distance.

"Are we safe now? Where is the Japanese fleet?" Nimitz asked.

"How do I know?" Su Xiong frowned. Continue to use the telescope to observe the sea area where the battle has just ended. At this time, the Japanese fleet did not withdraw, but was still searching for something on the sea with searchlights on. Seems to look for other German destroyers? However, the next part of the action of the Japanese destroyer made Su Xiong's heart tight! These destroyers did not withdraw south or head towards the core area, but lined up in a marching formation and rushed in their direction! And seeing this scene, Su Xiong's heart trembled fiercely, and a drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead!

It stands to reason that after the battle is over, the fleet that is going to evacuate needs to turn off the searchlights and all unnecessary light sources. However, the Japanese may have done a little bit worse in this regard. Therefore, the searchlights were turned off for a few minutes in Su Xiong that night. A lot of information was exposed in the eyes!

These destroyers head straight to the northeast, so there is only one reason, that is, they are following their main fleet! These destroyers following up are definitely not reconnaissance. If they are reconnaissance, they should be lined up and start an arc! And now it’s a column! This is obviously a sign of quickly converging to the main fleet!

And if this inference is true, then it means that the main force of the Japanese fleet is still following itself, and unexpectedly, the general direction of the Japanese is still correct! So this TM is terrible! Su Xiong didn't dare to leave at the highest speed, because the wakes produced by high-speed sailing could easily expose himself. Now, Su Xiong, who has only one destroyer detachment, does not have much reconnaissance ability! He did not know the location of the Japanese fleet, and did not dare to act rashly.

"Order, the fleet will turn to a compass point again, and the speed will be increased to 22 knots!" After hesitating for a while, Su Xiong decided to extend the distance temporarily, at least feeling safe. However, it is a pity that when he made this decision, the distance between the two sides was close to the limit where the eyesight could be used!

"I saw them! Not the main body of the battleship! It's the wake behind them! God! Is this a Bavarian-class battleship?" At this time, a Japanese watchman exclaimed in a lookout on the Fuso battleship! He was not mistaken. At 12 kilometers away, the turning German fleet and the current Japanese fleet were accidentally traveling in parallel! And this information immediately spread throughout the fleet!

"Immediately notify the seaplane to throw flares over the opposing battleship! The fleet is ready to engage!" When the order was issued, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu was filled with excitement and a trace of fear! Once, the strength of the German fleet was like a mountain weighing on their hearts, but now, he seems to have hope to break this curse?

After a while, the destroyers accompanying the main fleet first fired the first round of flares thinking about the distant target, and then a series of searchlight beams that looked like the eyes of a demon shot back and forth on the sea! Between light and darkness, the German fleet is exposed!

"Damn it! The secondary gun fires flares! Ready to fight!" When the battle was inevitable, Su Xiong bravely greeted him! The flares on both sides were added vertically and horizontally in the night sky, and then they fell slowly! At this moment, each other quickly understood the identities of the two sides, Su Xiong's 4 Bavarian-class battleships, and the entire Japanese main fleet opposite!

"Fire!" Betty looked at the German battleship in the distance and roared loudly. He had never given such an easy attack order. Although this fleet was not under his command, after a while, the artillery of the entire Japanese fleet was like a volcanic eruption. The target at the place tilted the fire frantically! In theory, in one minute, this fleet can pour more than 200 large-caliber shells, and the total weight of these shells will exceed 150 tons! Although far inferior to the large-scale engagement in the North Sea, this firepower density is also world-class!

"The fleet immediately releases smoke, and we guide it by seaplane!" Even in the worst situation, Su Xiong is still trying to save the war! As early as during the war, the German fleet had conducted aerial correction experiments in order to avoid target loss due to smoke obscuration. However, although the tactics are still immature, Su Xiong has no other choice. Fighting on the battle line, he has no chance of winning, and if he wants to run, he probably has no speed advantage!

The Japanese artillery was considered qualified, and at such a close distance, under the condition that the light was acceptable, the first round of shelling caused tremendous pressure on the Germans. Two of the four Bavarian-class battleships were In the middle, theoretically the opponent can switch to the effective shooting phase on two of the warships in the second round!

However, what the Japanese did not expect was that the artillery of the German fleet was even more exquisite! Before the smoke began to be released, but before the smoke dissipated, the four German battleships took advantage of the window period formed during this period to make a fierce counterattack! The half-volley of almost 20 seconds round shocked the Japanese! Looking at the water column that was constantly approaching him, Shigetaro Yoshimatsu felt a huge pressure even under the protection of heavy armor!

A huge artillery sprayed this orange flame, and a shell weighing more than 800 kilograms whizzed through the air and flew towards its target with a breath of destruction. Flames, explosions and death became the main theme of this sea! This night is destined to go down in history!

Almost at the same moment! The two sides made the first round of the battle between the battleships! A 15-inch shell from the Hesse accurately slammed into the main armor belt of the side of the battleship Fuso, which was also at the head of the line. The attack was unexpectedly powerful! And the hit position is also very good, almost hit the seam of the two armor plates! So, no surprise, the performance of this shell far exceeded expectations!

The heavy projectile slammed into it at a speed of more than 600 meters per second. With the fragmentation of the hood and quilt on the front of the projectile, the kinetic energy of the projectile was quickly transmitted to the armor plate. So, no surprise, these The orange used to fix the steel plate was easily shaken out, and the sharp bullet hit the armor plate!

As if being severely broken apart by a pair of big hands, the 320mm-thick inclined armor that originally made Fuso-class battleships feel safe was pierced by this blow! The cannonball squeezed in from the joint between the two steel plates tenaciously! The whole piece of steel plate and the back panel were smashed into pieces, and countless fragments pierced into the hull like a directional jet of metal!

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