The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2568: In battle

The advantage of this layout is that the US main fleet can take on the task of dispersal, while the German fleet can support anywhere in the inner circle at high speed.

However, if this is the case, Betty is really worried about what to do if the German fleet rushes out to give the Japanese when the Japanese fleet attacks the transport ships in the core area! Turn around and attack the German fleet? What if someone releases smoke to escape? This kind of containment is what makes the Japanese the most uncomfortable. The German fleet is like a wolf hanging behind you, making you frightened, but at the same time there is no way! Unless, the Japanese fleet can get a very good fighting situation and severely damage the Su Xiong fleet in the first time!

It is difficult for the weaker party to formulate a perfect combat plan, and even if the plan is perfect, there will be many loopholes in the implementation. From Betty’s point of view, the plan he developed is already very good, because the Japanese requirements are At such a high level, if you want to use this engagement to change the situation of the entire campaign, to do this, you must attack the transport fleet in the core area! In this case, how could the Japanese fleet not take risks? You can accuse Betty of hiding a lot of things in the plan, but one thing, Betty is right, that is, this plan is already the best choice!

Betty has already said very clearly, this time, the Japanese fleet may meet Su Xiong, which will bring great uncertainty to the entire plan. At the tactical level, how the Japanese and German fleets will fight each other is not what Betty can think of. After all, the battlefield situation is too complicated and he is not personally directing it. If you really run into it, you can only look at the performance of both sides.

In fact, from the perspective of God, Betty has analyzed the final deployment of the Virtue Fleet quite accurately. Betty has already thought about the possibility that the Su Xiong Fleet may be in the inner ring and the U.S. Fleet is in the outer ring. It is a pity that the deployment of Su Xiong's fleet is indeed the most annoying for the Japanese. In short, Su Xiong has made his best defensive posture at present, and Betty is the same, and in this case, the final result can really only depend on the fighting posture and on-the-spot performance of the two sides!

"Some people say that 70% of the commander's salary is for their performance on the spot, but I don't know what will happen to the Germans this time, and what will happen to the Japanese." Stetti said with a long sigh.

"What do you mean?" Betty raised her brow slightly, and he could feel that there was something in Steddy's words.

"If you were asked to do a multiple-choice question, which one would you choose between sinking Su Xiong's fleet and severely damaging the American transport fleet?" Stedi asked.

"Of course it is the latter. Our goal is to keep the war going, not to anger the Germans, or simply to avenge the Royal Navy officers and soldiers who were lost in the war. I can tell the difference." Betty said. Severe damage to the American transport fleet may make this American landing battle abort, or at least delay the entire battle for a few months. As long as the war continues, then the United Kingdom can continue to receive orders and money from the Japanese. This is the most important thing for Britain now.

And what if Su Xiong's fleet was hit hard or sunk? Maybe it can make Betty and others breathe out. It will also make Germans feel dull, but this is the worst situation for Japan! People want faces, trees want bark, let alone countries! Perhaps in the eyes of the Germans, the Americans' victory or defeat is not very important to them, but as a world power that has just reached the top, the Germans will take their face very seriously! The dignity and face of the empire need to be maintained with blood and fire!

If the Germans really take it seriously, let alone the terrorists of the High Seas Fleet or the Austria-Hungary Fleet, which together can fight two combined fleets, the Germans have drawn out hundreds of submarines that they stock and are about to be dismantled. Enough to make the Japanese collapse! In Betty's eyes, the German submarine is to some extent deadlier than the high seas fleet! What's more, this time, the German wolves are facing Japan, which is at least 2 grades worse?

Therefore, Betty knows very well that you must not provoke the Germans at this time, otherwise, the fleet of the Allied nations in the sky will squeeze the Japanese to the ground in minutes!

"Very well, let us work hard together and continue to fight the unfinished business. Perhaps this battle is the pinnacle of your military career! In a large-scale naval battle, command the inferior fleet to achieve your strategic goals. Our name It may be buried in the waste paper pile, but in the future, one day, history will give us a fair evaluation." Stetti said after a breath.

"Work together, all for the British Empire!" Betty said firmly.

And just as the Japanese fleet was preparing to take advantage of the inclement weather to launch an offensive, the Americans were also preparing for the final war, and they were also aware of the coming of war. At this time, the fleet that Thomas Fleet can mobilize is like this.

He personally led the main force of the U.S. fleet, under the jurisdiction of the first, second and fourth battleship squadrons, of which the first and second battleship squadrons are fully staffed, a total of 10 ultra-dreadnought battleships, the fourth battleship is the Florida USS , Utah, and Wyoming, one is missing, and this battleship Arkansas is temporarily incorporated into a former Dreadnought battleship detachment.

There are 9 ships in the former Dreadnought Fleet, two of which have temporarily left the theater due to coal and ammunition replenishment operations and the other 7 Dreadnoughts and the battleship Arkansas make up the sixth and seventh. Two battleship squadrons, one battleship squadron is responsible for fire support, and the other battleship squadron is responsible for night patrols, but the defensive area of ​​the night patrol fleet is in the east, far from the battlefield.

As for the core area, Benson did not forget the defensive mission here. He left the Su Xiong fleet here, while also leaving a cruiser detachment composed of 5 armored cruisers. The person who commanded the armored cruiser squadron is also relatively well-known, his full name is Major General Frankland Fletcher.

(Do you feel that this name is familiar? It's a bit close to the famous American naval officer Fletcher in World War II? Yes, you guessed it. Frank Jack Fletcher in World War II is the nephew of the above! , The article will use the old Fletcher to refer to Fred Fletcher, and the little Fletcher to refer to Jack Fletcher, eh.)

Therefore, this is the final deployment of the main fleets of the two sides before the war, and with the approach of the tropical storm, the first large-scale engagement between the United States and Japan is about to begin!

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