The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2573: First battle one

"Damn, I never thought that in this case, we would be the first to be exposed!" When he saw the flares that opened the parachute slowly falling from the sky, the dazzling light not only made him feel uncomfortable. , And even faintly felt the pain in my heart! The outstanding reconnaissance and systematic combat capabilities of the US Navy surprised others in Yamaya. He really did not expect that the Japanese would encounter such a not-so-good start under the circumstances of such careful planning!

"We found the Japanese fleet! A distance of 10,000 yards!" As soon as the flares fell, the American battleships that had shifted their positions discovered the Japanese fleet that had been killed. The original sneak attack instantly turned into an encounter, and it was more inclined. The encounter with the American army!

With the help of the servo equipment, a shell weighing more than 400 kilograms was sent into the chamber. In less than 25 seconds, the gunners of the US Navy completed the first firing cycle, accompanied by the roar of the heavy artillery. A dozen shells roared and flew to the Japanese warship in the distance! After dozens of seconds, the water column rising into the air fell on the track of the Japanese fleet.

"Is it called?" Togo Heihachiro looked at the impact of a shell that was 1,200 yards from the Japanese fleet! There was no wave in my heart, and I even wanted to laugh. This drop point can no longer be explained by the wear of the artillery or other technical reasons. The reason is very simple. At this time, according to the data displayed by the Japanese Navy's rangefinder, (according to the muzzle flame of the US battleship to determine the opponent's position .) At this time, the distance between the two parties should be around 8,500 yards. If someone looks at it from the perspective of God, the Japanese distance measurement is more accurate, while the American distance measurement will not say anything....

The Americans' rate of fire is still very fast. In the first few minutes, the American fleet poured a deadly bombardment on the distant Japanese fleet at a rate of more than 2 rounds per minute. However, unfortunately, on both sides When gradually narrowing the distance from 8,500 yards to 7,000 yards, the US fleet not only failed to make a hit, it did not even form a straddle! However, at this time, when the destroyers of the Japanese fleet fired flares, 4 American battleships were exposed to the Japanese guns!

"Quickly release the smoke, turn the whole fleet to 3 compass points, keep your distance!" When a bright colleague was in front of him, Colonel Lacey decisively issued an evasive order. At this time, six Japanese battleships appeared in his vision. At this moment, Colonel Lacey didn't mean to fight! His task is to delay time!

One by one, the smoking cans were opened, and the thick black smoke began to spread rapidly under the blowing of the sea breeze. The black fog formed a barrier between the two fleets. The Japanese fleet was barely carried out after two rounds of salvos. Forced to give up shooting temporarily.

"Order the destroyer detachment to move to the northeast to cut off the retreat of the American fleet. All battleships follow the flagship maneuver. We sail to the north and outflank the American fleet!" Others in Yamaya quickly issued an order.

The orders of others in the mountain house fully explained what a long illness is! In this small-scale engagement, the outflank attacks of the Japanese battleships and destroyers cut off the retreat of the American fleet, so that they could only turn to the north and evacuate again. More importantly, the Japanese forced the American fleet to the upper hand! Under this circumstance, the US fleet will soon escape the cover of smoke, and even if the smoke canister is used again, the effect will not be good because of the wind direction!

When the smoke cleared and the Japanese seaplane once again threw the flares above the head of the American fleet, everything was doomed, and the massacre officially began! The Japanese fleet composed of 6 quasi-dreadnoughts and 4 super-dreadnoughts launched the final attack like a pack of wolves in the hunt, and the three former American dreadnoughts bear the brunt!

"Azimuth 135, distance 7000 meters!" The battleship Hyuga first caught the former dreadnought of New Jersey. The flare turned the waters around this poor battleship into daylight. The parachute deployed could give this Fuso-class battleship up to 5 About minutes of lighting!

"Fire! Full volley!" With the command of the fire control officer, 10 15-inch heavy guns spewed out long fire dragons at the target at the same time! With a loud noise like thunder and flames and gun smoke covering the entire battleship, the massacre began!

At such a distance, the British 15-inch L42 artillery was almost parallel to the sea level, and more than 8 tons of artillery shells roared towards the distant target. A few seconds later, huge water jets enveloped this poor ship. Former Dreadnought! And when the second round of volleys were played, disaster finally came!

Two huge pillars of fire suddenly rose from the side of the battleship New Jersey, which was sailing fast! Two shells hit the front of the hull almost simultaneously, and one of them hit the bottom of the front main turret of the New Jersey! The 11-inch-thick Harvey hardened armor was useless in the face of such a powerful attack. The 15-inch armor-piercing bullet easily ripped the curved armor belt of the gun base and plunged into the dressing room under the turret!

So, at this moment, everything seemed to have entered slow motion. First, a dazzling yellow spot was produced after the bullet penetrated, and then in an instant the yellow spot expanded rapidly, with more than a dozen cannonballs. And tons of propellant were detonated in less than 1 second! With the violent explosion, the twin 12-inch turret weighing several hundred tons was directly blown up! Then the flames began to spread across the hull, the shock wave engulfed the fragments and tore everything that could be encountered around!

The continuous explosions made the warship tremble constantly, the hull wailed, and another shell went directly into the gun gallery, blasting a 175MM secondary gun together with the adjacent gunner to pieces. . At the same time, the violent explosion and impact will also clean up the damage management personnel who were preparing to be on the main deck. After two shells, the first half of this poor former dreadnought battleship has completely lost control.

The situation of the other two battleships is also not so good. The Georgia is the closest to the Japanese fleet. It was attacked by the three battleships of Asagiri, Tianwu and Mountain Fog. Although the three battleships used outdated 12-inch guns, With as many as 18 large-caliber artillery fired at close range, this poor American former fearless still has no power to fight back! From time to time, huge fireballs rose up on this poor warship. In the almost training environment, the Japanese navy’s artillery skills were incisively and vividly performed. At a distance of less than 6000 meters, the Asagiri battleship even made a round. A volley hits 3 shells at the same time!

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