The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2577: gap

Are the Japanese playing well? Naturally it is very good, but perfection is definitely not called! In fact, if the strength of the US fleet were not too weak, the Japanese fleet would never have won so cleanly. In the eyes of Betty and others, in the initial intelligence contest between the two sides, the Japanese fleet actually went down! In order to ensure the success of the subsequent battle, Betty must use the last period of time to perfect the next plan of the Japanese army in order to minimize loopholes! Because Betty knows that if you meet Su Xiong, who is scheming, the Japanese will probably pay the price of blood!

"Originally, we launched the surprise attack, but the Americans discovered us first during the battle. If it weren't for our absolute advantage, it would be difficult to tell the result of this battle." Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said with a gloomy expression.

"The U.S. Navy lacks actual combat experience, and its tactical level is not high, but they have established a complete system. Just like the General Staff System, a battle is broken down into several aspects, and every staff member A person is a screw. Most of them don’t need to think about the battle situation, as long as they do their own thing. Then when they do all aspects of the matter well, the pressure on the superiors will also change. Small. Germans are like this, and Americans learn very quickly," said Yasuo Shimura.

"Is there any result from General Betty?" Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu asked.

"It should be soon." Just as Shimura Hayao finished speaking, Betty finally spoke.

"The reason for our exposure has been figured out. We are too close to the coast, and there are American observation posts on the coast. Next, we must avoid the coast observation posts. The main fleet after reorganization is best to move along this route. The number of frigates should be reduced to avoid the possibility of exposure. Then when the Yamaya fleet confirms that the main force of the US fleet has been distracted, we will attack at full speed." Betty said.

"What if there is another accident?" Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu asked.

"It's very simple and adaptable. You don't think that the battlefield is just like filming. Everything will be done according to the script, right?" Betty answered very calmly.

"The victory or defeat of this battle determines the fate of the three powers. We and the Americans are among them, but the British Empire can't run away." said Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu.

"Your Excellency is thinking too much." Betty said.

Afterwards, the regrouped Japanese main fleet completed the formation again. In the last period of time, the Japanese fleet was optimized. They shortened the distance between the main ships. At the same time, the speed of the fleet is reduced. After all, Betty is also a veteran, and he is aware of the wake problem of high-speed sailing. The destroyer detachment eliminated some small boats that were not very useful, leaving behind the elite new type of destroyers to accompany the main fleet attack. They did not rush in, but hidden in the night. At this time, Japan was completely silent. The fleet can even use the optical rangefinder to easily see the light of the fire from the other fleet in the mountain house when they bombarded the US positions.

The Japanese fleet is slowly moving eastward. The so-called hearing is false and seeing is believing. Before confirming that the other Yamaya fleet can lead away the main US fleet, Betty did not dare to rush in easily.

At this time, the U.S. fleet was rushing to the sea area where the incident occurred, and Benson and other top U.S. Navy officials were also preparing for the final engagement. They verified the information one by one and made arrangements.

"Is Su Xiong's fleet contacted?" Benson asked.

"Already contacted, General Su Xiong said that they will rush to the battlefield as soon as possible. At the same time warn us that there may be a problem with the model of the Japanese fleet." Ma Jifen said.

"I hope." Benson nodded and stopped struggling with this question. Unexpectedly, Benson felt that the other party had agreed too much. It was not like Su Xiong's style. After all, according to the previous communication habits of both parties, in tactics On the one hand, this admiral from the German High Seas Fleet always expresses some special points to highlight his sense of existence. But this time, seeing that it is about to fight the main force of the Japanese combined fleet, why did Su Xiong send such a telegram? And obviously I don’t understand the meaning of the second half. What is the problem with the Japanese fleet model?

Benson didn't understand, but obviously, he knew that he couldn't chat back and forth with Su Xiong on this issue...

However, according to intelligence reality, the distance between the two fleets is no longer far away. It is estimated that at most half an hour, the avant-garde of the two sides may encounter it. Benson naturally has no time to think about other things. A squadron of the U.S. Navy was killed by the Japanese! But now the Japanese are still attacking land targets. In this case, Benson has no choice but to fight!

"This is the latest position of the Japanese fleet." Ma Jifen marked the position of the Japanese fleet on the chart. From the picture, the Japanese fleet has already begun to move westward and may leave at any time.

"The fleet leans one more compass point westward to see if we can intercept them!" Benson said.

"I'm afraid I can't keep up with the speed. In fact, from a military perspective, if the Japanese were to run at this time, we would not be able to stop it, and the Su Xiong fleet would definitely be too late." Ma Jifen said.

"What did you say? General Majifen, repeat your words." Benson said solemnly.

"We can't stop the opponent." Ma Jifen hesitated and said.

"The second half sentence." Benson said.

"Su Xiong's fleet is definitely too late." Ma Jifen said.

"This may be the reason why Su Xiong promised so simply this He thinks we are doing useless work." Benson sighed. "But no matter what, even if it is only one percent possible, we must work hard to do it."

Benson now thinks he has a bit to understand Su Xiong's thoughts. In theory, the Japanese fleet is difficult to grasp. If it is facing the Japanese main fleet, it is difficult for the Americans to intercept, and the main fleet cannot keep up. Intercept with a destroyer, it's a praying man. The U.S. army lost this battle, and theoretically there is no possibility of finding a place. So the question is, why did Su Xiong come over?

"Regardless of him, I'll talk about everything after tonight. As a commander of the U.S. Navy, what I have to do now is to fight." After getting rid of distractions, Benson began to reset the fleet's course in order to catch the little bit of it. opportunity!

"The American fleet is here, they are trying to detour to cut off our retreat." In the command tower of the battleship Asagiri, a British officer said to others in the mountain house.

"How to be sure?" asked someone from the mountain house.

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