The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2581: Adapt to

At this moment, the British naval technicians who have experienced the baptism of the war showed their veteran and vivid performance. While releasing interference, they paid great attention to the frequency band and the energy released to ensure that these signals would not spread too far. Otherwise, if the energy is too large and it is directly noticed by the Benson fleet or the surrounding radio monitoring stations, isn't it a confession?

The result of multiple jammers working at the same time also made Su Xiong unable to confirm the specific location of the interference source. Like Su Xiong, in this case, the interference is definitely not the capital ship, but the light cruiser and destroyer. Released by the jammer! The battleship of the Japanese Joint Fleet is still hidden under the night and the intricate radio waves!

"Our communication was disrupted! The telegram was not finished!" Raidel, who received the report from the communications department, said to Su Xiong with a green face.

"Hehe, I didn't expect it, the first target of the Japanese was us!" Su Xiong sneered. "Order the seaplane to take off immediately, the destroyer unit prepares to form a shield in the southwest direction of the fleet, the fleet turns north and then we go back!" At this time, the first thing Su Xiong thought of was not to fight, but to get away. Then withdraw to the core area!

Although, Su Xiong ranks fifth among the four famous generals of the German Navy... He is far inferior to Crown Prince Ruprecht in strategy and overall situation, and is inferior to Scheer, Earl of Spey and Hipper in the battle of the large fleet. But if it comes to the micro-manipulation of the small fleet and the rudder, Su Xiong is definitely top! The principle he pursues is that the situation is not good, hurry up!

At this time, Su Xiong didn't even have the mind to try the Japanese fleet's jinliang, because he knew that he would definitely be the one who would suffer in battle! The Japanese must know their own strength, and Su Xiong doesn't think the Japanese are so stupid that they don't know who sent the telegram just now. And even if the Japanese are stupid, the British will definitely not be so stupid. That's good. If the other party fully understands themselves, if they dare to come up directly, that can only show one problem. The Japanese are confident!

Su Xiong has already made an assessment of the size of the Japanese fleet that has not yet been contacted. On the opposite side, there are at least 6 Fuso-class battleships. If luck is a little bit worse, then 10 fast battleships will gather together! However, no matter what, even in the face of 6 Fuso-class battleships, your own 4 Bavaria is definitely at a disadvantage. Even so, why do you have to hard steel here?

Of course, Su Xiong's duties and military glory would certainly not allow him to escape directly. Su Xiong had already planned. At this time, he left the Japanese fleet, and then returned to the core area with a high speed detour, and merged with the old Fletcher's armored cruiser detachment. At the same time, after confirming to leave the Japanese electronic jamming area, he immediately and Benson contacted and asked him to return to his teacher for reinforcements!

Even if Fletcher’s 5 armored cruisers, destroyers and torpedo boats staying in the core area are still not the main force of the Japanese joint fleet, in any case, the situation of the enemy and us will be greatly changed. After all, even in the face of the gathering Thomas Fleet, Marshal Hipper also only relied on 4 battlecruisers and 4 armored cruisers to drag their opponents for more than an hour! Su Xiong guessed what Hipper could do back then, but he seemed to be the same?

"The Japanese fleet is stronger than the Thomas fleet, and old Fletcher is not as good as our armored cruiser squadron." Riddle seemed to have insight into Su Xiong's thoughts. There was originally a more heartbreaking sentence, but Raidel didn't say it, that is, Su Xiong seems to be inferior to Hipper in terms of stress resistance.

But no matter what, Su Xiong made the best response in the shortest time! Just now, the exposed signal source was a destroyer that was a certain distance from the main fleet! If the British were to lock in for the first time, they would only be able to hit one destroyer! The accompanying destroyer squadron had already turned south and aimed like a spearhead at the incoming Japanese combined fleet, although this spearhead seemed too fragile to face more than 400,000 tons of steel. But at least you can buy time. And I use this time to escape into the night again. Strict light control, radio silence, and speed control can greatly reduce the possibility of exposure. Even the most demanding commander can never say anything. But what do you say? In this world, there is another thing called luck, and this time, Su Xiong's luck seems not very good!

"Destroyer V151 was discovered." The searchlights and flares that suddenly appeared on the sea turned the sea around the destroyer into daylight. Then, rain-like cannonballs shot across the sky. A few seconds later, there were explosions one after another. The sound and the forest-like water column surrounded the poor destroyer. At this time, Su Xiong and Raidel could only silently pray that the sailors on this battleship could live longer, and this prayer lasted less than 5 seconds. Zhong's time, because the keen Su Xiong discovered that there was no large naval gun in the attack just now! In other words, the battleship of the Japanese fleet did not participate in the attack!

"Fuck! What's the situation?" For the first time, Su Xiong felt that the whole thing was beyond his plan. The destroyer V151 was ambushed because of exposure. This was what he but he didn't expect that the Japanese Navy's The battleship did not fire, obviously, the opponent was still forbearing. In other words, I have thought of this little action of myself!

"Sure enough." Looking at the destroyed German destroyer in the distance through the binoculars, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Betty's mouth.

"How did you guess that the Germans would use destroyers to send reports?" asked Hayao Shimamura next to him.

"It's very simple. In the latter part of the war, the battle training of the British and German fleets stipulated that if conditions permit, the destroyer should undertake the task of sending long-distance communication telegrams and using searchlights to search for opponents. Your country uses the searchlight of the battleship to illuminate the target. It seems to us to be extremely stupid!" Betty said mercilessly.

Although the two sides did not reveal the position of their main fleet in the first round of the match, there is no doubt that the Japanese still have an advantage at this time, because everyone knows the approximate positions of the two sides, and the number of destroyers and aircraft of the Japanese is even greater. many! They can penetrate the shield of the German fleet faster and be the first to confirm the opponent's location! And only 3 minutes later, a group of Japanese destroyers collided with the German destroyer front line!

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